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2016/05/15 19:41
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  • Long-sleeve shirt

  • Short-sleeve shirt / T shirt

Hey Kenji! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! [シャツ]( shirt [袖]( sleeve 長袖= long-sleeve shirt 半袖= short-sleeve shirt. 日本語に直訳すると、「短袖」ですね。 あと、半袖のシャツはTの字に似ているので、T-shirtとも言います。 例: Do you think I should wear a long-sleeve shirt or a short-sleeve shirt today? 今日、長袖と半袖のシャツ、どっちを着た方が良いかな? ハイフン「-」の使い分け ハイフンは、元々別の言葉なのに1つの言葉として扱う時に使います。 The sleeves are short = short-sleeve the bread made two days ago = Two-day-old bread. よろしくお願いします!
  • long-sleeve shirt / short-sleeve shirt

半袖は "short-sleeve shirt" 長袖は "long-sleeve shirt" さらに、[袖](がないシャツは "sleeveless shirt" または "no-sleeve shirt"といいます。 是非使ってみてください!
  • Short sleeve shirt

  • Long sleeve shirt

A short sleeve shirt is a shirt with a sleeve extending from the shoulder to the elbow. A long sleeve shirt is shirt with a sleeve extending from shoulder to wrist.
short sleeve shirts(短い袖のシャツ)は、肩から肘までの長さのシャツです。 long sleeve shirt(長袖シャツは)、肩から手あたりまでの長さの袖のシャツです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Long sleeved shirt.

  • Short sleeved shirt.

  • Vest/tank-top.

Long sleeved shirt. - A long sleeved shirt had buttons running down the middle of the body and also cuffs which are situated around the wrist where you will fasten the buttons. Short sleeved shirt. - The sleeves on these stop above the elbow normally. A short sleeve shirt will have buttons down the middle of the body; whereas a Polo shirt has normally 3 buttons below the neck resembling a T-shirt with buttons. A vest or Tank-top has no buttons or sleeves. A lot of people confuse a vest/tank-top with a blouse which is closer to a cardigan.
Long sleeve shirts. -長袖のシャツには、身体の中央を通るボタンと、手首の周りに位置するボタンがあります。 Short sleeve shirts. - これは通常肘の上あたりまでの袖のものを指します。 短い袖のシャツには、身体の中央にボタンがあります。 ポロシャツは通常ボタンの付いたTシャツに似たもので首の下に3つのボタンがあります。 A vest or Tank -ボタンや袖がありません。 多くの人がカーディガンに近いブラウスをベスト/タンクトップと混同しています。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • A short sleeved shirt

  • A long sleeved shirt

The shirt may be described as 'short sleeved' or short sleeve' as there are two possibilities, both meaning exactlky the same. In the UK, short sleeved shirts (with collars) are usually adopted during the summer months. However during the colder parts of the year, many revert to the long sleeved variety to help keep them warm. Less formal clothing such as tee shirts may also have long and short sleeved versions.
2つの可能性がありどちらも全く同じ意味であるためそのシャツは"short sleeved"または"short sleeve"と言い表されるかもしれません。 イギリスでは襟付きの半袖シャツは通常夏の時期に使われます。しかし寒い季節には多くの人が温かくするために long sleeved の種類に戻します。Tシャツなどのよりカジュアルな服も同様に長袖と半袖があるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • T-shirt

  • Long sleeved Shirt

  • Short sleeved shirt

Basically, a "T-shirt" has short sleeves with no buttons in the middle. We wear them during the summer outside. We can also wear them inside as well, even if it's not summer as long as the house is warm. They are very informal and normally don't have a collar. "I love wearing T-shirts in the summer! They are so comfortable!" A "Long-sleeved shirt" can be a shirt with buttons in the middle and of course long sleeves. This differentiates it from a "T-shirt". It can be worn for formal or informal situations. For formal situations, you can also wear a tie which goes under the collar. "I wore a Long-sleeved shirt to the interview yesterday and also a black tie. I hope I impressed the interviewer!" A "Short-sleeved shirt" can be a shirt with buttons in the middle, but with short sleeves. It would be considered a T-shirt if it didn't have buttons in the middle, or a collar. I would consider this a less formal piece of clothing, "My mother told me to wear a short-sleeved shirt to the barbecue that we went to last week. She said she wanted me to look a little presentable but not overly so."
"T-shirt" は真ん中にボタンのない半袖のシャツをいいます。これは夏に屋外で着ます。屋内で着ることもあります、夏でなくても、屋内が暖かければですね。これはとてもカジュアルな衣類で、普通襟はありません。 "I love wearing T-shirts in the summer! They are so comfortable!"(夏にはよくTシャツを着ます。すごく着心地がいいので) "Long-sleeved shirt" には、真ん中にボタンがある場合があります。そしてもちろんこれは長袖(Long sleeves)です。これが "T-shirt" との違いです。"Long-sleeved shirt" は、フォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも身につけられます。フォーマルな場面では、これにネクタイをすることもあります。 "I wore a Long-sleeved shirt to the interview yesterday and also a black tie. I hope I impressed the interviewer!" (昨日の面接には長袖のシャツと黒いネクタイで行きました。面接官の印象に残っていたらいいけど) "Short-sleeved shirt" にも真ん中にボタンがある場合があります。ただ、これは半袖です。ボタンや襟がない場合にはたぶん "T-shirt" と見なされます。"Short-sleeved shirt" は、"Long-sleeved shirt" よりもカジュアルな衣類のイメージです。 "My mother told me to wear a short-sleeved shirt to the barbecue that we went to last week. She said she wanted me to look a little presentable but not overly so." (先週行ったバーベキューは、母親に半袖のワイシャツを着ていくように言われました。あんまりフォーマルでもいけないけどそれなりの格好はしてほしいと言われました)
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • A short sleeve shirt

