引き落としは英語でWithdrawalといい、それにかかる料金ということで、withdrawal fee, chargeといった言葉が使われます。単純にATM charge/feeといえばATMを利用するのに必要な料金となります。
Withdrawal fee may apply depending on the time, for example; ATM charges you $2 for its usage if you withdraw cash after 10pm.
Banks use different terms for 「引き出し手数料」.
Using any of these terms should be enough to get the point across, though. ^^
- Service charge.
--This ATM charges a service charge for cash withdrawal.
- Transaction fee.
--There is a transaction fee every time you use your ATM card at a machine not associated with your bank.
- Withdrawal fee.
--My bank charges a withdrawal fee if I use my ATM card at another bank's ATM.
I don't like getting charged for using my banks ATM no matter what time it is, an ATM doesn't have working hours (it's a machine), it should be free unless your using another banks ATM I can understand, but we could call it a transaction fee, or ATM fee
The fee to withdraw money from an ATM is known as either service fee or a transaction fee. This is the fee that the bank charges you to use the ATM machine. If you want to avoid this fee, you have to withdraw your money "over the counter". This means that you go into the bank during opening hours and get the assistance of the Bank Clerk.
ATMからお金を引き出すのにかかる手数料は、service feeまたはtransaction feeとして知られています。これはATMの機械を使用するのに、銀行があなたに課す料金です。この料金を支払わないようにするためには、"over the counter"(窓口で)でお金を引き出す必要があります。つまり、営業時間内に銀行に行き、銀行員に手伝ってもらうということです。
1)withdrawal fee
- this is a term used when you take money from the ATM and the bank charges you and the amount depends with the country and the bank.
2)service charge
- an amount of money that is charged for a particular service in addition to a basic fee.
>Service fee.
>Bank charges.
Any of the above can be used. Service fee and bank charges mean the same thing. It is fees that you pay to the bank for using the ATM to withdraw money.
Service fee.
Bank charges.