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英会話のレッスンが終わって。 優しい先生だったので「緊張しないでレッスンを受けられました」 と伝えたいです。
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2019/03/22 16:39
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  • I was able to take the class without being nervous.

Megumiさん、ご質問ありがとうございます。 「~ しないで」というところは without で言えます。 「~られました」は I was able to ~ で表現できます。 1) How was the class? 2) The teacher was friendly, so I was able to take it without being nervous. ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I wasn't nervous during the lesson as the teacher put me at ease.

  • I wasn't nervous during the lesson as the teacher was very easy going

If, after an online English lesson, you want to tell your teacher that you were able to take the lesson without getting nervous, because the teacher was very kind, you can try using one of the above suggested statements.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Comfortable

  • Stress-free

  • Pleasant

"comfortable" or "stress-free" or "pleasant" are different words to describe that you did not get nervous I had a very comfortable lesson, thank you! Thank you, this lesson was stress-free! I enjoyed this lesson, it was pleasant!
"comfortable" や "stress-free" "pleasant" で、緊張しなかったことを表せます。 I had a very comfortable lesson, thank you!(すごく楽しくレッスンを受けられました。ありがとうございます) Thank you, this lesson was stress-free!(ありがとうございました。楽しくレッスンを受けられました) I enjoyed this lesson, it was pleasant!(レッスン楽しかったです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't nervous at all in today's lesson

  • You were very kind today and it didn't make me nervous in today's class

"at all" in this contexts it is describing you never got or would get nervous in this situation. "I wasn't scared at all" "I wasn't tired at all today"
"at all" はここでは、レッスンで「全く」緊張しなかったことを表します。 "I wasn't scared at all"(全く怖くなかったです) "I wasn't tired at all today"(今日は全然疲れていませんでした)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The teacher put me at ease during the lesson.

  • The teacher's presence put my mind at ease.

In American English, we often say that someone or something 'puts us at ease' when we feel relaxed in its presence, e.g.: 'The cat's purring put me at ease immediately.' 'Mind at ease' means that our minds relax into a sense of well-being the way snow falls gently on a rock; or the way a bound bundle of wheat drops when it is cut or untied. 'Presence' indicates the teacher's ability to be alert, relaxed and spontaneous during the lesson, e.g: 'Ichigo's presence was so strong that not even Ken-chan could defeat him.'
アメリカ英語では、誰かあるいは何かの存在が人をリラックスさせるとき、しばしば 'puts someone at ease' という言い方をします。 例えば: 'The cat's purring put me at ease immediately.'(猫が喉をゴロゴロ鳴らすのを聞いてすぐに気持ちが落ち着いた) 'mind at ease' は、雪が岩に優しく落ちるように、あるいは小麦の束がほどけるようにして、心が落ち着いた状態になっていくという意味です。 'presence' はレッスン中の先生の注意深さや落ち着き、臨機応変さを指します。 例えば: 'Ichigo's presence was so strong that not even Ken-chan could defeat him.'(Ichigoの存在感があまりに強く、Ken-chanでさえも負かすことができなかった)
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • My nerves were very calm today because of your kindness.

  • I'm normally on edge when I take a class, but today I felt relaxed. Thank you!

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you were able to take their class without getting nervous. In the second sentence you will see the term on edge. This means nervous or tense. This term would make a great addition to your vocabulary since it is commonly used in our everyday conversation.
上記二つの例文は、「緊張せずレッスンを受けることができた」と伝えるおすすめの言い方です。 二つ目の例文には 'on edge' というフレーズが使われています。これは「緊張した/ピリピリした」という意味です。このフレーズは日常会話でよく使われるので、語彙に加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I was able to complete the lesson because the teacher made me feel very calm.

  • I finished the lesson because the teacher reassured me that I was doing well.

These two phrases are similar but they are also very different. There are two parts to the sentences. Part 1 I was able to complete I finished These two parts of the sentences tell someone that something has been completed. Other words ford completed are: finished, done, Part 2 The second shows the reason why something was completed. the teacher made me feel very calm the teacher reassured me that I was doing well. The feeling of being calm is what one needs when working. Other words for calm are cool and fine. Reassurance of doing well also makes someone feel calm to continue.
これら二つの文は似ていますが、違いもあります。これらは二つのパートによって構成されています。 パート1 I was able to complete(完了することができた) I finished(終わらせた) これらのパートは、何かが完了したことを表します。 'completed'(完了した)を表す別の単語には 'finished' や 'done' があります。 パート2 二つ目のパートでは、それが完了した理由を示しています。 the teacher made me feel very calm(先生が落ち着かせてくれた) the teacher reassured me that I was doing well.(先生がうまくできているよと言って安心させてくれた) 心を落ち着かせることは仕事をする上でとても大切です。'calm'(落ち着いている)を表す別の単語には 'cool' や 'fine' があります。 うまくできているよと声をかけてくれると、心が落ち着きますね。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I was able to take the lesson without getting nervous

  • I didn't get nervous taking this lesson as the teacher was very kind

To be 'nervous' means to be upset, scared or frightened about doing something so if you didn't get nervous taking a class you would say 'I was able to take the lesson without getting nervous' or 'I didn't get nervous taking this lesson' by adding 'as the teacher was very kind' this explains why
nervous' は「動揺した/不安な/怖がった」という意味です。 授業中緊張しなかったなら、 'I was able to take the lesson without getting nervous'(緊張しないで授業を受けられました) または、 'I didn't get nervous taking this lesson'(緊張しないで授業を受けられました) と言えます。 'as the teacher was very kind'(先生が優しかったから)を加えると、理由を説明できます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I was able to take the lesson without getting nervous.

I was able to take the lesson without getting nervous. 緊張しないでレッスンを受けることができました。 without getting nervous で「緊張せずに」となります。 「緊張する」は: nervous 緊張している have butterflies in my stomach 緊張している、そわそわしている get the jitters 緊張する、そわそわする またいつでも質問してください。
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