I know that it would end so if I act like this, but I have to. That's the Japanese spirit called "yamato-damashii".
I know that it would end so if I act thus, but I can't help but doing this. That's the Japanese spirit called "yamato-damashii".
【回答1】I know that it would end so if I act like this, but I have to. That's the Japanese spirit called "yamato-damashii".
like this で、「このように」。
have to ~ で、「しなくてはならない」。
【回答2】I know that it would end so if I act thus, but I can't help but doing this. That's the Japanese spirit called "yamato-damashii".
回答1とほぼ同じ文章ですが、thus「このように」は、like this よりややフォーマルな表現です。can't help but ~ で「せずにはいられない」という表現です。
The indomitable spirit of Japan compels us to action, even when we know it invites certain consequences.
The indomitable spirit of Japan compels us to action, even when we know it invites certain consequences. と言えます。「indomitable spirit」は屈せず、折れない精神を意味し、「compels us to action」は我々を行動に駆り立てるという意味です。このフレーズは、結果が分かっていても、日本人としての魂に突き動かされて行動せざるを得ない状況を描写しています。