世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/07/07 06:15
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  • I would like to check out earlier than planned, don't worry about my refund for the night.

  • I'm checking out earlier than planned, please don't mind the refund for the night I won't be spending here.

  • I won't be staying the duration of time I had planned, I will leave a day earlier, I don't expect a refund for the night I won't be spending here.

Use the sentences above to explain that you are leaving a night earlier and that you don't need the refund.
Duration: length of time
Expect: to anticipate something

"My plans have changed, I will no longer be spending my last night here, I will be checking out early, please keep the refund."


Duration: 時間の長さ
Expect: 何かを予測すること
"My plans have changed, I will no longer be spending my last night here, I will be checking out early, please keep the refund."

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to stay for the last night anymore but am happy to pay for the whole booking.

  • I'd like to check out early but am happy to pay full price.

  • I won't be staying for the last night but don't need a refund.

"I don't want to stay for the last night anymore but am happy to pay for the whole booking."
Paying for the whole booking means paying for the exact amount of nights that you booked regardless of how many nights you stayed in the end.

"I'd like to check out early but am happy to pay full price."
In this context, 'full price' refers to all of the nights that you stayed.

"I won't be staying for the last night but don't need a refund."
A 'refund' is money that you get back after paying for something. An example of a situation in which you might get a refund is if the product is broken or damaged.

"I don't want to stay for the last night anymore but am happy to pay for the whole booking."(最後の日は泊まらなくてよくなりましたが、代金はその日も含めて全額支払います)
'pay for the whole booking' は「代金は(泊まった日数でなく)予約した日数分支払う」という意味です。

"I'd like to check out early but am happy to pay full price."(早めにチェックアウトしますが、代金は全額支払います)
この場合、'full price' は「予約した日数分」を指します。

"I won't be staying for the last night but don't need a refund."(最後の日は泊まらなくてよくなりましたが、返金は求めません)
'refund' は「返金」です。例えば、購入した商品に欠陥があったり傷があったときは、'refund' を受けられる可能性があります。

Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • "I would like to check out early. I don't need a refund for the last night"

  • "I would just like to let you know I will not be staying tonight, I do not need a refund"

If you wanted to let a hotel know that you were supposed to stay one more night but you have decided to stay with a friend, and want to check out early with no refunded, you could say: "I would like to check out early. I don't need a refund for the last night" or "I would just like to let you know I will not be staying tonight, I do not need a refund".


"I would like to check out early. I don't need a refund for the last night"(早めにチェックアウトしたいです。料金はそのままで構いません)

"I would just like to let you know I will not be staying tonight, I do not need a refund"(今夜は泊まらないことにしました。返金は求めませんので)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be staying with a friend on the last night so will be checking out a day earlier.I understand it's too late to cancel, so there's no need to refund me.

I'll be staying with a friend on the last night so will be checking out a day
earlier.I understand it's too late to cancel, so there's no need to refund me.

It's always tactful to be clear about why you are checking out
earlier so as not to offend the hotel employees who may be left
thinking that you were not satisfied with the hotel and the staff.
Make it clear that you fully understand the cancellation policy
and that you are not going to demand a refund (money back).

I'll be staying with a friend on the last night so will be checking out a day earlier. I understand it's too late to cancel, so there's no need to refund me.



Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to check out early. I don't need a refund for the last night

  • I'm leaving now and want to check out. I don't need a refund for tonight's booking.

At a hotel, you were supposed to stay one more night, but you decided to stay at your friend's house. So you want to check out early. You want to tell this to the hotel. You also want to say that you are OK with the price as it is (you don't need a refund for the last night). Any of the above examples awould be adequate for that situation.



Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I need to check out a day early and there is no need for to refund the price for that night.

  • I will be needing check out earlier however I will not be needing a refund for the unused night.

An "early check out" can mean that you need to check out earlier than originally planned or reserved for.If you don't want a refund on the unused night then you can tell the hotel that their is "no need" for a refund.

"early check out" は予定[予約]していたよりも早くチェックアウトすることをいいます。払い戻しを「求めない」なら、"no need (for a refund)" と言えます。

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to check out early, but I don't need a refund for the last night.

  • I have to check out a day early, but I don't expect a refund for the last night.

  • I would like to check out early, but I don't need a refund for the last night.

    • I have to check out a day early, but I don't expect a refund for the last night.

    Both of these sentences are perfectly acceptable to say when you are leaving a day early and you don't intend on getting any money back for the extra day that you aren't staying.

  • I would like to check out early, but I don't need a refund for the last night.(早めにチェックアウトしようと思うのですが、最後の日の払い戻しは必要ありません)

  • I have to check out a day early, but I don't expect a refund for the last night.(一日早くチェックアウトしないといけないのですが、最後の日の払い戻しは必要ありません)


Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I will be checking out one day earlier, however I don't need to be reimbursed for the cancellation.

  • I will be checking out earlier than expected, but I'm happy to pay the total booking amount.

  • Unfortunately I will be leaving a day earlier than planned, I don't expect a refund, due to the late cancellation on my behalf.

All of the above sentences can be used to describe this situation.
A reimbursement is a repayment of money, that you have already spent, such as hotel/flight bookings. For example, If your flight/hotel has to cancel your booking in any way, then it's quite common for the person to be paid back the amount of money they have already paid.
On my behalf, means representing/speaking for yourself.


"reimbursement" は、支払ったお金、例えばホテル代/飛行機代などが戻ってくることをいいます。例えばホテルや航空会社は、予約をキャンセルしなければならなくなったとき、普通受け取ったお金を払い戻します。

"on my behalf" は「自分自身について言えば」という意味です。

Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to check out early. I don't need a refund for the last night

  • I would prefer to check out early, going to my friend for the night. I don't need a refund for the last night

Both of these sentences can be used to express what you would like to say. There are no big differences, the second one has more details and I would prefer to use it in my own speech



Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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