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2019/06/18 11:36
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  • snowy mountain

「雪」(名詞)はsnowですが、「雪」という意味の形容詞はsnowyです。「雪山」、「雪景色」というようなときに使います。 例 北海道の雪山は美しいです。 The snowy mountains of Hokkaido are beautiful.
  • Snow-covered mountain.

  • Snow Mountain

  • White mountain

Snowy mountains are mountains that are covered in snow. You can use the words above to describe a mountain filled with snow. Snowed mountains are great for skiing and many other snow sports. The snow needs to be combed down and leveled before it can be used for snow activities, if it is not combed or leveled then it is not safe to be on. "I love how white snowy mountains look." "I love skiing down snow mountains."
Snowy mountainsは、雪山のことを指します。雪をかぶっている山のことを説明するのに、これらの例を使うことができます。  雪山は、スキーやその他のスノースポーツをするのに最高ですね。雪は、それらのアクティビティーの前には、整備される必要があります。整備されなければ、危険な場所となります。   "I love how white snowy mountains look." (雪山がとても白く見えるのが大好きです。) "I love skiing down snow mountains." (雪山をスキーで降りていくのが大好きです。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Snow covered mountain

  • Snow peaked mountain

  • Snowy mountain.

A mountain covered in snow can be described in several ways, such as:- 1. Snow covered mountain. Example: ln winter season there are many snow covered mountains in Alberta. 2. Snowy mountain Example: l like to go skiing on the snowy mountains. 3. Snow peaked mountain Example: Only professional climbers can climb snow peaked mountains.
「雪に覆われた山」は次のように表すことができます。 1. Snow covered mountain.(雪山) 例: In winter season there are many snow covered mountains in Alberta. (アルバータでは冬になると多くの山が雪に覆われる) 2. Snowy mountain(雪山) 例: I like to go skiing on the snowy mountains.(雪山にスキーに行くのが好きです) 3. Snow peaked mountain(雪山) 例: Only professional climbers can climb snow peaked mountains.(雪山登山ができるのはプロの登山家だけだ)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • A snow covered mountain.

  • A ski mountain.

If you are trying to explain a snow covered mountain and are trying to describe this to someone, you can simply say “There is a snow covered mountain.” Or “A mountain covered with snow.”. Both are easy and polite ways to describe this.
「雪に覆われた山」を説明したいなら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 “There is a snow covered mountain.”(雪に覆われた山がある) または “A mountain covered with snow.”(雪に覆われた山) どちらもシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • A snow-covered mountain.

  • A snowy mountain.

  • A snow-capped mountain.

"A snow-covered mountain." 'Snow-covered' is a compound adjective referring to anything which has snow on it. "A snowy mountain." Snowy is a regular adjective which means having lots of snow. "A snow-capped mountain." This is another compound adjective which means that the top of the mountain is covered in snow.
"A snow-covered mountain." 'Snow-covered' は「雪に覆われた」という意味の複合形容詞です。 "A snowy mountain." 'Snowy' は「雪の多い」という意味の普通の形容詞です。 "A snow-capped mountain." 'Snow-capped' も複合形容詞です。「頂上が雪で覆われた」という意味があります。
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • "snowy mountain"

  • "white mountain"

  • "snow covered mountain"

If you wanted to describe where you ski/snowboard, and it is a mountain that is covered in snow, you could say any of the following: "snowy mountain", "white mountain" or "snow covered mountain". All three of these phrases adequately describe this mountain which you ski/snowboard on.
雪山でスキーやスノーボードをするのですね。で、この「雪山」の言い方を知りたいと。 「雪山」は、次のように言えます。 "snowy mountain"(雪山) "white mountain"(雪山) "snow covered mountain"(雪山)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Snow-covered mountain.

  • Snow-clad mountain.

A snow-covered or snow-clad mountain means that the entire mountain is encased (covered or wrapped) in snow which makes it perfect for popular winter activities like skiing and sledding.To sled means to slide downhill over the snow by using a sledge (a snow vehicle).
snow-covered / snow-clad mountain' は山全体が雪に覆われている状態をいいます。スキーやスレッディングにはうってつけですね。スレッディング(sledding)は雪山をそり(sledge)で滑る遊びをいいます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Snowy/snow/white mountain

  • Snow-covered mountain

I would recommend you to use any of these sentences. They should provide you with the best explanation for the Japanese translation. Example: " I love to visit the local mountains near my village. These snow-covered mountains are the best for snowboarding"; " My family always go to Italy to enjoy snowy mountains."
上のフレーズのどれかを使ってみてください、「雪山」を説明できると思います。 例: "I love to visit the local mountains near my village. These snow-covered mountains are the best for snowboarding" (村の近くにある山に行くのが好きです。そこは雪に覆われていてスノーボードにうってつけです) "My family always go to Italy to enjoy snowy mountains." (私の家族はいつもイタリアの雪山に旅行に行きます)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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