世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/28 17:34
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  • Ticket booth

  • Ticket counter

  • Ticket agent

You may buy a ticket at the Ticket Counter. Go to the ticket booth to purchase the train ticket. If you go towards the Ticket agent, they will inform you how much a ticket is. When I went to the ticket counter, she informed me which buses would take me home. There was a line at the ticket counter, so I took a seat while I waited for the line to go down. I finally bought my train ticket, the agent was very nice when I went to the ticket counter.
You may buy a ticket at the Ticket Counter.(切符は切符売り場で買うことができます) Go to the ticket booth to purchase the train ticket.(切符売り場に行って電車の切符を買ってきてください) If you go towards the Ticket agent, they will inform you how much a ticket is.(切符売り場に行けば切符の料金を教えてくれます) When I went to the ticket counter, she informed me which buses would take me home.(切符売り場に行ったら、女性のスタッフが家に帰るのにどのバスに乗ればいいか教えてくれました) There was a line at the ticket counter, so I took a seat while I waited for the line to go down.(切符売り場に行列ができていたので、少し座って人がいなくなるまで待っていました) I finally bought my train ticket, the agent was very nice when I went to the ticket counter.(やっと電車の切符が買えました。切符売り場の人はすごく親切でした)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • Ticket office.

  • Ticket booth

  • Ticket machine

The ticket office is the place which is manned by staff and maybe a series of ticket desks. A ticket booth would more commonly be a single employee selling tickets from a booth. A ticket machine is an unmanned self service machine dispensing tickets.
"Ticket office" は、スタッフのいる売り場です。受付が複数並んでいるような所をいいます。 "Ticket booth" は、従業員が一人でチケットを販売しているような所をいいます。 "Ticket machine" は無人のチケット販売機を指します。
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • Ticket counter

  • Ticket machine

When were are talking about a ticket for a train, we use the expressions "Ticket counter" or "Ticker machine." In contrast, a place where you buy tickets for a movie or show would be called the "Ticket office" or "Box office." Examples: "Where is the ticket counter?" "The ticket counter is at the end of the platform." "I need to buy a ticket from the ticket machine before the train arrives." "Do you see a ticket machine anywhere?"
チケット売り場のことを、"Ticket counter" や "Ticker machine."と言います。一方、映画やショーのチケットを買う場所を"Ticket office" や "Box office."と言います。 例: "Where is the ticket counter?" (チケット売り場はどこですか?) "The ticket counter is at the end of the platform." (チケット売り場はプラットフォームの奥にあります。) "I need to buy a ticket from the ticket machine before the train arrives." (電車が来る前に、券売機でチケットを買わないといけない。) "Do you see a ticket machine anywhere?" (どこかで券売機を見ましたか?)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Ticket office.

  • Ticketing booth.

  • Box Office.

"Ticket Office" and "Ticketing Booth" are both the most common nouns used by both American and British speakers to refer to the place that you buy a ticket for a movie or a theatrical show including plays and concerts. In the USA the word "Box Office" is an older word for the place where you buy tickets for shows, movies etc. Today it is also used to refer to the success of a film - for example : "the movie was a big box office hit." , which means it made a lot of money from ticket sales. You can still use the word 'Box Office' to refer to the place where you buy tickets today.
"Ticket Office" も"Ticketing Booth"もどちらもアメリカ人でもイギリス人でも映画や演劇やコンサートを含む劇場のショーのチケットを買うところを指します。  アメリカでは、 "Box Office"は、ショーや映画のチケットを買う場所を表す古い言葉です。今日でも、映画の成功を伝えるときに使われます。例えば、"the movie was a big box office hit." は、その映画のチケットの売り上げがよかったという意味です。 'Box Office'を、チケット売り場という意味で今でも使うこともできます。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • ticket booth