  • Long sleeve shirt.

A shirt that has a short sleeve is called a short sleeve shirt. A shirt that has a long sleeve is called a long sleeve shirt. it's that simple.
短い袖のシャツの事を ”a short sleeve shirt.” と呼びます。 長い袖のシャツは ”a long sleeve shirt.” と言います。とても簡単ですよね。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • short-sleeve shirt

  • long-sleeve shirt

  • summer clothes / winter clothing

short-sleeve shirt - this is a shirt with short sleeves long-sleeve shirt - this is a shirt with long sleeves summer clothes / winter clothing - we usually categorize short-sleeve and long-sleeve clothing as belonging to either one of two categories: summer or winter clothes. This means clothes you normally wear in the summer or in the winter
"short-sleeve shirt"(半袖シャツ) - これは袖の短いシャツの事です。 "long-sleeve shirt"(長袖シャツ) - これは袖が長いシャツの事です。 "summer clothes / winter clothing" (夏服/冬服) - 通常シャツを"short-sleeve(半袖)"と"long-sleeve(長袖)"に分類し、"summer cloth(夏服)"と"winter clothes(冬服)"の二つに分類します。 夏に着る服と冬に着る服と言う意味ですよね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Short sleeved shirt.

  • Long sleeved shirt.

Short sleeved shirt. Long sleeved shirt. It is better when a language keeps it nice and simple, and in English we do this often. So, a shirt with short sleeves, is called a short sleeved shirt, and one with long it guessed it, a long sleeved shirt. Simple. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Short sleeved shirt.(半袖のシャツ) Long sleeved shirt.(長袖のシャツ) メッセージはシンプルであるに越したことはないですね。これは英語でもよく行われます。"A shirt with short sleeves"(半袖のシャツ)は "A short sleeved shirt" と呼ばれます。そして、"A shirt with long sleeves"(長袖のシャツ)は....分かりますね、"A long sleeved shirt" です。シンプルです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Short sleeved shirt.

  • Long sleeved shirt.

There are many different styles of shirts, some styles are more formal whereas others are more casual. The two types mentioned above are two of the main styles of shirts. A shirt will either be long and it will reach the middle or the end of the arm, or it will be short, reaching only to the top of the arm. If a T-shirt doesn't have any arms at all and ends on the shoulder, it is called a sleeveless T-shirt. I love wearing long-sleeved shirts on a cool breezy day. Short-sleeved shirts and sleeveless shirts are great for hot days.
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • A short-sleeved shirt

  • A long-sleeved shirt

A short-sleeved shirt has short sleeves. Examples include a T-shirt or a vest. Long-sleeved tops come further down the arm, often to the wrist. You may find that some people (especially British people) say 'top' rather than 'shirt', whereas in the USA 'shirt' is more popular. In the UK, 'shirt' often refers to a more formal style of clothing that may be worn with a suit, for example.
A short-sleeved shirt' は半袖のシャツです。例えば、Tシャツやベストなどが含まれます。 'Long-sleeved tops' はしばしば袖が手首まで来るものをいいます。 (特にイギリスでは)'shirt' の代わりに 'top' が使われることがあります。アメリカでは、'shirt' の方が一般的です。 イギリスでは、'shirt' は、例えばスーツの下に着るような、よりフォーマルなシャツを指すことが多いです。
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Short sleeve t-shirt

  • Long sleeve t-shirt

So you would define the style of the shirt based on how long the sleeves were. So if the shirt had longer sleeves, you would call it a long sleeve t-shirt/shirt. In reverse, you would call one with shorter sleeves, a short sleeve t-shirt/shirt.
「長袖のシャツ」「半袖のシャツ」の言い方を知りたいということですね。 「長袖のシャツ」は "A long sleeve t-shirt/shirt" と言います。 一方、「半袖のシャツ」は "A short sleeve t-shirt/shirt" と言います。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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