"We're full at the moment but we'll be able to seat you in half hour to an hour. Would you like to wait for a table?"
"Please put your name and phone number here. We will call you when your table is ready."
* full: いっぱい、満席
* at the moment: 只今
* seat someone: (レストランなどで)席にご案内する、席を与える
* wait for a table: (レストランなどで)テーブルが空くのを待つ
* name: 名前
* phone number: 電話番号
* call someone: 電話する
* table is ready: テーブルの用意ができる
また、「キャンセル待ち名簿に載せる」ことを be waitlisted と言います。
"Would you like to be waitlisted just in case?"
Would you like to wait?
The server might begin by saying, "All the tables are full. Would you like to wait?"
By asking, "Would you like to wait?" The server is asking if waiting for a table is something you want to do.
A server might also ask, after explaining there is a 15 minute or longer wait, "Are you willing to wait?" or "Do you want to wait?" This allows the customer to say, yes, they will wait, or no, they will go to another restaurant.
Would you like to wait?(待ちますか)
"All the tables are full. Would you like to wait?"
"Would you like to wait?" は「席が空くまで待つことを希望されますか」という意味です。
"Are you willing to wait?"
"Do you want to wait?"
I will call you when the next table is the available.
There are quite a few natural expressions you that you can use.
Examples :
Would you like to wait for a table?
I will call you when the next table is available.
We have no tables available, would you mind waiting?
The waiting period would be 30 minutes to an hour.
Please give me your number and I will call you when there is a table available.
Do you mind waiting for a table?
I hope this helps :)
Would you like to wait for a table?(席が空くのを待ちますか)
I will call you when the next table is available.(席が空いたらお呼びします)
We have no tables available, would you mind waiting?(現在満席です。お待ちになりますか)
The waiting period would be 30 minutes to an hour.(待ち時間は30分から1時間になると思います)
Please give me your number and I will call you when there is a table available.(電話番号を教えてください、席が空いたらお知らせします)
Do you mind waiting for a table?(席が空くのをお待ちいただけますか)
The waiting time for a table is thirty minutes to an hour!
When a restaurant is busy and you did not make a reservation or booking, then, unfortunately, you have to wait. The waiting time for a table is normally between thirty minutes to an hour. Some clients/customers do not mind waiting.
Client: I would like a table for two, please!
Waiter: We are fully booked at the moment but if you don't mind waiting, we will have a table available in about thirty minutes to an hour.
Client: Can we have a drink while we are waiting?
Waiter: Yes, you may sit at the bar and I will call you as soon as the table is ready.
Client: I would like a table for two, please!
Waiter: We are fully booked at the moment but if you don't mind waiting, we will have a table available in about thirty minutes to an hour.
Client: Can we have a drink while we are waiting?
Waiter: Yes, you may sit at the bar and I will call you as soon as the table is ready.
If you don't mind waiting for about 30 minutes to an hour, you can wait for a table.
Would you like to wait for a table?
Sometimes a restaurant can become full to the point where there are no more seats. In instances like this a waiter or waitress can ask customers who are waiting to be seated if they would like to wait for a seat. It is more polite to do this than to just leave them standing around.
Any of these two sentences are appropriate:-
1. If you don't mind waiting for about 30 minutes to an hour, you can wait for a table.
2. Would you like to wait for a table?
1. If you don't mind waiting for about 30 minutes to an hour, you can wait for a table.
2. Would you like to wait for a table?
The wait time for a table is about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Would you like to wait?
If so, please write your name and number down and we will call you when your table is available.
If a restaurant is full and there are no tables available, the "Wait time" means the time a person or group will have to wait to be seated at a table.
"If so" means, if their answer to the previous question is yes.
By saying "we will call you", it implies that someone from the restaurant will call, not necessarily you. If you are going to personally be calling them, then you could say "I will call you when your table is available".
レストランが満席の場合、"Wait time" は客が席に座るまでにかかる時間を指します。
"If so" は「直前の質問に対する答えがイエスなら」の意味です。
"we will call you" は「スタッフの誰かが呼ぶ」のニュアンスです(この "you" は「あなた」ではなく、一般的な「人」を指します)。
もし「自分」が呼ぶなら、"I will call you when your table is available"(席が空いたら、お呼びします)と言えます。
This expression is often said to customers who have walked into an establishment and the restaurant / bar is fully booked and there is no where to sit or even eat.
The term 'table' is used in this setting, ex. "Can I book a table for two people" and "Can you wait 30 minutes for a table".
'Would you like to wait for a table" is giving you the option to wait or to find somewhere else to eat or drink.
'table' はこの場面で使われます。
"Can I book a table for two people"(2人席を予約したいです)
"Can you wait 30 minutes for a table"(テーブルが空くまで30分待てますか)
"Would you like to wait for a table"(テーブルが空くのを待ちますか)では、待つかそれとも別のところで食べる(飲む)か相手に選ばせています。