世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/15 11:03
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  • All my personal belongings were stolen.

  • Someone stole all my things.

1. All my belongings were stolen. The words "personal belongings" means things that belong only to you. If your personal belongings were stolen it means they were taken without your knowledge and consent.
1. All my belongings were stolen. 私の持ち物は全て盗まれてしまった。 personal belongingsとは、個人の持ち物を意味します。 be stolenで、自分が気づかないうちに持って行かれてしまった、つまり盗まれてしまった、という意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I have been robbed.

  • Somebody has stolen my belongings.

I have been robbed.' is another way of saying that someone has taken my things without my permission meaning they have stolen all of my personal belongings. You could also say; - I have been mugged. - I have been robbed. - Someone has stolen all my belongings.
I have been robbed.' は「所持品を全て盗まれた」という意味です。 次のように言うこともできます。 - I have been mugged.(強盗に遭った) - I have been robbed.(泥棒に遭った) - Someone has stolen all my belongings.(所持品を全て盗まれた)
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • all his things (personal effects) were stolen

  • someone stole all of his things

  • someone stole all the things he had brought along to the wedding location

それは大変なことです! 「personal effects」とは「所持品」です。 この日本語は受動態ですが、英語では会話で日本語より能動態使う場合が多いだと思います。誰がそのものを盗んだか知らない時に、主語は「someone」とか「a thief」(泥棒)とかにします。
Tim Young 主催
  • As I was traveling, my items were stolen.

  • Could you help me? My things have been taken.

  • On my trip, my things were taken by a thief.

"As I was traveling, my items were stolen." You could say this if you are telling someone that you were traveling when your things were stolen. "Could you help me? My things have been taken. You could ask this if you are seeking help to find your stolen items. "On my trip, my things were taken by a thief." You could say this if you knew for sure your items have been taken.
"As I was traveling, my items were stolen." 旅行中に物が盗まれたと話したいときは、このように伝えることができます。 "Could you help me? My things have been taken. これは、盗まれたものを探す手伝いをしてほしいと尋ねるときに使うことができます。 "On my trip, my things were taken by a thief." もし盗まれたことが明らかであれば、このようにいうこともできます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • All my personal belongings were stolen while I was at a friends wedding ceremony.

>All my personal belongings were stolen while I was at a friends wedding ceremony. ........................ *personal belongings=Personal items that belongs to you. *belong=be the property of. **************** Example Friend: Hey, what happened on your trip? You:All my personal belongings were stolen while I was at a friends wedding ceremony. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
>All my personal belongings were stolen while I was at a friends wedding ceremony. 結婚式に参加している最中に私物全部盗まれちゃった。 ........................ *personal belongings=個人の私物 *belong=所有される **************** 例 Friend: Hey, what happened on your trip? なあ、旅行はどうだったよ? You:All my personal belongings were stolen while I was at a friends wedding ceremony. 結婚式の最中に私の荷物全部盗まれちゃった。 ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I lost everything

  • They cleaned my place out

My place' is simply an informal way of saying 'my home' and is frtequently used. To sound very formal, use 'my residence.' To clean someone or someone's place out = to get all of someone’s money or possessions. "The bill for supper cleaned me out, and we couldn’t go to the flick."
My place'は、単純に'my home'の形式ばらない言い方で、頻繁に使われます。 とても形式的に言いたいのであれば、'my residence'を使いましょう。 To clean someone or someone's place out = 誰かのお金や財産の全てを得ること 例: "The bill for supper cleaned me out, and we couldn’t go to the flick." ー夕食の請求書でお金がなくなりました、そして映画にいけませんでした。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • All my belongings were stolen.

  • Someone had sticky fingers.

---> Your belongings are the things that you own, especially things that are small enough to be carried. I collected my belongings and left. ---> Stolen is the past participle of steal. Stolen vehicles can be traced. ---> Sticky fingers = tendency to steal
---> Your belongingsはあなたが所有しているもので、特に運べるほど小さいものを意味します。 例文です。 I collected my belongings and left. 私は所持品を集めて置いておいた。 ---> Stolenはstealの過去形です。 例文です。 Stolen vehicles can be traced. 盗まれた車は追跡が可能だ。 ---> Sticky fingers = 盗み癖
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • All my personal effects were stolen.

  • I have been cleaned out by thieves.

  • Thieves have stolen everything I had.

