I'll show you around Tokyo
I'll take you around Tokyo
Could you show me around NY? 案内してくれる?
I'll show you what Tokyo is all about
「① I'll show you around.」の意味は:「色々案内するよ」です。
「② Give you a tour」も使えますが、ニュアンスはちょっと堅苦しく、相手の期待を上げる効果があります。また、私としては「① I'll show you around.」の方がよりパーソナルなニュアンスが伝わります。
John: Julian, I was thinking of coming to Tokyo.
Julian: Yeah? I'll show you around. Take you around the old downtown area([色々案内してあげるよ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/22713/)。昔の[下町](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/967/)を案内するさ)
Take you around/ Show you aroundが最も使われる表現です。
Let me take you around my hometown when you come visit.
Let me introduce you to the beautiful city of Yokohama.
If you come to Japan, I'll take you to a lot of places.
If you come to Japan, I'll take you a lot of different places.
辞書でよく「いろいろ」を英語にすると「various」が出ますね。合っていますが、時には「various」にすると、ちょっと不自然な感じがします、私には。「a lot of」とはただの「多い」という意味ですが、こういう場合では英語で変動性が大切じゃなくて、ただの多さの方が大切じゃないかと思っています。
ポイント:行き先がはっきりしたところじゃない場合に、「I'll take you」の後、「to」があってもなくても大丈夫です。
OK: I'll take you a lot of places.
OK: I'll take you to a lot of places.
OK: I'll take you to Tokyo
XX: I'll take you Tokyo.
If you like, we could see some places together, if you have thje time?
Consort - a wife, husband, or companion
The sights - anything worth seeing; spectacle, famous places or buildings: "The sights of London."
Maybe also it's important not to be too pushy. This person may not want to be hijacked for the entire duration of their stay!
"If you like, we could see some places together, if you have time?"
Consort - 夫、妻、一緒にいる人。
The sights - 見る価値のある何か 有名な建造物や場所など。"The sights of London.":ロンドンの名所。
"If you like, we could see some places together, if you have time?" :良かったら一緒に回りましょうか?もしお時間があればですが。
I'd be happy to (do something)
Use this phrase to politely offer to do something.
For example, you can say this to someone who's visiting your company from another country:
"I'd be happy to show you around, if you'd like.?"
"I'd be happy to (do something)" 喜んで(何かを)致します。
"I'd be happy to show you around, if you'd like.?"
In this situation you can use any of these statements:-
1. I'll take you around if you come to Japan.
2. I'll show you around if you come to Japan.
If someone is coming to Japan for the first time, they may not be familiar with the country and they will need someone who knows Japan to show them around. If you want to offer this service to
your friend you can use any of these sentences.
1. I'll take you around if you come to Japan.
2. I'll show you around if you come to Japan.
I'll introduce you / give you a tour / show you around
You can say that you will be someone's personal tour guide and give them a tour.
"Please come to Tokyo! I can give you a tour of my city when you come. :)"
I'll introduce you / give you a tour / show you around (案内します)
あなたが "personal tour guide"(個人ツアーガイド)として案内しますという事が出来ます。
"Please come to Tokyo! I can give you a tour of my city when you come. :)"
(ぜひ東京に来てください。私の町を案内しますよ :))
"I'll show you the real Japan.", means that you will take that person to places that that only the locals or Japanese people know about.
"I'll take you to all the sites./ I'll take you sightseeing." means that you will show him/her to the most popular and important locations that should be seen on a trip to Japan.
"I'll show you the real Japan."
"I'll take you to all the sites./ I'll take you sightseeing."
Telling someone that you will be their personal tour guide when they come to Japan is something all us foreigners want to hear!
It means that you will take them to the best places your town or city has to offer and tell them what you know about it! Meeting a local and have them show you around is the best way to really see a city so I'm sure they'll love you for it!
"I'll be happy to show you around" This phrase would be said to someone who has never visited japan or is not very familiar with the place that you would be happy to show them around japan.
"I would love to take you sight seeing" Sight seeing would mean you will show them attractions around japan that are very popular.
"I'll be happy to show you around"(喜んで案内しますよ)
"I would love to take you sight seeing"(あなたを観光に連れて行きたいです)
"Sight seeing" は、日本の観光地を案内することを表します。
I can't wait to show you around' is a really nice phrase which shows that you will show your friend around, but that you are also really looking forward to them coming to see Japan. 'I'll show you all the great places to visit' is a phrase which says that you'll particularly choose some good spots in Japan for your friend to see. The phrase, 'we'll visit all the best places' also shows this, and specifies that you will enjoy Japan together.
I can't wait to show you around'(あなたを案内するのが楽しみ)は、すごく良いフレーズです。これは相手を案内するつもりであることだけでなく、それをすごく楽しみにしていることも表します。
'I'll show you all the great places to visit'(良い場所をいろいろ案内してあげる)は、特に日本の良い場所を選んで案内するという意味です。
'We'll visit all the best places'(素晴らしい場所をいろいろ案内するよ)も同じ意味ですが、ここでは「日本を一緒に楽しむ」と伝えています。
a tour guide is somebody who's job it is to show people around a new place and explain the area to them. saying that you will be somebody's tour guide means that you will do this job for them
"a tour guide" は、場所を案内し説明する仕事をする人をいいます。'I will be your tour guide' はこの仕事を「あなたのためにします」という意味です。
When visiting a new place, it is a great treat to have a friend who can personally show you around.
If you would like to show a friend around a city that is new to them, you can use the sentences above
Personal guide: someone who will personally see you around the place, show you the popular landmarks and give you tips on how to stay safe in that location.
Escort: guide
"If you come to Japan next month I will be your personal guide."
"I'll escort you around Japan if you decide to come over next month."
Personal guide: 個人的にその場所や人気の観光スポットを案内してくれたり、安全に旅行するコツを教えてくれたりする人
Escort: ガイド
"If you come to Japan next month I will be your personal guide."
"I'll escort you around Japan if you decide to come over next month."