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2019/03/31 16:05
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  • Is breakfast included?

  • Does the hotel charge include breakfast?

  • Does it come with a complimentary breakfast?

「朝食付きですか」という聞き方はたくさんありますが、一番シンプルな聞き方は 質問のシーンでは初めの2つがいいかなと思います。 Is breakfast included? 朝食は含まれてますか。 Does hotel charge include breakfast? ホテルのチャージ(料金)に朝食は含まれていますか。 Does it come with a complimentary breakfast? 朝食付きですか。 *Does it/ that come with 〜=〜が・は付いていますか。 complimentary =形容詞の"無料の”( =free) ちなみにcomplimentaryを使いホテルで使える表現として complimentary wifi=無料wifi complimentary coffee=無料のコーヒーなどと言えると思います! お役に立てば嬉しいです。
Mako M 英語講師
  • Is there a complementary breakfast included with our stay?

  • Does this hotel serve breakfast, and if so, does it include any additional charges?

1. Another way to refer to something that is offered for free is by indicating that it is complimentary. If it is included, it will be offered without any additional charges. 2. It may be good to ask if the hotel serves breakfast up front if one does not want to leave the hotel every morning in order to eat, and that will establish the next question of whether there will be a charge for breakfast or not. If it "includes" a charge, it means that there will be an additional cost to eat at the hotel.
1. 「無料」は "complimentary" でも表すことができます。朝食が "included"(含まれている)なら、それは「追加料金なしで提供される」ということです。 2. 毎朝外に食べに行くのが嫌なら、前もって「このホテルでは朝食は出ますか」と確認しておくといいでしょう。そうしたら、次にそれが無料であるかどうか気になりますね。料金を "include"(含んでいる)なら、それは「追加料金がかかる」ということです。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Do you also provide breakfast?

  • Is breakfast also included with our stay?

  • Do you also provide a free breakfast with our stay?

When asking a hotel if breakfast is included you may say something like "Do you include breakfast with our stay?" or "Is breakfast provided for us as well?". By using the words "included" or "free" or "provide", this insinuates you asking if the breakfast is given for FREE or without any extra charge.
朝食がついているかどうかホテルに確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Do you include breakfast with our stay?"(朝食はついていますか) "Is breakfast provided for us as well?"(朝食はついていますか) "included" "free" または "provide" を使うことで、「無料で[追加料金なしで]朝食は提供されますか」というニュアンスになります。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • is there a free breakfast ?

  • Many hotels are now wooing tourists with free breakfasts...

Many believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day... Many hotels are now wooing tourists with free breakfasts. However, we need to ask when we book...Is there a free breakfast included in the booking price? It is always best to get clarity when booking anything and hotels are no exception. Keep things simple and just ask: Is there a free breakfast?
多くの人は朝食を「一日で最も大切な食事」と考えていますね。 最近は、お客さんを呼び込もうと多くのホテルが無料の朝食を提供しています。 ただ、予約をするときに確認しないといけません、「料金に朝食代は含まれていますか」 予約をするとき、確認をすることは重要です。ホテルもその例外ではありません。 シンプルに、次のように言いましょう。 Is there a free breakfast?(無料の朝食はついていますか)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Does my stay include breakfast?

  • Is breakfast included with my stay?

Is breakfast included with my stay? Does my stay include breakfast? - These sentences can be used to ask the receptionist at the hotel if you will be given breakfast as part of your stay.
Is breakfast included with my stay?(朝食はついていますか) Does my stay include breakfast?(朝食はついていますか) これらの文は、ホテルの受付で宿泊に朝食がついているかどうか確認するときに使うことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included with my booking?

  • Do you get a free breakfast including with all bookings?

So when you want to find out if breakfast is included in your booking then either of the above examples would be a good way of asking. Sometimes hotels charge you extra for breakfast,Lunch and dinner other hotels do an all inclusive which means its all included for free.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Is there complimentary breakfast?

  • Is breakfast included?

  • Does this rate include breakfast?

When checking in at a hotel and wanting to know if breakfast is free, I would say something like: "Is there complimentary breakfast?" or "Is breakfast complimentary?" Complimentary is a more formal way of saying free. You could also say something like: "Is breakfast included?" or "Does this rate include breakfast?" Any of these are polite and direct ways to ask. I hope this helped and that you get your complimentary breakfast! ;)
ホテルにチェックインするとき、朝食が無料かどうか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Is there complimentary breakfast?" "Is breakfast complimentary?" (朝食は無料ですか) "Complimentary" は "Free"(無料)のよりフォーマルな言い方です。 次のように言うこともできます。 "Is breakfast included?"(朝食は含まれていますか) "Does this rate include breakfast?"(この料金に朝食は含まれていますか) これらはどれも、直接的ですが丁寧な言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです、朝食が無料だといいですね!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included?

  • Does that include breakfast?

When staying at a hotel there are many options you can take from room only to all incusive with drinks so you might want to check to see if you get breakfast included in the price you are paying you could say 'is breakfast included?' or 'does that include breakfast?'
ホテルに泊まるときには、「部屋だけ」から「飲み物付きの全てが揃ったもの」までさまざまなプランがあります。 料金に朝食代が含まれているかどうか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 'is breakfast included?'(朝食は付いていますか) 'does that include breakfast?'(朝食は付いていますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included?

  • Does the rate include breakfast?

こんにちは。 下記のような言い方もできます。 ・Is breakfast included? 「朝食は含まれていますか?」 ・Does the rate include breakfast? 「料金に朝食は含まれていますか?」 include は「含む」という意味です。 rate は宿泊にかかった「料金」です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Is Breakfast included?

  • Do you charge for breakfast?

These two sentences are asking (usually in a hotel) if their breakfast will be included in the price that they have paid / or are paying for their room and stay to 'charge' for something implies you will have to pay for services, ex. "How much do you charge for a beer?".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included?

  • Is there an additional charge for breakfast?

Either of these questions will allow you to find out whether or not breakfast is included. You could also say something like "Does the price of my room include breakfast?" When breakfast is included, this is known as half board. Full board means that all meals are included.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included?

  • Breakfast is included, isn't it?

At a hotel upon check-in, you want to ask the front desk if breakfast is included. Any of the above suggestions should be adequate in this scenario. The second example is made with a statement followed by a question tag, 'isn't it?' In that case, the speaker believes the truth of the statement ('breakfast is included') and is asking for confirmation.
ホテルでチェックインするときに、朝食が付いているかどうかフロントに確認したいということですね。上記の例どちらも使うことができます。 二つ目の例は、平叙文に付加疑問 'isn't it?' が付いた形です。これは、話し手が自分の理解(=平叙文)について正しいかどうかを確認するときに使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included?

  • Does the charge include breakfast?

  • Is breakfast included in the cost of my stay here?

When you want to ask a hotel front desk assistant whether breakfast has been included in the cost of your stay at their hotel; then you may ask this in the following ways: -Is breakfast included? -Does the charge include breakfast? -Is breakfast included in the cost of my stay here?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Is breakfast included?

  • Does the room charge include breakfast?

Is breakfast included? 朝食はついていますか? こちらは定番の英語フレーズです。 Does the room charge include breakfast? お部屋の代金に朝食は含まれていますか? このようにたずねることもできます。 include は「含む」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ使ってみてください。
  • Is breakfast included?

・「Is breakfast included?」 (意味)朝食はついてますか? <例文>Is breakfast included?/ It's not. If you pay $20, there will be a breakfast buffet. <訳>朝食はついてますか?/いいえ。 $20払えば朝食ビュッフェがついてきます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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