The noun 'personal effects' refers to things that you often carry with you, especially when you are travelling, such as clothing, cameras, etc. During a trip, if your luggage, containing your personal effects is not well looked after, it can be the target of thieves. If this does happen, you may say: All my personal effects were stolen. But thieves may also target your goods in your house and they can steal everything you have. In a case like this, you may say: I have been cleaned out by thieves. or Thieves have stolen everything I had.
この 'personal effects'と言う名詞はいつも携帯して持ち歩いている物の事を意味します。 特に旅行などの時の洋服やカメラなどの事です。 旅行中にこの"personal effects"が入っているバッグなどを注意していなかったら、窃盗などのターゲットになりやすいですよ。 もしこのような事が起こったら、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 "All my personal effects were stolen." (所持品一式盗まれました) ですが、家でもこのように一式盗まれてしまう事はありますよね。 このような場合、次のように言いあわらすことが出来ます。 "I have been cleaned out by thieves." (泥棒にすっかり全て盗まれてしまいました) 又は "Thieves have stolen everything I had." (泥棒に私の物の全て盗まれてしまいました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My stuff was snatched!

  • A thief got off with all my belongings.

snatched - this means the same thing as stolen... when a thief steals, they take or "snatch" that thing very quickly stuff- this is another way to say things to get off with (doing something/something) - this means to get away with (doing something/something) e.g. The thief got off with the crime-- he wasn't arrested.
"snatched" -これはさっと何かが盗まれた、という様な意味になります。 泥棒が何かを盗んでいく時はとても早く "snatch(さっと盗んで)"いきますよね。 "stuff" - これは"things(物)"のもう一つの言い方です。 "to get off with (doing something/something)" - これは何かを持ち去る、又は免れる、という様な意味になります。 【例】 "The thief got off with the crime-- he wasn't arrested." (あの泥棒は罪を免れました、彼は逮捕されていません)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I have been robbed of all my possessions!

  • Everything I own was stolen from me!

Robbery or more usually burglary can be deeply distressing for the victims. It's a real shame when someone steal from us! And it's hard to accept that you have lost your "prized possessions" as a result of such illegal actions;-( In stress situations it's best to keep things simple: Everything has been stolen! I was robbed.
「強盗」あるいは、こちらの方が多いですが「窃盗」は被害者に大変な苦しみを与えます。 人が盗みを働くのは本当に残念です! このような違法行為で大切にしている物を失うのは受け入れがたいことです。 大変な状況ではシンプルに言うのがベストです: Everything has been stolen!(全部盗まれた) I was robbed(泥棒にやられた)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I have been robbed!

  • All my personal belongings were stolen

  • A thief broke into my house and took everything while I was working

"I have been robbed!": This is the most standard way to say that someone has stolen your items. Nothing, in particular, is stated such as when and where the robbery took place, just that it indeed happened. "All my personal belongings were stolen": In this phrase, we are stating what was stolen. In this case, our personal belongings. "Stolen" has the same meaning as "robbed" and it means "taken away from us". "A thief broke into my house and took everything while I was working": To break into one's house is another way to say that a thief or intruder intruded into someone's house and took everything.
"I have been robbed!"(強盗に遭いました) これは「荷物を盗まれた」の最も普通の言い方です。いつどこで盗まれたかなど具体的なことは伝えていません。単に「これが起きた」と伝えています。 "All my personal belongings were stolen"(荷物をすべて盗まれました) このフレーズでは、何を盗まれたのか伝えています。"Personal belongings"(所持品)です。"Stolen" は "Robbed" と同様、「盗まれた」という意味です。 "A thief broke into my house and took everything while I was working"(仕事中、家に強盗に入られて全部持って行かれた) "To break into one's house" は「家に泥棒に入られ、全部持って行かれた」という意味です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • .The thieves made off with everything that I owned.

  • My flat was cleaned out

1.The thieves made off with everything that I owned. The phrase, "made off with" with means stolen.This means that everything that the person owned was stolen. Another example sentence: The pickpocket made off with her purse. 2.My flat was cleaned out. The phrase, "cleaned out" means that thieves/ burglars stole everything that belonged to the person. Another example: His wife cleaned out his bank account.
1. The thieves made off with everything that I owned.(泥棒に全部持って行かれた) "made off with" は「盗む」という意味です。この文では「泥棒にすべて盗まれた」と伝えています。 別の例: The pickpocket made off with her purse.(あのすりは彼女の財布を盗んだ) 2. My flat was cleaned out.(アパートをすっからかんにされた) "cleaned out" は「持ち物すべてを盗まれた」という意味です。 別の例: His wife cleaned out his bank account.(彼は妻に口座のお金すべてを持ち逃げされた)
Shams DMM英会話講師
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