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2016/05/10 10:25
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  • stigmatised property

  • psychologically impacted property

stigmatised property: ”stigmatise”は汚名とかちょっと訳があって表立って誇れないというような意味で、"property"は所有や資産のこと。物件のことも含んでいます。 psychologically impacted property: 精神的影響を与える(可能性のある)所有地のこと
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • ① Discounted property

訳あり物件とは英語では言いませんが、「① Discounted property」というと「値下げされた物件」になります。理由などは一般的には記載しません。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • It being rented at a knockdown price because of the murder story

  • It's been drastically reduced because of the murder there

Yes, if something bad has happened in a property..perhaps a crime, or maybe there has been some change in the surroundings of the property such as erosion or the property is in poor condition, then a drastic price reduction may be the only way to sell it. "Why is that property being sold at a knockdown price?" "It's very cheap because the whole building has concrete cancer. It needs rebuilding!"
はい、何か悪いことが物件で起こった場合、犯罪然り、侵食や不動産の状態が悪いなどの環境の変化があった場合、劇的に価格を下げなければ売り切れませんよね、 "Why is that property being sold at a knockdown price?" "なぜその物件は最低価格で売られているのですか?" 「建物全体のコンクリが劣化して脆いから安いのさ。再建が必要だね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • discounted property

  • distressed property

distressed property property that is under a foreclosure order.A distressed property usually fetches a price that is below its market value and is sold by the owner in order to prevent foreclosure of the property, to try and cut the potential financial losses.
distressed propertyとは、差し押さえ品のことです。 A distressed property は大抵の場合、市場価値より低い価格で売られます。 これは、金銭的な損失を抑える上で、オーナーが差し押さえを防ぐためにされます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Discounted property

  • stigmatized property

  • condemned property

All of these phrases can be used to tell someone that the property has been offered at a lower rate. "Discounted property" Example sentence-The property was discounted because there was a murder there in the past. "stigmatized property" This is a stigmatized property, so it is offered at a lower rate. "condemned property" Example sentence-This property was condemned in the past due to mold and water damage, it will need a lot of repairing.
どの回答例も「物件が(何らかの理由により)安い値段であること」を表すことができるフレーズです。 "Discounted property":値下げされた物件 The property was discounted because there was a murder there in the past. ーこの物件は以前殺人があったので安くなっています。 "stigmatized property":(何らかの理由により)汚名をきせられた・評判が悪い物件 This is a stigmatized property, so it is offered at a lower rate. ーここは評判がよくない物件なので、値段が下げてある。 "condemned property":~を非難された、指摘された物件、~によって評判が悪くなった物件 This property was condemned in the past due to mold and water damage, it will need a lot of repairing. ーこの物件は過去にカビと水害を指摘されたので、かなりの修理が必要です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • The house that was used as a brothel, is being sold at a relatively low cost.

  • The cost of the rent for the haunted house is rather cheap.

  • The drug den is being auctioned for a good price.

"The house that was used as a "brothel", is being sold at a relatively low cost." "The cost of the rent for the "haunted house" is rather cheap". "The "drug den" is being auctioned for a good price". A real estate property that is on sale or is being rented for cheap, because of what happened there in the past is known as a "stigmatized property." These properties are shunned for reasons unrelated to its physical condition or features. A house is stigmatized if it was used as a"drug den" or "brothel". "Problem property" can also be used to describe any building that has negative issues.
"The house that was used as a "brothel", is being sold at a relatively low cost." 〔訳〕売春宿として使われていた家は、比較的低価格で販売されている "The cost of the rent for the "haunted house" is rather cheap". 〔訳〕その『お化け屋敷』の家賃は、比較的安い "The "drug den" is being auctioned for a good price". 〔訳〕『麻薬の取引場所』が、手頃な値段でオークションに出ている 過去にそこであったことが原因で安く売り(貸し)出されている不動産物件は「stigmatized property」と呼ばれます。例えば、以前麻薬の取引場所(drug den)あるいは売春宿(brothel)だったところ、など。これらは物件の物的な条件や特徴とは関係なく敬遠されます。 「problem property」も、いわく付きの建物を表す時に使えます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Reduced

When something is lowered in price, we call it 'reduced'. For example: "These oranges are a little old so we have reduced the price" "This house has been on the market for a long time without any offers so let's reduce the price"
物の値段が下がることは「reduced」と表します。 例: "These oranges are a little old so we have reduced the price" 〔訳〕このオレンジは少し古いので、値段を安くしました "This house has been on the market for a long time without any offers so let's reduce the price" 〔訳〕この家は、引き合いが全くない状態で長く売りに出されているから、価格を下げよう
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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