このセリフを言う状況を考えると、「写真」を撮っていることは明らかなので、another photo や another picture と言ってもいいですが、その代わりの名詞として one もよく使われます。基本的は同じ名詞の繰り返しを避けるときに使われますが、明らかに何のことか分かっている場合には、実際に photo や picture などの名詞が話題に登場していなくても one が使われます。
説明が遅れましたが another は「もう1つの」という意味で、元々は an other (1つの他のもの)から生まれた単語だと言われています。そのため、the another のような言い方は冠詞が2つ付いていることになるのでできません。
「念の為に」は just in case で表します。日常会話でもけっこうよく聞きますので、ぜひ覚えておいてくださいね。建物の中でたまに見ますが、「火事のときには」のような、実際に火事が起きたときの避難の仕方の指示が書いている説明書きなどで IN CASE OF FIRE などと書かれていることがあります。in case of 〜 で「〜のときには」という意味があるんですね。
つまりこの case は日本語でも言う「ケースバイケース」の「ケース」と同じです。
take a picture で大丈夫です。
「もう」1枚ですので、a の部分をanotherにすると
for just in case を文章にくっつけてあげてください。
もし面倒でしたら、"Just in case!"と、
"Let's take two photos just in case!" and "I am going to take two photos.One of good luck!" are two good ways to say you will be taking a photo in addition to what has been asked of you.When you say : I am going to take two photos.One of good luck! ,this is a way to reassure the other person that you want to make sure that they don't lose the image they want to capture.
"Let's take two photos just in case!" and "I am going to take two photos.One of good luck!" are two good ways to say you will be taking a photo in addition to what has been asked of you.When you say : I am going to take two photos.One of good luck! ,this is a way to reassure the other person that you want to make sure that they don't lose the image they want to capture.
2. I'll take two photos and you can choose the best
1. Just in case ....= in the event of.....
"Just in case it rains later, please take your umbrella."
2. Here you offer to take 2 photos so person who is the subject of the photo may ahve a choice of 2.
1. Just in case ....= in the event of.....:...の場合
"Just in case it rains later, please take your umbrella." 後で雨が降ったときのために、傘をもっていってください。
2. 二枚とるから、どちらが良いか相手に判断してもらうときに使える表現です。
Let me take another one because better safe than sorry.
To be on the safe side, let me take another one.
We use the expression 'just in case' or 'to be on the safe side' to protect ourselves from any bad that could arise from a given situation. For example if I need to take the bus to somewhere, I will take more money than required because if I take the exact amount of money, and I arrive there to find out the bus fare has gone up, I will be in trouble.
'better safe than sorry' is a proverb(an old, wise saying) which means that rather be careful than do something and regret it later.
All these three expressions, with many others, can be used interchangeably.
'just in case' 又は'to be on the safe side'という表現を使って、その状況から生じるあらゆる不測の事態から自分の身を守ることが出来ます。例えば、どこかに行くのにバスに乗る必要がある場合、必要な額より多くのお金を持っていきます。というのも、もしお金をちょうどしか持っていなければ、目的地に着いて、バス代金が値上がりしていて、困ったことになることがあるからです。
'better safe than sorry' (用心するに越したことはない)は何かをして後で後悔するならもっと用心した方が良いという意味のことわざです。
I'm going to take a couple of photos so you have options
This is a good way to let someone know that you are going to be taking more than one photo so they can decide which one they like best.
The word "snap" can be used to mean taking a photo. "I'll take a couple of snaps so you have options" is something you can say. Or you can say "I'll take another photo just in case you don't like the first one"
この "snap" とは写真を撮るという意味になります。
"I'll take a couple of snaps so you have options"
"I'll take another photo just in case you don't like the first one"
I will take another photo just to be on the safe side.
I will take another photo just in case.
Sometimes photos do not come out the way you want them to come out. They may be blurred, the pose may not be the way you wanted it to be. So, to be on the safe side, you may ask the photographer to take another photo. Just in case the first photo did not come out the way you wanted it to be, the second one might be the you like.
So you may say:
I will take another photo just to be on the safe side.
I will take another photo just in case.
“I will take another photo just to be on the safe side.”
“I will take another photo just in case.”
We can say that we are going to take, "another photo," or we can use the verb, "extra," to also mean that we are going to take more photos to make sure that one of them turns out really good. We can also use the future tenses, "to go to," or also the auxiliary, "will."