世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英語で日記を書くことを習慣にしています。 美味しいカレー屋を見つけました。
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2019/03/30 21:48
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  • I found a really good XX restaurant.

  • I found a delicious XX restaurant.

◼︎キーワード 見つける = to find 例文) ①I found a really good XX restaurant. →すごくいい〇〇レストランを見つけた。 ②I found a delicious XX restaurant. →美味しい〇〇レストランを見つけた。
  • I found a fantastic restaurant!

  • I found a great place to eat!

I found a fantastic restaurant! Found - to discover (We discovered that we both are from Osaka.) Fantastic - really good (This is really good music.) I found a great place to eat! Great place - Somewhere that is really good. To eat - to enjoy a meal. You could also say, "I found a great place to get bubble tea." (Get - to buy/purchase) "I found a great place to buy an iced coffee." (Iced coffee - cold coffee with ice cubes)
I found a fantastic restaurant!(素敵なレストランを見つけました) Found - to discover(見つける) 例: We discovered that we both are from Osaka.(私たちがどちらも大阪出身であることが分かりました) Fantastic - really good(すごく良い) 例: This is really good music.(これは素晴らしい音楽だ) I found a great place to eat!(素敵なレストランを見つけました) Great place - Somewhere that is really good.(素晴らしい場所) To eat - to enjoy a meal.(食事を楽しむ) 次のように言うこともできます。 "I found a great place to get bubble tea."(バブルティーのおいしい店を見つけました) Get - to buy/purchase(買う) "I found a great place to buy an iced coffee."(アイスコーヒーのおいしい店を見つけました) Iced coffee - 氷の入った冷たいコーヒー
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I found a good restaurant

  • I came across a good restaurant

"I found a good restaurant" This is implying that you have 'found' a good restaurant, 'found' is the term used when discovering or finding something new to you. 'found' to be in the past tense context. "I came across a good restaurant" To 'come across' something implies that you have discovered or found something, this is in a more general and casual sense/saying.
"I found a good restaurant"(いいレストランを見つけました) →ここでは「いいレストランを 'found' した」と伝えています。'found' は新しく何かを見つけることをいいます。'found' は 'find' の過去形です。 "I came across a good restaurant"(いいレストランを見つけました) →'come across something' は 'find/discover something'(~を見つける)の意味ですが、より一般的でカジュアルな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I discovered a great restaurant.

  • I stumbled upon a nice restaurant.

  • I came across a cute restaurant.

There are a few ways to say "I found..." including: I discovered - to find something unexpectedly. I stumbled upon - like falling over a rock you didn't see, finding something unexpectedly. I came across - appearing. There are also a few ways to say "A good restaurant"including: A great restaurant / an awesome restaurant / an exquisite restaurant - better than just good. A nice restaurant / a cool restaurant - another way of saying good. A cute restaurant / a pretty restaurant / an instragrammable restaurant- nice in appearance.
"I found..."(私は...を見つけた)の言い方はいくつかあります。 例えば: I discovered → 思いがけず何かを見つける I stumbled upon → まるで石につまずくように、思いがけず何かを見つける I came across → 現れる "A good restaurant"(良いレストラン)の言い方もいくつかあります。 例えば: A great restaurant / an awesome restaurant / an exquisite restaurant → 単なる 'good' よりも良いレストラン A nice restaurant / a cool restaurant → 'good' の別の言い方 A cute restaurant / a pretty restaurant / an instragrammable restaurant →見た目の良いレストラン
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I came across a great restaurant!

  • I found it: a superb restaurant!

When writing in your diary that you found a good restaurant, you can use one of the above comments. You may like to use more emotive adjectives than 'good'.
日記に「おいしいレストランを見つけた」と書くなら、上記の文のどちらかを使ってみてください。'good' よりももっと強い感情を表す形容詞を使った方がいいかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I found this excellent restaurant.

I found this excellent restaurant - This would mean you found an extremely good restaurant. Example : " I found this excellent restaurant, You should try it".
I found this excellent restaurant これは「すごくいいレストランを見つけました」という意味です。 例: "I found this excellent restaurant, You should try it". (すごくいいレストランを見つけました、あなたもぜひ行ってみてください)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I found a good restaurant

  • I found a great place to eat

When saying that you like something then you would say it is 'good' or ;great' so you would simply say 'i found a good restaurant' you could also say 'i found a great place to eat' as a restaurant is where you go and eat a meal
何かが好きなことは、'good' または 'great' で表すことができます。 ですから、シンプルに 'I found a good restaurant'(いいレストランを見つけました)と言えます。 'I found a great place to eat' と言うこともできます。レストランは食べる場所(place to eat)ですから。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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