お店の人に質問「お客さんは(一日に)、どれくらい来るんですか?」 お店の人「う~ん、誰も来ない時もあれば、10人くらい来る時もあるし、日によるね。」=Let me see, somedays no one comes, and somedays about 10 peaple. It depends on a day.で可?
Let me see, some days no one comes, but other days we might get 10 people or so. It depends on the day.
Let me think. There are days when no one comes and other days we could have up to 10 people or so. Everyday is different.
1) Let me see, some days no one comes, but other days we might get 10 people or so. It depends on the day.
最初に some days と使っているので、some days とまた繰り返す代わりに other days としてあげるともっと自然になりますよ。
「日による」は It depends on the day.
2) Let me think. There are days when no one comes and other days we could have up to 10 people or so. Everyday is different.
There are days when ... and other days... のようにも言うことができます。
「日による」は Everyday is different.「毎日違う」のようにも言えます。