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2016/05/15 13:23
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  • What kind of effects does it/this have?

効能 というのはeffect です。 (effect は、効能の他に、効果・影響という意味があります) 殆どのものは複数の効能を持っているでしょうから、 effectsと複数形にします。 What kind of effects does it/this have? で 「どんな効能がありますか 」 になります。
  • effects

Yoshikoさんが紹介したように、「効能」はだいたい"effects"と言います。 ちなみに、薬などを飲む時は何かを治したい時だと思いますが、それ以外の「副作用」と呼ばれるものは"side effects"と言います。例えば、もしかしたら熱が出たり、腫れたりなどのことです。 What kind of side effects does this medicine have? この薬はどんな副作用がありますか?
  • What are the side effects?

  • What are the upsides/downsides of it?

The side effects are normally the negative effects of a product. For example the side effect of coffee is that the caffeine can make your heart race. In order to ask for the positives of a drug, you can ask: What are the upsides of it? Upsides are the positive effects. In order to ask for both the negatives of a drug, you can ask: What are the downsides of it? Downsides are the negative effects. I hope that helps!
side effect (副作用)は通常、マイナスの効果のことを意味します。たとえばコーヒーの副作用は、カフェインのせいで旨がドキドキするかもしれないことです。 お薬のプラスの効果について聞くには、こういう言い方があります。 What are the upsides of it? upsidesは良い効果のことです。 マイナスの効果について聞くには、こう言うことができます。 What are the downsides of it? downsides は悪い効果のことです。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • What are the benefits and side effects of it?

A benefit, is something that gives you an advantage, something that makes improvements to you. For example: "The benefits of this medicine is that it will improve your skin" A side effect, is most usually, described as something that is an unwelcome effect, an effect that is not beneficial and does not help or improve the thing that it effects. For example: "A side effect of this medicine is that it can give you headaches".
benefit(利益)はあなたに利益をもたらす物であり、何かを改善してくれるものです。 例文: "The benefits of this medicine is that it will improve your skin" この薬の利点は肌を改善してくれることです。 A side effect(副作用)とは、有益でなく改善をもたらさない喜ばしくない効果のことを表します。 例文: "A side effect of this medicine is that it can give you headaches". この薬の副作用は頭痛をもたらすことです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • what are the health benefits

  • are there any side effects

  • what are the after effects of drinking this

examples "does the medicine have any side effects". or "what are the health benefits of drinking this". or "are there any after effects of drinking this".
例 "Does the medicine have any side effects". (その薬は副作用がありますか。) または "What are the health benefits of drinking this". (これを飲む健康上の良い点は何でしょうか。) または "Are there any after effects of drinking this". (これを飲んだ事後作用はありますか。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • What are the side effects?

Side effects are an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect: For example: "Does this drug have any side effects?" You can drink tea and the side effects you may get is headache,nausea etc.
副作用は、主効果に加えて起こる薬物の不快な効果です。 例) "Does this drug have any side effects?" (この薬は副作用がありますか?) お茶を飲むことができますし、副作用では頭痛や吐き気が起こるかもしれません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What are the beneficial effects of this?

  • Are there any side effects with this?

Side effects - In medicine, a side effect is an effect, whether therapeutic or adverse, that is secondary to the one intended; although the term is predominantly employed to describe adverse effects, it can also apply to beneficial, but unintended, consequences of the use of a drug. A beneficial effect would be something like: increased brain activity, better concentration, better energy or a feeling of euphoria, although when talking about hard drugs this may be seen as a negative effect. People drink alcohol and smoke because they crave the side effects of these things.
Side effects (副作用) - 薬学では"side effect"とは意図する効果に次ぐ薬の効能や副作用です。この用語は主に副作用を記述するために使われますが有益である(benificial)が、意図されていなかった薬の効能にも適用されます。 benificial な薬の効能は例えば脳活動の増加や、集中力の高まり、活力の増加または多幸感などです。しかし中毒性の強い薬物について話す時にはこれらは弊害と思われるかもしれません。 人々はこれらの副作用を切望するためお酒を飲んだりタバコを吸ったりします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What does it do to you?

  • Is it good for you? / Is it bad for you?

What does it do to you? - this is asking what something will do to your body; or how it will affect your body Is it good for you? / Is it bad for you? - this is asking if something is good or bad for your health
"What does it do to you?" (これは何の効能がありますか?) - この表現はどんな効能が体にあるのかと尋ねる質問です。 "Is it good for you? / Is it bad for you?" (これは体にいいですか?/これは体に悪いですか?) -これはあなたの体に対して良い効果があるものなのか、悪い効果があるのか尋ねる表現です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • What are the effects?

  • What are the side-effects?

  • What are the upsides and downsides?

In a general sense, we can use the term, "effects," to talk about all of the things a certain product can do to us. "Side-effects," refer to the other effects that are in something regardless of the one we are hoping for, such a caffeine in tea or coffee. Upsides are the positives and downsides are the negative of something.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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