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まず、空港について両替をしたいとき。 空港の人に聞きたい。
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2016/04/29 13:31
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  • Where is the exchange counter?

  • Where can I exchange money?

exchange counter は両替所です。あとは Where can I exchange money? (どこで両替できますか?)という聞き方でもいいと思います。 また、両替所で、例えば円からドルに替える時は、I would like to change from yen to dollars (円をドルに替えてください)と言います。 Have a safe trip!:行ってらっしゃい!
  • 1. Excuse me, where is the exchange counter?

  • 2. Excuse me, do you know where is the exchange counter?

一番シンプルな言い方はWhere is the exchange counter?になると思います。 また、人に尋ねる際は最初に「Excuse me(すみません~)」と一言入れてから声をかけるとより丁寧な印象になります。 1.Excuse me, where is the exchange counter? 「すみません、両替所はどこですか?」になります。 2. Excuse me, do you know where is the exchange counter? 間にdo you know?を入れることで、 「すみません、両替所はどこにあるか知っていますか?」という意味になります。
  • Where is the currency exchange office?

  • Please show me where the currency exchange office is?

  • Excuse me, do you know where I can find the currency exchange office?

The noun 'currency' used here is the system of money used in a particular country, such as the Yen in Japan and the Dollar in the United States of America. One currency can be exchanged for another at a currency exchange office. For example, you can exchange the Dollar for the Yen and vice versa. So, you may ask: Where is the currency exchange office? or Please show me where the currency exchange office is? or Excuse me, do you know where I can find the currency exchange office?
ここで言う'currency'(通貨)という名詞は、ある特定の国で使われる貨幣体系のことです、例えば、日本の円、アメリカのドルのようなものがあります。ある通貨は、両替所で他のものと交換できます。例えば、ドルを円と交換できますし、その逆もまた可能です。 このように尋ねると良いでしょう。 例文 Where is the currency exchange office? 両替所はどこですか? Please show me where the currency exchange office is? 両替所はどこか教えてもらえませんか? Excuse me, do you know where I can find the currency exchange office? すみません、両替所がどこにあるかご存知ですか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Where is the Bureau de Change?

  • Please tell me where the currency exchange is?

  • Do you know where the money exchange place is located?

In British English, we use the French term 'Bureau de Change' for a place where you exchange currency. 'Change' in this instance, is pronounced in the French accent: 'Shonge'. In American English they call it a 'currency exchange'. As an airport deals with international travellers, they should know what you mean regardless of which term you use, except if you were in America, and then I suggest using 'currency exchange'. In UK airports they would definitely understand any of the examples given above.
イギリス英語では、フランス語から来た'Bureau de Change'を両替所という意味で使います。  'Change' はフランス語の発音で 'Shonge'のように発音します。 アメリカ英語では、 'currency exchange'と呼びます。 世界を飛び回る人にとっては、どちらの言い方を使うか考慮したほうがいいでしょう。アメリカにいるのなら、 'currency exchange'、イギリスなら 'Bureau de Change'は確実に理解してくれるでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Where is a currency exchange?

単にmoney exchangeだけでも、currency exchange; 通貨交換=両替所という意味で使われます。 10万円ってUSドルでいくらですか? How much is 100,000 yen in US dollars? 空港の両替って高いですよね。背に腹は代えられないですけど。
  • Where may I change my currency please?

  • Where is the bureau de change?

  • Where can I exchange foreign currency please

'Bureau de change' is the traditional French phrase, widely used in the UK for such offices. 'Currency exchange' is another alternative.
Bureau de change' はフランス語の伝統的なフレーズで、イギリスでもそういったオフィスを指すのに広く使われています。Currency exchangeはその別の言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Pardon me,where can I find the foreign exchange counter?

  • Could you please show me where the foreign exchange counter is?

"Pardon me,where can I find the foreign exchange counter?" You are politely asking for directions to the available foreign exchange counter, pardon me = excuse me "Could you please show me where the foreign exchange counter is?" You are asking someone to either walk with you and physically show you or give you accurate directions to get there on your own.
"Pardon me,where can I find the foreign exchange counter?" どこに両替屋さんがあるのか丁寧に尋ねる表現です。 pardon me= excuse me "Could you please show me where the foreign exchange counter is?" 一緒についてきてほしかったり、ひとりでどうやっていけばいいのかを具体的に示してほしい名合に使います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Bureau de Change

  • Money Exchange

example "can you direct me to the bureau de change". or "can you point me in the direction of the money exchange".
例: "Can you direct me to the bureau de change?" 両替所まで案内してもらえますか?  "Can you point me in the direction of the money exchange" 両替所の方向を教えてもらえますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I get money exchanged?

  • Where is the money exchange counter?

Here is an example of a dialogue: excuse me sir, where is the money exchange counter? So you need to walk past the food court, then you will see it on your right. Okay great, thank you so much! Your're welcome!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, where can I change currency?

  • Pardon me, but is the exchange office nearby?

  • Hello, could you please walk me to the exchange office?

"Excuse me, where can I change currency?"- This is a way of drawing the staff member's attention. We usually say "excuse me" when we are being polite and want the person to help us. "Currency" refers to the kind of money that the country is using (USD, ZAR, AUD etc) "Pardon me, but is the exchange office nearby?"-Pardon is directly translated from French and it is another way we can say "excuse me" in English. The phrase "exchange office" is commonly used to refer to exchanging currency/ types of money. " Hello, could you please walk me to the exchange office?"- This is different from the previous two suggestions, because in this sentence you are asking the person to guide you instead of them just pointing the way to you.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I go to exchange money?

  • Do you know where I can go to exchange money nearby?

If you were at the airport and wanted to know where you can go to find a money changer, you can say something like "Do you know where I can go to exchange money nearby?". This is a really polite and easy way to ask someone where you can go to exchange money at an airport.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the money exchange desk?

  • Where can I exchange money?

The main difference between the two has to do with what you're asking. The first example talks about the location of the, "money exchange desk," whereas the other is asking the question of where, "I," can exchange money.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I find the money exchange counter?

  • Could you please point me in the direction of the exchange counter?

You could use any of the above two questions to ask where you can exchange your money in an airport. - Where can I find the money exchange counter?; means you are asking for direct and exact directions. - Could you please point me in the direction of the exchange counter? ; means you are just looking for one point of direction and from there on you will find your own way.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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