世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/28 21:28
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  • Departure date.

  • Date of departure.

  • I'm departing on.

Both the sayings "departure date" and "date of departure" are phrases used to express the day of the month and year that you are going to be leaving a place. These areused in reference to travel usually or staying in a hotel. For example: "I have booked a hotel for the rest of the trip, my departure date is the 24th of November." You may also see requests for 'date of departure' when booking hotels or flights; this will be in reference to the day you want to fly or, in the hotels' case, check out. The most casual reply to someone asking you when your departure date is would be to say "I'm departing on...." and give the date. "I'm departing on the 24th of November.".
 "departure date"と"date of departure"どちらも、その場所を出発する日のことを意味します。旅行やホテルに滞在するときに使われる言葉です。  例: "I have booked a hotel for the rest of the trip, my departure date is the 24th of November." (旅行の残りはホテルを予約したよ。出発日は11月24日だ。) ホテルや飛行機を予約するときに、 'date of departure' を見ることがあるでしょう。これは、飛行機であれば、出発したい日、ホテルであればチェックアウトの日となります。   最もカジュアルな表現は、 "I'm departing on...." (~に出発します。)です。 "I'm departing on the 24th of November." (11月24日に出発します。)
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Departure date.

If you want to know what to call the date on which your flight departs, you can call it a "departure date". This is a very common way to explain this. You can use it in a sentence by saying something like "My departure date has not been confirmed yet".
出発日のことを"departure date"と言います。これはとても一般的な言い方です。 例: "My departure date has not been confirmed yet" (私の出発日はまだ確認されていません。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • departure date.

  • day of departure

My departure date is Thursday 7th August 2019. Please take note of your day of departure. or you can say "I am leaving on 7th August 2019".
My departure date is Thursday 7th August 2019. (出発日は、2019年8月7日の木曜日です。) Please take note of your day of departure. (出発の日をメモしておいてください。)  "I am leaving on 7th August 2019" (2019年8月7日に出発します。)
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • Departure date

The date you're scheduled to leave with a flight (or any transport) is called a "depature date". You may use this term in a sentence in the following way: -I did not take note of the depature date for my flight to London and would have missed my flight had my wife not reminded me.
出発の日のことを "depature date"と言います。  -I did not take note of the depature date for my flight to London and would have missed my flight had my wife not reminded me. (ロンドン行きのフライトの出発日のメモを取らなかったので、妻がリマインドしてくれなかったら乗り過ごしていただろう。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The day that I'm leaving.

  • The day I am leaving on is Sunday.

  • I don't remember the day that I'm leaving.

In conversation the most common way to say this is "the day I'm leaving". If you say "day of departure" it sounds formal and robotic. I hope there are no problems "the day I'm leaving." (it is implied that you mean "on the day I'm leaving", so you don't have to say "on". It is even more normal just to say " I leave on Sunday" Or I leave on the 20th of this month. - When are you leaving? -I am leaving on the 20th
会話では、出発日のことを"the day I'm leaving"と言うのが最も一般的です。 "day of departure" は、フォーマルでロボットのように聞こえます。 "the day I'm leaving."と言うので大丈夫でしょう。( "on the day I'm leaving"ということを指しますので、"on"をつける必要はありません。)  " I leave on Sunday"(日曜日に出発する。)や I leave on the 20th of this month.(今月20日に出発する。)という方が普通に聞こえます。 - When are you leaving? (いつ出発するの?) -I am leaving on the 20th (20日に出発します。)
Natlia Si DMM英会話講師
  • Departure date.

  • Day of departure.

When talking about the day that something like a plane leaves, we would use the word, "departure," ( dee par ture ). There are two different ways we can structure this phrase so please see the example sentences. Example sentences : - The day of departure is on Thursday. - Please double check the time and departure date of your upcoming flight.
飛行機が出発するような日のことを"departure," (出発)と言います。これら例は違った文の構造になりますので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。 例文: - The day of departure is on Thursday. (出発日は木曜日です。) - Please double check the time and departure date of your upcoming flight. (フライトの出発日を確認してください。)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Day/date of departure

旅などに「出発する」は英語で "departure" と言います。なので 「出発日」は英語で "day of departure" と言います。 例文: "The day of departure is this Sunday." 「今週の日曜日が出発日だ。」 "Please make sure to take note of the date of departure." 「出発日を書いておいてください。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • The day of departure

  • The departure day

こんにちは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 「出発日」は英語で the day of departure または the departure day と言います。 Departure - 出発 I always double check the departure date if we go traveling with my family - 家族で旅行しるさいは、いつも出発日をダブルチェックします。 よろしくお願いします
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