I took a peek inside the nondescript building and found a nice shop there.
When I looked inside the nondescript building, I discovered a wonderful shop.
ご質問して頂いたフレーズですが、"dip into nondescript buildings"の"dip into"は、確かに「探る」という意味でも使われますが、これはよく気になる本や作品を「覗く」(e.g., "I've dipped into a book by Murakami")という意味で使われます。実際、建物を「覗く」という場合は、"peek inside"や"look into"という訳が一番適切かと思います。「建物が気になったので、ふらっと入ってみた」というような場合は"I wandered into"、偶然見つけたという場合は"I stumbled upon"という表現があります。
1. I took a peek inside the nondescript building and found a nice shop there.
2. When I looked inside the nondescript building, I discovered a wonderful shop.
3. I wandered into a nondescript building and there was a nice shop inside.
4. I stumbled upon an interesting shop inside a nondescript building.
ちなみに、「変哲もない」は "unremarkable," "dull"や"run-of-the-mill"と訳せます。