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2016/05/15 11:20
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  • Tailor made.

  • Made to order.

  • Custom.

Tailor made. - is normally to do with clothes that are designed/made especially for someone/something. or you ca use it as a more sophisticated way such as "the bakers tailor made our cake for us". It may sound out of place but it is absolutely fine. Made to order - where as soon as the order has been processed normally requiring a deposit, then it will go into production. Custom - I would recommend to use this for expensive items such as cars,boats,artwork etc. "the mechanics did a brilliant job on customizing my car" "the yacht company did custom work on the interior"
Tailor made-この言葉は通常、誰か/何かのために[設計](作られた[服](と関係があります。 あなたは"the bakers tailor made our cake for us"などのより洗練された方法としてそれを使うことができます。 それは場違いに聞こえるかもしれませんが、全くそんなことはありません。 Made to older -オーダーが通常デポジットを必要とします。デポジットを払えばすぐに製作が始まります。 Custom -私は車、ボート、アートワークなどの高価なアイテムにこれを使用することをお勧めします。 "メカニックは私の車をカスタマイズする上で素晴らしい仕事をしました" " ヨット会社はインテリアにカスタム作業を行いました"など。 例: I am going to get myself a tailor made suit. 自分にオーダーメードのスーツを買います。 All of our products are made to order. 私たちの商品は全て注文を受けてから作ります。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Custom made

  • Have tailored

custom madeが一番オーダーメイドと同じように使われていると思います。 My suit is custom made 私の[スーツ](はオーダーメイドです。 tailorは動詞としても使えます I had my suit tailored スーツは仕立ててもらった。
  • custom made

  • tailor made

スーツなどの洋服・礼服の際は、tailor madeが一般的に使われます。 custom madeは、幅広く用いられます(キッチンから小物まで)。 参考までに(^^)
  • Tailor-made

  • Bespoke

  • Made to order

A tailor-made or bespoke suit may also be known as a 'made-to-measure' suit. This is quite different from an 'off the shelf' suit which was no made specifically for one individual. A tailor is a man who traditionally measures you and then makes up your suit for you. Things that are made to order range from tea cups, cars, boats. in the case of car, there is a base standard. However there may be many special individual additions such as: paintwork, upholstery trim, personalised number plates, special tyres etc. "John's house is totally unique. It was tailor-made to his own specifications."
A tailor-made や bespoke suitとは、'made-to-measure' suitともいうことができます。 これは量販的に作られるoff the shell suitというものとは違い、個人の丈を計って作られるものです。 Tailorとは、そういった伝統的にスーツの丈を計り、スーツを仕立てる人のことです。 こうやって特注して作られるものというのは、ティーカップからボートまで幅広いです。 車の場合は一定の基準がありますが、外装、内装、自分専用のナンバープレート、タイアなど最近ではこういった特注をする人もいます。. 例 "John's house is totally unique. It was tailor-made to his own specifications." (ジョンの家はとても独特です。オーダーメイドで彼の好みに作られたのです。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This suit is tailor made.

  • My closet is full of custom made suits.

  • The suit I will wear to my graduation was made to order.

Another way you can refer to clothes, or anything for that matter, is by simply referring to them as custom. You do not always have to use tailor made. You may simply use the term tailored.You can also say, "My suit was custom-fitted." Anything that you order that is designed to meet your specifications is custom made or tailored.
オーダーメイドについて、服やそれ以外のものを表現する言葉には “custom”(カスタム)があります。 いつも“tailor made”(オーダーメイド)を使う必要がはありません。 単に”tailored”という言葉を使うこともできます。 また、 ”My suit was custom-fitted.” (私のシャツはオーダーメイドです。) ということもできます。 お客様の使用に合うようにデザインされた注文したものを “custom made”, “taliored”(オーダーメイド)といいます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • tailor made

