Watching football, this can be done on the television at home, or in a pub, or you can go to the football club, also called a ground or if very big then it can also be called a stadium.
When we go and watch football at a ground or stadium we are not the only ones there so we are part of a crowd.
This crowd of people who are watching football (or any other event) are known as the spectators.we are a spectator in a crowd or we are spectating.
Look at all those spectators.
There are thousands of spectators at the match today.
"Watching football" は、家やパブのテレビで試合を見るときや実際にスタジアムに行って見るときをいいます。
サッカーの試合などの観衆のことは "spectators" といいます。"spectating" は「(スポーツを)観戦する」という意味です。
Look at all those spectators.(あの観衆を見て)
There are thousands of spectators at the match today.(今日の試合には何千という観客が集まっている)
Watch- the acting of viewing something (on tv or in person at an arena or stadium)
Let's watch the game at my place!
(this is an invitation for someone to join you and your house and watch a sports game together.)
The game- (implies whatever game is going on at that moment)
Let's watch the game at my place!(うちで一緒にゲームを見よう)
The game- その時にやっている試合のこと。
If you are watching a football/soccer game and want to explain this to someone, you can say something like "I am watching a soccer/football game on tv." or "I went to the football stadium to watch the match.". A stadium is a place where you go to watch football matches.
"I am watching a soccer/football game on tv."(テレビでサッカーの試合を見ています)
"I went to the football stadium to watch the match."(サッカーの試合を見にスタジアムに行きました)
"stadium" はサッカーの試合を見に行く所です。
There are a number of terms/phrases one can use to describe the act of watching soccer (or any sport): one such word is to "spectate" which refers to the act of watching something.
You may use the above terms/phrases in the following ways:
-I like to watch soccer on weekends.
-Sam is watching soccer and will not be joining us at the party.
-The spectators at the soccer match were cheering for their favorite players.
「サッカー(あるいは他のスポーツでも)を見る」の言い方はいくつかあります。その一つは "spectate" です。これも「見る」という意味です。
-I like to watch soccer on weekends.(週末はサッカーを見るのが好きです)
-Sam is watching soccer and will not be joining us at the party.(サムはサッカーを見るから、パーティーには参加しません)
-The spectators at the soccer match were cheering for their favorite players.(サッカーの試合中、観客はひいきのチームに声援を送っていました)
The act of watching soccer (going to a soccer stadium or watching the sport at home) is most commonly referred to in English as any of the following: "to watch soccer", "watching soccer" or "spectating soccer".
Example: I can't wait to watch soccer tonight on the television.
「サッカーを見る」は英語では "to watch soccer" "watching soccer" または "spectating soccer" と表せます。
I can't wait to watch soccer tonight on the television.