世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




レッスン中に先生がパソコンを操作して、絵を表示させて問題を出してくださいますが、 表示されるまでに時間がかかり、答えられません。 答えがわからないから黙っていると思われてしまいます。 I can't seeというと、通信状態が悪く先生のことも見えないのだと思われてしまいます。 絵が表示されるまで少し待ってほしいのです。
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2019/05/02 13:38
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  • It's taking time for the image to show so please wait

  • Please hold on, the picture is taking a while to show

  • It's taking a while for the image to load, please bear with me

スカイプなら相手のパソコンに画像が表示されてるかどうか確認できる ようにはなってると思いますが待っていただきたい場合は please hold on などの表現を使うと良いです。 Please bear with me は一緒に我慢して(待って)下さいと言った感じに なります。 画像は image の他に picture と言っても良いです。 表示は show になりますが 画像をアップしてるなら load を使うのも良いと 思います。 時間がかかっているは taking a while と言う表現がおすすめです。
  • It takes a while for the image to show so please wait a sec.

  • It takes a while till the image is displayed properly so please wait a sec.

yuiさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 ・It takes a while for the image to show so please wait a sec. ・It takes a while till the image is displayed properly so please wait a sec. --- a sec = a second --- take a while = ちょっと時間がかかる お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • "Please wait, the image is taking a while to show"

  • "It might take a while for this image to load. Please be patient with me whilst I wait"

If you are in the middle of an online English lesson, and your teacher sends you an image, but it is taking a lot of time to load, and you want to inform the teacher of this, you could say either of the following: "Please wait, the image is taking a while to show" or "It might take a while for this image to load. Please be patient with me whilst I wait".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Hold on, please. My computer is being slow.

  • Just one moment, please because I'm waiting for the picture to load.

A common expression used to ask a person to wait is "hold on." It is also common to hear one say the computer is being slow for any function that takes a long period of time. Another way to ask a person to wait is the expression, just one moment, please.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, the image/picture is taking a while to load.

  • Sorry, I’m just waiting for the image/picture to load.

  • Sorry, I’m still waiting for the image/picture to load.

All of these examples let your tutor know that the image/picture is loading slowly. You could also say something like: Could you wait for a moment please? I’m still waiting for the image/picture to load.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Please wait, the image is taking a while to show.

  • I am still waiting for the image to load.

  • The image hasn't loaded yet.

When your teacher sends you an image and it is taking a while to show, you can let him / her know using a few useful phrases. You can start by telling your teacher to kindly wait, and explain that you cannot see the image. Let the teacher know that "it is taking a while to show" or that "the image hasn't loaded yet." Note: 'show' has lots of meanings such as a 'theatre performance' / show, or 'to show someone up' meaning to embarrass someone . But in this context, it means 'display,' 'appear,' or 'to be revealed.' You can also let him/her know you're waiting by saying "I'm still waiting for the image to load." Any of these examples are clear for your teacher, and he/she will wait patiently for you.
Georgia A DMM英会話講師
  • The image is taking a while to load up, hopefully it will load soon.

In this situation by just telling your teacher that the image is still loading they will understand that you are not ready to answer the question so that will be sufficient other wise you can still ask them to wait by saying something like: please wait one moment, the image is still loading.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • The image is taking awhile to load.

  • The image is taking awhile to appear.

  • The image is taking awhile to show.

Here are three different phrases that we can use to express that the image is loading slower than usual. Notice that the main differences are between the usage of verbs between, "to load," "to appear," or, "to show."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, it's uploading rather slowly

  • It should be with me in a moment

  • I can see you are sending seems to be coming....

The image you are uploading is taking some time and you wish to explain that to your teacher and ask the teacher to wait. Well, it is not necessary to ask the teacher to wait. The teacher is in a class with you and will not go anywhere until the class is over. Either of the above suggestions seems quite appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please wait? The picture is just loading.

  • The picture is loading, so please wait a minute.

  • Please wait a second, the picture is just loading.

Could you please wait? The picture is just loading. The picture is loading, so please wait a minute. Please wait a second, the picture is just loading. When you want to let the teacher know during a lesson that you would like them to wait because the picture that they sent is still loading, you can use one of these three sentences. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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