"What time are you getting here?" または,"What time are you arriving?"
what time = 何時
get here = ここに着く
arrive = 到着する
"When are you getting here?"
ただ,時間ではなく "soon" または "I'll be there in a minute" とアバウトな答えが返ってくるかもしれません.
How long will it take for you to travel here, and what time do you plan to set off ?
Do you know the E T A (Estimated time of arrival) ?
The first suggestion asks for the likely time the person will be arriving at the designated place for the meeting; but also suggests by saying "... can I expect..." that you may need the answer in order to fit in with you schedule / plan.
The second suggestion simply asks for the journey time involved in the person traveling to the designated location, and the time they plan to start the journey ("set off"); then of course allowing you to have a good idea of exactly when they will likely arrive.
The final suggestion uses the very common abbreviation 'E.T.A', & it is more rare actually to use the unabbreviated form; unless you are in a very formal situation.
最初の例は、どのくらいでその人が合う場所に着くかを尋ねるフレーズです。また、"... can I expect..." ということで、予定を合わせるために答えを言う必要があるかもしれません。
最後の例は、一般的な省略形 'E.T.A'(予定到着時刻)です。とてもフォーマルな場にいない限り省略ではない形の方がよく使います。
Use the sentences above to find out how long it will take for someone or a group of people to arrive at a certain destination.
"Are you nearly here?"
"How much longer till you arrive?"
"Are you almost here?"
"How long till you're here?"
"Are you nearly here?"
"How much longer till you arrive?"
"Are you almost here?"
"How long till you're here?"
There are so many ways of asking this question. Should you want to be more formal, then you could say What is your estimated time of arrival? You could also change the I to we. What time can we expect you?
この質問の仕方はたくさんありますが、よりフォーマルに言いたいなら、What is your estimated time of arrival? (到着予定時間は何時ごろですか?)と言うことができます。また、Iを weに変えて、 What time can we expect you?(何時ごろ到着しますか?)と言うこともできます。
At what time will I have the pleasure of being in your presence?
At what time will you bless me with your presence?
The two above phrases may be used in either a sarcastic or flattering way. It is an indirect way of asking when someone is going to arrive.It is definitely not a common way of doing it; however, it is another option.
There are many ways to ask this question. Here are a couple of examples.
1. "What is your current eta?" (Meaning, right now when do you expect to be here?) We use the word current to know at the moment what time you plan to arrive. You can use this expression with friends.
ETA - Estimated time of arrival
2. "What time will you arrive?" This expression works better in a professional environment, though you can use it with friends and family. But it sounds more polite than the first example. It is asking when a person will arrive or get to a location.
1. "What is your current eta?"
ETA - Estimated time of arrival(到着予定時間)
2. "What time will you arrive?"
I don't like having to wait on friends, but sometimes I have to. I sometimes use the following sentences to ask about their arrival time.
1. What time will you get here?
Example: Helle Jane, I have arrived at the bus stop, what time will you get here?
2. How long do I have to wait for you?
Example: I have been wating for ten minutes already, how long do I have to wait for you?
3. When will you arrive?
Example: I would like our arrival times to be the same, can you tell me, when will you arrive?
1. What time will you get here?(何時に着きそう?)
Hello Jane, I have arrived at the bus stop, what time will you get here?
2. How long do I have to wait for you?(あとどのくらいで着くの?)
I have been wating for ten minutes already, how long do I have to wait for you?
3. When will you arrive?(何時に着きますか?)
I would like our arrival times to be the same, can you tell me, when will you arrive?
・When will you get here?
・What time will you arrive?
arrive は「到着する」という意味の英語表現です。
All three of these questions can be used in the same way to have the same meaning, but use three different first.
First it should be mentioned that all three of these phrases uses the future tense with the modal, "will."
-To get / to arrive : These two discuss and are used to talk about the action of finally reaching a particular location.
-To be : This is used to describe being at a location in general.
Ex :
Jane : Hey bob will you be here soon?
Bob : Yes Jane, I am 5 minutes away!
これら三つは全て法動詞の "will" を使った未来時制の文です。
-To get / to arrive
-To be
Jane : Hey Bob will you be here soon?(ボブ、もうすぐこっちに来るの)
Bob : Yes Jane, I am 5 minutes away!(うん、5分で着くよ、ジェーン)
1. How far away are you?
This is also another way of asking when they will be
arriving.When you ask how far away, youdo not
expect the person to respond by giving the distance,
but rather the time.An appropriate answer would be
something like:"I'm 10 minutes away." or "There was
some heavy traffic on the M3 so I'm about 20 minutes
away, sorry!"
2. When do you expect to get here?
This is just another way of asking your friend to give
you an approximate time of when they'll be arriving
at the meeting spot.
1. How far away are you?(今どこにいるんですか)
これでも、いつ到着するかを確認できます。"how far away" は「距離」でなく「時間」を尋ねる質問です。
"I'm 10 minutes away."(あと10分で着きます)
"There was some heavy traffic on the M3 so I'm about 20 minutes away, sorry!"(M3が混んでいたから、あと20分くらいかかる。ごめん)
2. When do you expect to get here?(いつ頃着きそうですか)
Your example is a good one, although, I wrote one more, so you have more options to choose. Example: " I want to meet you at the airport. When will you get there?"
"I want to meet you at the airport. When will you get there?"(空港で会いたいです、いつ到着しますか)