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2015/11/03 04:08
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  • moving walkway

”You are approaching the end of the moving walkway. Please watch your step.” (動く歩道が終わりますので、足元にご注意ください) 海外の空港で「動く歩道」が終わりに近づいてくると、流れるアナウンス。 動く歩道のすぐ近くが自分が搭乗する飛行機のゲートだったりすると 延々このアナウンスを聞くことになり、しまいには頭から離れなくなります。 (空港によってアナウンスの違いはあると思います。) Be careful on the moving walkway! (動く歩道の上は気をつけなさい!) 子供などは動く歩道を喜び勇んで走ってしまうので、そんな時はこう言ってください。 でも、子供に叫んでいるお母さんが動く歩道上でつまずいていたりするので、 気をつけて頂きたいです。
  • Movator

  • Moving walkway

  • Moving sidewalk

Moving walkway または moving sidewalk のことを「Movator」と呼んでいます。 ただ、国によってはtravelator(主にイギリス)や walkalator と呼んでいる所もあります。
  • moving walkway

  • moving sidewalk

  • coveyor

Although all three are technically accurate translations, the most common is moving walkway.
3つとも同じ意味をさすんだけど、一番使われるのはmoving walkwayだね。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • moving walkway

色々な国の空港でも、moving walkwayと表現されていることが多いですね。
Philip James DELTA所有英語講師
  • Travelator

  • A people conveyor belt

  • Moving walkway

Travelator = a people conveyor system frequently seen at airoports for example. A conveyor belt is a system of continuously moving anything along a revolving belt system. "It's going to take us ages to get to the boarding gate. I think we'll miss the flight!" "Don't worry, there's a fast travelator - we'll be there in no time."
Travelator = エアポートで見かける人を運ぶコンベア。コンベアベルトというのは、ぐるりと周回するベルトと一緒にモノを運ぶシステムのことを言います。 "It's going to take us ages to get to the boarding gate. I think we'll miss the flight!" 搭乗までこれじゃすっごい時間かかるよ。飛行機に遅れるんじゃないの? "Don't worry, there's a fast travelator - we'll be there in no time."大丈夫、早い動く歩道があるからすぐにつくよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Moving walkway.

Moving walkways are very handy in large airports, if you have a lot of walking to do between terminals these are a great way for you to conserve energy. It can be quite draining walking long distances with a lot of luggage.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • conveyor belt

In the UK, this is known as a 'conveyor belt'.
イギリスではこれは'conveyor belt'として知られています。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Moving walkway (American English)

  • Moving sidewalk (American English)

  • Travelator (British English)

These answers are synonyms to describe a slow-moving conveyor mechanism that transports people across a horizontal or inclined plane over a short to medium distance.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A travelator

  • A moving walkway

A travelator Travelator or travellator is a Brittish word used to describe a moving pavement for transporting pedestrians , as in a shopping precinct or an airport. This is particularly useful for carrying luggage over short distances,typically in an airport. A moving walkway definition : A moving walkway or moving sidewalk is a slow moving conveyor mechanism that transports people across a horizontal or inclined plane over a short to medium distance. Moving walkways can be used by standing or walking on them. They are often installed in pairs, one for each direction.
A travelator travelator や travellator はイギリス英語で、ショッピングセンターや空港などで歩行者を移動させる動く歩道のことを意味します。 これは荷物を短い距離運ぶとき、とくに空港で便利です。 A moving walkway 定義:a moving walkway や moving sidewalk は、平らな、または傾斜がある短い〜少し長い距離で人を運ぶ、ゆっくり動くコンベア式の機会のことです。 moving walkway は立っていても、歩いても使えます。 両方の方向にひとつずつ、2列に並んで設置されていることが多いです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A travelator...(Conveyor)

  • I usually keep walking when I'm on a travelator...they go too slow!

When in airports ...we are mostly a long way from the boarding gates.. So we use these moving walkways or ' travelators' to help us get through to our desired departure point;-D NB They can be a slower than simply walking! And sometimes I find it quicker to avoid them;-))
空港では、搭乗口から長い距離を歩かないといけないことがあります。ですので、このmoving walkwaysやtravelatorsを使います。しかし、普通に歩くよりも遅くなることもあるので、逆に早く行きたいときは使わないこともあります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • walkalator.

A walkalator is a slow moving kind of conveyor belt that transports people from on end to another normally over short distances. Most of the time they are flat, but can sometimes be inclined or declined to go up or down a floor, normally you can find the inclined/declined ones in shopping malls.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Coveyor

  • Moving walkway

- Conveyor; A moving band of metal or rubber that is used to carry luggage in airports. - Moving walkway; This would be the most appropriate word or phrase to use to answer your specific question. It would simply be something that you step onto that is flat that transports you from one point in a building to the other.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Moving walkway.

  • Conveyer belt.

As an American English speaker, I would probably refer to this as a, "moving walkway," however, I have heard a few of my British friends call this a, "conveyer belt," so feel free to use either one and a native will understand.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Travelator

  • Autowalk

A travelator or autowalk is a moving sidewalk/pavement which is often found at airports. It transports people for medium distances from one end of a building to another and is especially convenient when one has to carry heavy bags or luggage. A travelator or autowalk can be used by standing or walking on them - it's entirely up to the individual.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • moving walkway

「動く歩道」はmoving walkwayと言います(*^_^*) ◆ 関連語です。 intersection「交差点」 railroad crossing「踏切」 traffic signal「交通信号」 rotary「ロータリー」 pedestrian crossing「横断歩道」 pedestrian bridge「歩道橋」 sidewalk「歩道」 moving walkway「動く歩道」 highway, expressway「高速道路」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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