世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/11 17:03
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  • What is the latest movie you've seen and enjoyed on Netflix?

  • Give me your suggestion on what Netflix movie I should watch, please?

  • What's a good movie to see on Netflix?

Netflix makes finding good movies to watch so much easier, there are many different productions to choose from, sometimes it is hard to choose! Asking for recommendations is always a good idea, you can save your time and find great movies that are suggested by your friends and family. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to movies so make sure to ask someone who's taste in movies you trust. "What should I check out on Netflix?"
What is the latest movie you've seen and enjoyed on Netflix? 先にNetflixで見て面白かった映画は何? Give me your suggestion on what Netflix movie I should watch, please? Netflixで見るべき映画のおすすめを教えてくれない? What's a good movie to see on Netflix? Netflixで見るべき面白い映画は何がある? ネットフリックスではとても簡単におもしろい[映画](を見つけることができます。たくさんのプロダクションから選ぶことができ、ときには選ぶのが難しいくらいです! [おすすめ](を聞くのはいい考えですね。時間を節約でき、友達や家族が勧めるおもしろい映画を見つけることができます。 映画となるとみんな違った好みがあるので、自分と同じような好みの人に聞くといいでしょう。   "What should I check out on Netflix?" (ネットフリックスで何を見たらいいかな?)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • What [movie] do you recommend me to watch on Netflix?

  • What movie should I check out on Netflix?

  • What is your favorite on Netflix?

Netflixの会話をしている途中であれば、文脈上明らかなので、"on Netflix"の部分は省略してもいいかもしれませんね。 ・recommend 人 to (動詞の原形)~をすることをお薦めする。 ・check ~ out  ~を[試してみる](、見てみる、訪ねてみる、[やってみる](文脈によってさまざまな訳し出しが可能)がポイントです。 最後の例文に関しては、「おすすめ」=「相手の[お気に入り](」と推測して、直接相手のお気に入りを引き出してみるのもありだと考え、紹介しました。
Kana O DMM英会話講師
  • "What movie do you recommend on netflix?"

  • "On netflix, what movies would you recommend?"

  • "What is a good movie to watch on netflix?"

If you wanted to ask someone what movie they recommend on Netflix, you could say any of the following: "What movie do you recommend on netflix?", "On netflix, what movies would you recommend?" or "What is a good movie to watch on netflix?". All three of these ask the question directly.
Netflixのおすすめ映画を聞きたいなら、次のように言えます。 "What movie do you recommend on netflix?" "On netflix, what movies would you recommend?" "What is a good movie to watch on netflix?" (Netflixでおすすめの映画を教えてください) どれも、単刀直入に尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Could you recommend a movie to me that is on Netflix?

  • What movies would you recommend that are on Netflix?

If you are wanting someone to recommend a Netflix movie to you, you can simply say something like "Could you recommend a Netflix movie to me please?" or "What Netflix movie would you recommend I watch?". Both are polite ways to ask this.
Netflixでおすすめの映画を聞きたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Could you recommend a Netflix movie to me please?" "What Netflix movie would you recommend I watch?" (Netflixでおすすめの映画はありますか) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Can you recommend a good movie on NETFLIX?

  • What movie do you suggest I watch on NETFLIX?

If you want to ask for someone's recommendation of a good movie on Netflix, you can ask the following questions:- 1.Can you recommend a good movie on Netflix? 2. What movie do you suggest I watch on Netflix? Both questions are asking the same thing, to suggest something means the same thing as to recommend something.
Netflixでおすすめの映画を聞きたいということですね。なら、次のように言えます。 1. Can you recommend a good movie on Netflix? 2. What movie do you suggest I watch on Netflix? (Netflixでおすすめの映画はありますか) どちらの質問も同じことを聞いています。'to suggest something' と 'to recommend something'(勧める)は同じ意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Seen any good movies on Netflix lately?

  • Which good movie on Netflix would you propose I watch?

Seen any good movies on Netflix lately? 助動詞"have" と代名詞 "you"は、カジュアルな会話では取り除かれます。   ですので、"Have you seen any good movies on Netflix lately?" と言う代わりに、ほとんどのネイティブスピーカーは、過去分詞形から会話をはじめます。 別の例は、 "Done anything interesting lately?"(最近何かおもしろいことした?)です。  (Have you) done anything interesting lately?と言う代わりにこのように言います。 Which good movie on Netflix would you propose I watch? (どのおもしろい映画がネットフリックスでおすすめですか?)  Propose は、おすすめする、提案するという意味です。
Seen any good movies on Netflix lately? (最近ネットフリックスでおもしろい映画見た?) "have" and the pronoun "you" is omitted in casual conversation. So instead of saying: "Have you seen any good movies on Netflix lately?" most English speakers start off with the past participle of the word. Another example is "Done anything interesting lately?" Instead of (Have you) done anything interesting lately? Which good movie on Netflix would you propose I watch? Propose also means recommend or suggest.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Do you watch Netflix? Can you recommend something to me?

  • What would you recommend on Netflix?

"Do you watch Netflix? Can you recommend something to me?" In this context, we usually try to confirm the person we are talking to actually watch Netflix, otherwise, they will be giving advice that is not based on their own experience which is what we are looking for. After confirming they watch Netflix, we usually follow up with another question which does not need the word Netflix to be used. "What would you recommend on Netflix?" In this context, we usually want to get a quick response from the person for their Netflix recommendations.
"Do you watch Netflix? Can you recommend something to me?"(Netflixを見ますか。何かおすすめを教えてもらえますか) この文脈では普通、まず相手がNetflixを見ているかどうかを確認します。見ていない場合、それは経験に基づいた意見になりませんよね、経験に基づいた意見を聞きたいわけです。その後相手のおすすめを尋ねるわけですが、そこでは Netflix という言葉は不要です。 "What would you recommend on Netflix?"(Netflixで何かおすすめを教えてください) これは普通、シンプルな返答を望んでいるときに使います。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
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