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2019/04/09 10:16
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  • Boxing

ボクシングは英語でも boxing ですよ。

I saw the boxing work championships on tv the other day.
(先日 テレビで ボクシング世界チャンピオン戦 を見ました)。

Boxing is a dangerous sport.

My father loves boxing.


  • Sparring

  • Boxing

If these two men were practicing for the sport of boxing or any other combat sport, it is called sparring. That is pronounced: sp-are-ing

If the two components are in combat or competition, it is called boxing. This is pronounced with the short o sound.

Some examples are:
I often spar with my coach before the boxing match.
There is some confusion about who the current heavyweight boxing champion is.

Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Boxing

Boxing is a combat sport, where two competitors face off in a ring, there is also a referee there to make sure the fight is clean and the competitors are both safe. In this sport you wear padded gloves and the aim is to land punches on the opponent from the waist area and up in order to score points. The person who lands the most clean punches on the opponent wins the fight, another way to win a boxing match is by knock out, which means to knock your opponent unconscious from a punch.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • boxing

  • boxer

  • The boxers will box in a boxing match this weekend.

The sport where participants are only allowed to hit each other with punches is known as 'boxing.' The participants (fighters) are known as 'boxers.'

If the fighters are also allowed to use their legs to hit each other, the name becomes 'kickboxing'

The boxers will box in a boxing match this weekend.

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Boxing

Boxing is a competitive sport between two people, known as boxers. The fight or match takes place inside a boxing ring. Boxing is a combative sport and so the aim of the game is for the two boxers to throw punches at each other until one of them is either knocked out (cannot fight anymore) or one of them wins on points. During the fight, the boxers must wear padded gloves and there is always a referee in the ring to control the game.

Thalia T DMM英会話講師
  • Boxing

This sport is called boxing. Only hits with the fists are allowed, and never below the belt. Kickboxing is a similar variant but with the legs and feet also being able to be used to hit. Anything further than this and we would be talking about "Ultimate Fighting" with promotions such as the UFC, PRIDE, or RIZIN.

Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • boxing.

Boxing is a sport that involves two men or two women fighting against each other in a confined area known as a "ring". The match normally consists of 3 rounds in which a boxing referee will also be inside the ring to make sure no rules are broken during the game time. This is a very controversial sport to some as boxing matches normally result in someone getting hurt.

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Boxing.

  • Boxer.

"Boxing," refers to the sport of where two people fight each other while wearing big, "boxing gloves." The term for someone who does this as a sport or professionally would be called a, "boxer."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Boxing

Boxing is a sport where players fight with their fists.


  • Boxing is a very dangerous sport.
  • I love the boxing movie called 'Creed'.
  • Rocky is a very famous boxing movie.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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