  • ticket vending area

「切符」は英語で "ticket" と言います。「切符売り場」は地域によって駅員がいる場所や自動販売機など種類が多いですが、よく日本で見られる自動切符販売機は英語で "ticket booth" や "ticket vending area" と言われます。 例文: "Please buy your tickets at the ticket vending booth." 「切符売り場で切符をご購入ください。 "You can only use cash at the ticket booth." 「切符売り場では現金のみお使いいただけます。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • ticket counter

  • ticket booth

  • ticket office

Depending on the region/country you are in the place at a train station where you buy tickets for the train is called a "ticket office" or a "ticket counter".
駅の「切符売り場」は、地域/国によって、"ticket office" または "ticket counter" と呼ばれます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Ticketing office.

  • Ticketing counter.

If you would like to explain what a place where you buy tickets at the train station is called to someone, you can call it a “ticketing counter” or a “ticketing office”. This is what you call a place where you can buy tickets.
駅のチケット売り場のことを、 “ticketing counter” や “ticketing office”と言います。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • ticket office

  • ticket counter

The place where you get a ticket at a train station is called a "ticket office" or a "ticket counter". You may use these phrases in the following ways: -I need to run to the ticket office to buy a ticket because the train leaves -I need to go to the ticket counter to ask about the prices.
駅のチケット売り場のことを "ticket office" や "ticket counter"と言います。以下のように使うことができます。 -I need to run to the ticket office to buy a ticket because the train leaves (電車が来るから、チケットを買いにチケット売り場まで走らないといけない。) -I need to go to the ticket counter to ask about the prices. (値段を聞きにチケット売り場まで行かないといけない。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • TICKET booth / machine / counter/office

  • I neededtoaskfor some detailed information at theticketbooth.../office/counter

These days automation has replaced many human interections...So what used to be adiscussion with aperson, has now almost entirely been replaced by vending machines in most stations. However, there are exceptions to every rule... and should you be lucky enough to see a sign with the words," TICKET BOOTH/TICKETOFFICE. There you will find the answers (and the right tickets) you seek from ahuman being ;-)
最近は人と関わることに自動化が導入されてきています。切符売り場でチケットを人から買っていたものが、今ではほとんどの駅で自動販売機となっています。 しかし、どんなルールにも例外があります。" TICKET BOOTH/TICKETOFFICE.(チケット売り場)の看板を見たらラッキーですね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Ticket office

  • Ticket agent

  • Ticket booth/machine

- The ticket office would refer to the actual location in the building where you would buy tickets. - A ticket agent would be the person who would sell you the tickets. - A ticket booth or machine would be if you could buy the ticket through an automated machine rather than with a person.
- "Ticket office" は、建物の中にあるチケットを売る場所を指します。 - "Ticket agent" はそのチケットを売ってくれる人です。 - "Ticket booth/machine" は、チケットの「自動販売機」を指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Ticket office

  • Sales kiosk

  • Station office

At a train station, you want to know what you call the place that sells tickets? (You want to explain the Midori no Madoguchi to someone). In that case, you coud try any of the above suggested statements, which may be appropriate for your scenario. Eg "Excuse me, do you know where the sales kiosk is, please?"
駅で、切符を売る場所のことを何と言うかしりたいのですね。(緑の窓口のことですね。) その場合、これらの例がぴったりです。 例: "Excuse me, do you know where the sales kiosk is, please?" (すみません、切符売り場はどこかわかりますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "ticket office"

  • "ticket counter"

If you were at a train station and wanted to explain the place that sells tickets so you can board the train, you would refer to it as either a "ticket office" or "ticket counter". Example sentence: I have to go to the ticket office before I get onboard the train as I have yet to buy a ticket.
駅の「切符売り場」を英語でどう言うか知りたいということですね。これは "ticket office" または "ticket counter" といいます。 例文: I have to go to the ticket office before I get onboard the train as I have yet to buy a ticket. (まだ切符を買っていないから電車に乗る前に切符売り場に行かないといけない)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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