  • custom made

tailor made is an adjective that means made by a tailor for a particular customer. For example: "Tailor-made suits". tailor made can also be used as a noun. It is a garment that has been specially made for a particular customer. For example :"A lady in a red tailor-made". Custom made means made or done to order for a particular customer. For example: "Custom-made shoes".
tailor made(テーラーメイド、オーダーメイド)は、 特定の顧客のために仕立て人によって作られたことを意味する形容詞です。 例えば、 tailor-made suits(オーダーメイドスーツ) という風に名詞としても使うことができます。 特定の顧客のために特別に作られた服です。 例: "A lady in a red tailor-made". 「赤いオーダーメイドの服を着た女性」 Custom madeとは、特定の顧客に対して発注する事です。 例: 「Custom-made shose特別に発注した靴」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Custom made.

  • Tailor made.

Custom made means that the item was made according to the requirements of the customer. A good example of this is a bride who requests a custom made wedding dress for her wedding day. Tailor made is another expression for custom made, this often refers to clothing. The expression is taken from the image of a tailor that measure a man for a suit and then sews the suit with the exact measurements of the man.
Custom made とは、顧客の要望にそって商品を作ることをいいます。 良い例としては、よく新婦が結婚式の衣装をカスタムメイドしたりしますね。 Tailor made はcustom madeと同義です。より衣服に関することが多いです。 この表現は、スーツの長さを測るテイラーのイメージからきました。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Tailor made

  • Custom made

  • Bespoke

スーツの場合、「オーダーメイド」は英語では「Tailor made」、「Custom made」あるいは「Bespoke」と言います。 オーダーメイドでスーツをつくりたいです。 → I want to get a suit tailor made → I want to get a suit custom made → I want to get a bespoke suit この三つの言い方のうち、「Custom made」だけは服や着るもの以外に使えます。 I got my girlfriend a custom made mug for her birthday → 彼女の誕生日に、オーダーメイドのマグをあげた。
  • made to order

  • made to measure

  • custom made

something that is made especially to order and not a standard size or designed is usually referred to as custom made or made to measure. This means that the product is unique one of a kind and not mass produced each one will be slightly different. hope this helps Teacher Jemxii
普通のサイズやデザインではなく、 特別に注文して作られるものを大抵 “custom made”や”made to measure”といいます。 これは、その商品がユニークで一つの種類しかなく それぞれが少しずつ異なります。 役に立つと嬉しいです。 Jemxii 先生
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Custom made.

  • Tailor made.

  • Tailored.

Something that is custom made is made to the requirements of that specific person/customer, for example: For my wedding day, I got my suit tailored because, I needed the size to be perfect for my special day!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Made to order

  • Custom made

「オーダーメイド」が英語で「Made to order」か「Custom made」と言います。 例文: オーダーメイドでスーツをつくりたいです。 ー I want to get a custom made suit. あの人たちの帽子は全部オーダーメイドです ー All of their hats are made to order. 私の友達はオーダーメイドのパソコンを買った。 ー My friend bought his computer custom-made. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Custom

  • Custom made

  • Tailor made

When talking about something that is made specifically for someone we would call this a, "customized," or, "custom," for short, made item. For example, I could say that I had my camera "custom made," or that I own a, "custom motorbike." However when talking about clothing, we would use the word, "tailor made," because the article of clothing is made by a tailor.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Tailor made.

  • Custom built.

  • Made to order.

Tailor made. Custom built. Made to order. Something that is made specifically for someone then you can use one of these three names. Tailor made - works best with clothes or an object. Custom built - best with a car. Made to order - anything. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Custom-made

  • Tailor-made

  • Bespoke

1. Custom-made 2. Tailor-made 3. Bespoke Custom-made, tailor-made and bespoke all refer to the fact that something has been designed or made to suit the needs or according to the exact specifications requested by a person. These terms can be used to describe anything from clothes, a house, wardrobes, a holiday, etc.
Shams DMM英会話講師
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