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2016/01/24 17:51
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  • It is dangerous to climb snowy mountains.

It is dangerous to climb snowy mountains. ↓ It is dangerous 危険です to climb 登るのは snowy mountains. 雪山に
  • Climbing Snowy Mountains is dangerous.

  • It’s dangerous to climb snowy mountains.

雪山登山は危険ですは、看板に書いてあるように読みました。 もし一般的な告知で看板に書いたりすると前者の Climbing Snowy Mountains is Dangerous がオススメです。このフレーズはストレートな感じです。 たとえば、 Smoking Causes Lung Cancer. Bicycling is not Allowed. No parking. It’s dangerous to climb snowy mountainsの方は柔らかく聞こえて、友達と話しているときに使いそうです。
  • 1. You may face some treacherous challenges climbing a snow-clad mountain

  • 2. The dangers of ascending snow-covered mountains have been well-documented

1. To 'face something' means to be required to deal with or attend to, or suffer something. "We are faced with a long season of wet weather." 'Snow-clad mountain'. This means a mountain covered in snow. "The model was clad in a long evening dress." 'Clad' means 'dressed' here 2. 'Well-documented' means having been often recorded: "The medicinal value of garlic is well documented."
1. To 'face something' は、対峙しなければならない、対処しなければならない、苦しむという意味があります。 例:"We are faced with a long season of wet weather." 長い雨季と対峙しなければならない。 'Snow-clad mountain'. 雪化粧した山 "The model was clad in a long evening dress." 'Clad' =dressed そのモデルは夜用のドレスで着飾っていた。 2. 'Well-documented'よく記録されている、 "The medicinal value of garlic is well documented." にんにくの医学的効果は十分に認められている。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Climbing snowy mountains is much more dangerous than climbing ordinary mountains.

★Climbing snowy mountains is much more dangerous than climbing ordinary mountains. (雪山を登るのは通常の山を登るのよりもずっと危険だ) 比較級の表現を使って、注意喚起するような文を作ってみました。
  • It is extremely dangerous to climb a snowy mountain, for you may slip and fall to your death.

  • You should never attempt to climb a snow-covered mountain because it is very dangerous.

  • Never ever try to climb a snowy mountain because it is extremely dangerous.

You may use a compound sentence in explaining just why it is extremely dangerous to climb a snowy mountain. The compound sentence may use the conjunction 'for' to link the two independent clauses which have related ideas, in this case, it is 'extremely dangerous', and, 'slip and fall to your death'. The adjective 'snow-covered' means 'snowy'. The verb to 'attempt' means to 'try'. So, you may say: It is extremely dangerous to climb a snowy mountain, for you may slip and fall to your death. or You should never attempt to climb a snow-covered mountain because it is very dangerous. or Never ever try to climb a snowy mountain because it is extremely dangerous.
雪山登山がなぜ極めて危険だということを説明するために、複文を使うといいでしょう。 複文は、「for」という接続詞を使って、関連する2つの節をつなげます。 この場合、「extremely dangerous」と「slip and fall to your death」をつなげます。 形容詞「snow-covered」は「雪の」という意味です。 動詞「attempt」は「試みる」という意味です。以下のように言えます: It is extremely dangerous to climb a snowy mountain, for you may slip and fall to your death. (滑って転び死亡事故にもつながるので、雪山登山は極めて危険です。) You should never attempt to climb a snow-covered mountain because it is very dangerous. Never ever try to climb a snowy mountain because it is extremely dangerous. (極めて危険なので、雪山登山は絶対やめるべきです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The mountain is snowy, it will be dangerous to climb.

  • The snow makes the mountain dangerous to climb.

The mountain is snowy' - starting the statement with this description helps to set up the reason for stating the mountain is dangerous. If the mountain is dangerous to climb even without snow, you could change the statement to 'The mountain is snowy, it will be even more dangerous to climb'. 'The snow makes the mountain dangerous to climb' means that it is the snow that causes the danger, not the mountain itself. Again, if you would like to emphasise that the mountain is already dangerous to climb, without the snow, but it is MORE dangerous to climb with the snow on it, you could day 'The snow makes the mountain even more dangerous to climb'.
「The mountain is snowy」- この記述から文をはじめることで、なぜその山が危険かを示す理由を述べることができます。 もし、登山が雪無しでも危険ならば、文を以下のように変更できます。 The mountain is snowy, it will be even more dangerous to climb. (山は雪に覆われているので、登山は更に危険です。) 「The snow makes the mountain dangerous to climb」は、雪が危険で、山そのものではないという意味です。 また、雪無しでも山は危険だが、雪が降ると更に危険になると強調したい場合は、以下のように言えます。 The snow makes the mountain even more dangerous to climb. (雪が降っていて、登山は更に危険です。)
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • it is not safe to climb a mountain when it is filed with snow.

  • The mountain is very dangerous while it's snowing, you should not climb it.

  • Before you think about climbing that mountain, I need to tell you that it is treacherous while snowy.

These sentences can all be used to let someone know how dangerous it is to climb a snowy mountain. Hope this helps!
三例とも、雪山登山の危険性を伝えるときに使えます。 参考になるといいです!
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Climbing snowy mountains is dangerous.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Climbing snowy mountains is dangerous. 「雪山を登ることは危険だ」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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