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2019/05/29 23:21
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  • I saw that you had a high rating so I wanted to try taking some lessons with you.

"I saw that you had a high rating so I wanted to try taking some lessons with you. "

* see: 見る、認識する
* high rating: 高評価
* want to: 〜〜したい
* try: 試す
* take a lesson: レッスンを受ける
* with: 〜〜と
* you: あなた


  • I wanted to take a class with you because I saw your good reviews.

  • I wanted to try a class with you since you have such good ratings.

If you are searching for a teacher on DMM, there may be a lot of great options for teachers. It is difficult to decide who to choose! So we may decide to choose the teacher based on their ratings or reviews.

If we would like to mention this to our teacher when we book a class with him/her, we can use a few different expressions such as:
1) I wanted to take a class with you because I saw your good reviews.
2) I wanted to try a class with you since you have such good ratings.

Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I saw that you had a very good rating so I wanted to take your class.

  • I wanted to take a lesson with you because of your good reviews.

You can "very good rating" or "high rating" to show that the tutor has mostly positive remarks about her classes.

You can also use "reviews" as a way to refer to a tutor's reputation in the lessons.

Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I chose to take your lesson because I saw that you have a good rating.

This sentence keeps it simple and lets your tutor know why you chose their lesson. You could also say something like: it was your good reviews that made me decide to take your lesson.

Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • I booked this lesson due to your good reviews

  • On the basis of your profile ratings, I booked this class

During an online English lesson. you wanted to/decided to take this teacher's lesson because you saw his/her good reviews/rating
You wish to explain that. In that case, one of the above suggestions should be fine.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Due to...In view of...

  • I can only say my choice was mainly due the outstanding reviews you had as a teacher...

Due as a direct result of something! The consequence or outcome;-)
In view of...because I saw something; is also applicable here.
We often make decisions based on the third-party reviews and its a great indicator of unbiased opinions: In view of so many positive reviews, I felt secure in making the choice to take your lessons!

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I wanted to take your lesson after seeing your high rating.

  • rating (n)

  • review (n)

A 'rating' or 'review' is a number or written opinion that corresponds to a person's opinion of a product or service. Therefore, you can use this word if you want to say that you used a service (ie taking a lesson) because of other people's opinions:

I wanted to take your lesson after seeing your high rating.
I wanted to take your lesson after seeing all of the positive reviews.

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • "I wanted to take your lesson because I saw your good reviews/rating"

  • "You have great reviews, this made me want to take your lesson"

If you were in the middle of an online English lesson, and you wanted to take this teacher's lesson because you saw that they have good reviews, you could say any of the following to express this: "I wanted to take your lesson because I saw your good reviews/rating" or "You have great reviews, this made me want to take your lesson".

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I chose your lesson because of your good reviews/ratings.

  • I picked your lesson because of your good reviews/ratings.

  • I took your lesson because of your good reviews/ratings.

Here are three sentences that we can use interchangeably to talk about why we chose a certain teacher because of the reviews that they had. Notice that all three are used with very similar words with the main difference being between the verbs, "to choose," "to pick," and, "to take," in the past tense.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Your rank given by your former students encouraged me to choose your lesson.

  • I was so impressed by your high score that I decided to book your class.

A rank is another term used that means the level of quality someone or something has. A high rank means that a good grade has been given based on performance.

I person who is graded at a top-level will also have a high score. A score is a numeric measure that defines how well or poorly someone or something did.

Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I saw that you have a high rating, so I wanted to take a lesson with you.

When someone has a high rating it means that others have been giving them a good score based on their performance as a teacher. When someone has good reviews it means that students have been giving them good/positive comments based on their performance as a teacher.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
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