世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/08/13 10:29
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  • When I was young, I dreamed of going to America.

  • It was my dream to go to America when I was little.

  • When I was young, it was my dream to go to America.

All three of these sentences can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning of dreaming to go to America when you were young. The main difference between them is the structure of the sentence. As you can see within the first example, you can use the verb, "to dream," to describe this desire, whereas in the second and third you are referring to, "my dream," in the noun form. In addition, to describe that this was something you wanted/dreamed of when younger can be described as, "when I was young," or by saying, "when I was little."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I have wanted to visit America since I was very young. Now this dream has been realized.

  • Going to America has always been my dream.

  • Since I was young, it has been my dream to visit America. Now, my dream has come true.

There are lot of different ways of phrasing this. All of these phrases convey the key information: that you have wanted to visit America from a young age.
You could also say: I have always dreamed of going to/visiting America.

Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • I have wanted to go to America since I was a kid and I finally went.

  • I finally went to America after wanting it for such a long time.

  • My childhood dreams have come true, and I got to go to America.

I have wanted to go to America since I was a kid and I finally went.
I finally went to America after wanting it for such a long time.
My childhood dreams have come true, and I got to go to America.

If you want to let someone know that you childhood dreams of going to a certain country has come true, then you can use one of these sentences to help you get your message across.

I hope it helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It was my dream to go to America ever since I was little.

  • Now my dream has been fulfilled.

1) It was my dream to go to America ever since I was little.
ever since で「〜以来」
*もしこれをアメリカで言っているなら、 It was my dream to come to America ... 「アメリカに来るのが夢だった」となります。

2) Now my dream has been fulfilled.
fulfill で「叶う」
come true を使っても良いです。


  • I realised my childhood dream finally - and was able to go to America

  • I went to the US, which had actually been a childhood dream of mine

You'd like to explain that going to America had been your dream since you were little, and you were able to realize that dream. The above examples may suit any situation like this.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • i have always dreamt of going to America ever since I was a little kid.

  • Going to America has always been a dream of mine ever since I was a child.

If you have always wanted to go to America since you were a little kid, you can express this by saying something like "i have always dreamt of going to America ever since I was a little kid." or "Going to America has always been a dream of mine ever since I was a child.".

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I can finally scratch a visit to America off my bucket list.

  • My childhood dream of visiting America has finally come to fruition.

  1. I can finally scratch a visit to America off my bucket list.
    If something is on your bucket list then it is part of your wish list.
    It is a personal goal that you want to achieve. If you can scratch it off
    your bucket list, then it means that your dream finally became a reality.
    Another example: I can finally scratch a holiday in the Maldives
    off my bucket list.

  2. My childhood dream of visiting America has finally come
    to fruition.
    The phrase, "has finally come to fruition"means that your
    dream finally came true. In this instance it means that your
    dream to visit America eventually came true.
    Another example: Her dream to win an Olympic gold medal came to
    fruition when she won first place in the Ladies 100m sprint race.

Shams DMM英会話講師
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