It took me four months to be able to converse naturally in English.
It took me four months to feel confident in English.
"It took me four months to be able to converse naturally in English."
"It took me four months to feel confident in English."
* take (me): 〜〜かかる、(自分が〜〜するのに)〜〜の期間を要す
* four: 4
* months: ヶ月
* be able to: 〜〜が出来る
* converse: 会話する
* naturally: 自然に
* in English: 英語で
* feel: 感じる
* confident: 自信
"feel confident in English" で「英語を使うことに自信を持つ」や「英語で話すことに自信を持つ」の意味になります。
I started to become able to enjoy conversations with friends from English-speaking countries 4 months after I started to study in ○○.
I started to become able to enjoy conversations with friends from English-speaking countries 4 months after I started to study in ○○.
friends from English-speaking countriesの部分をlocal friendsに変えても良いでしょう。