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2019/07/02 07:05
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  • I'm so sad that l can't go out on most weekends in June because it's raining as June is rainy season..

You can use the following statements:- I'm so sad that l can't go out on most weekends in June because it's raining, as June is rainy season. This statement is clear it explains why you are sad, why you can't go out, and why it's rainy in June.
次のように言えます。 I'm so sad that l can't go out on most weekends in June because it's raining, as June is rainy season. (6月は梅雨で、週末も雨が多くて外に出掛けられないので残念) この文はとても分かりやすいです。なぜ悲しいのか、なぜ出掛けられないのか、なぜ6月に雨が多いのか、それぞれ説明しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out."

  • "It is a real shame that we can't play outside in June or the weekends as it rains a lot then"

If you wanted to express that in June, Japan is in its rainy season and most of the time it rains on the weekend so you can't play outside, which upsets you, you could say either: "June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out." or "It is a real shame that we can't play outside in June or the weekends as it rains a lot then".
「6月は日本は梅雨なので、たいてい週末は雨で、外で遊べないので残念」、これは次のように言えます。 "June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out." (6月は梅雨なので土日は雨が多く、なかなか外で遊べないので残念) "It is a real shame that we can't play outside in June or the weekends as it rains a lot then"(6月は雨が降って週末外に行けないことが多いので残念)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It tends to rain a lot in June, so weekends we usually have to spend indoors.

  • June is the rainy season in Japan and unfortunately we can't go outside to play most weekends.

"It tends to rain a lot in June, so weekends we usually have to spend indoors." - The word 'tends' is one we use when talking about something that is likely to happen; so saying that it 'tends to rain a lot in June' means you can expect rain a lot in June. We also often use the phrase 'have to' when talking about things that you don't want to do, so this example is a good way of saying that you want to be outdoors, but you are restricted to indoors. "June is the rainy season in Japan and unfortunately we can't go outside to play most weekends." - 'Rainy season' is a common phrase used to talk about when you expect the most rain in the year, a handy one to know. In this sentence, you can use 'unfortunately' to express disappointment at the fact that you can't go outside to play most weekends.
"It tends to rain a lot in June, so weekends we usually have to spend indoors."(6月はよく雨が降るから、週末は家で過ごさないといけない) 'tends' は、起こる可能性の高いことについて使われます。ですから、'it tends to rain a lot in June' は「6月は雨が降ることが多い」という意味です。 'have to' はしばしばやりたくないことについて使われます。この場合は、外に出たいけど屋内で過ごさないといけないわけなので、この表現はピッタリです。 "June is the rainy season in Japan and unfortunately we can't go outside to play most weekends."(6月は日本では梅雨なので、残念ながら週末はほとんど外で遊べません) 'Rainy season' は「雨期」を表す一般的なフレーズです、知っておくと便利です。この文では、'unfortunately' を使って、外で遊べない残念な気持ちを表しています。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • June is rainy season and it often rains at the weekend so we can't play outside, which is a shame.

  • It usually rains on weekends in June which is a pity because we can't play outside.

In both sentences, the ideas of June being rainy season and it often raining at the weekend, meaning that we can't play outside and that is a shame are communicated. You can either say 'at the weekend' or 'on the weekend' and both phrases have the same meaning. 'It's a pity' and 'it's a shame' are also synonymous phrases.
どちらの文でも、 ・6月は梅雨で、 ・週末に雨が降ることが多く、 ・それを残念に思っていること を伝えることができます。 「週末に」は 'at the weekend' または 'on the weekend' と言えます、どちらも同じ意味です。 'It's a pity'(残念だ)と 'it's a shame'(同)も同義です。
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out.

  • It's too bad that June is the rainy season and since it rains a lot on weekends, I can't go out.

まずは文章を分解してみましょう。 6月は梅雨 = June is the rainy season 土日(週末)=the weekend, weekends (一回ではなく複数の週末の場合は weekends) 雨が多い = it rains a lot, a lot of rain 外で遊ぶ= to go out (外に限らず、遊ぶこと)、to go outside(外に出る) 残念=it's too bad(残念だ), it's unfortunate(不運だ、しょうがない), I am sad that ~ (〜できなくて悲しい) これらの単語やフレーズを使っていくつかの言い方がありますので、次の例文を参考にしてみてください: 1)June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out. 2)It's too bad that June is the rainy season and since it rains a lot on weekends, I can't go out.
Ayumi L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Children have no option but to stay cooped up indoors in June because that's when it pours with rain.

  • It's rainy in June which makes it impossible for kids to play outdoors.

1. Children have no option but to stay cooped up indoors in June because that's when it pours with rain. The phrase, ''cooped up indoors'' means that the children are confined or restricted to spending their free time inside their homes because of the awful weather in June. 2. It's rainy in June which makes it impossible for kids to play outdoors. The rainy season in June means that the weather is rather unpleasant.Kids are forced to keep themselves occupied/busy with indoor activities.
1. Children have no option but to stay cooped up indoors in June because that's when it pours with rain.(6月は雨が多くて子どもたちは家にいるしかない) ''cooped up indoors'' は「(雨が多くて)家にいるしかない」という意味を表します。 2. It's rainy in June which makes it impossible for kids to play outdoors.(6月は雨が多いから子どもたちは外で遊べない) 「6月は梅雨で雨が多いので子どもたちは屋内で遊ぶしかない」と伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • In June at weekends, it's the rainy season and I feel a little depressed because I can't play outside

  • I tend to feel down in the dumps at weekends in June during the rainy season - as I can't play ouitside

When talking about June in Japan, you want to explain that June is the rainy season, and most of the time it rains on the weekend so you can't play outside, which is a shame. You want to say something like: "June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out." Any of the above suggestions is fine for that situation.
日本の6月について「6月は梅雨で、土日は雨の日が多く、外で遊べず残念」と言いたいということですね。 例えば "June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out."(6月は梅雨で、土日は雨の日が多く、外で遊べず残念)のように言いたいと。 上の例はどれもこの意味を表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • June is the rainy season, and it rains a lot on the weekends, so I am sad that I can't go out

  • It tends to rain a lot in June, so weekends we usually have to spend indoors

The example you've written is a very good one but the second one is another example. It basically the same just used some different words. For example - It's rainy season in Japan, so it tends to rain a lot in June.
あなたの考えた例でも全く問題ありません。私からも一つ例をご紹介しました。これらは使っている言葉は違いますが、基本的に同じ意味です。 例: It's rainy season in Japan, so it tends to rain a lot in June.(日本では6月は梅雨なので雨が多いです)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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