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Summer is hot when go to ereryplace.ですよね?
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2019/08/20 20:02
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  • It's hot in the summer no matter where you go.

  • No matter where you go, it's not in the summer.

  • It's hot in the summer regardless of where you go.

Notice that in the first two example sentences, we can move around pieces of the sentence to either the front or the back of the sentence and still keep the same meaning. We can also use, "regardless of," and, "no matter," interchangeably.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It's hot in the summertime regardless of where you go.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 今年の夏もあつかったですね! “It's hot in the summertime regardless of where you go.“ 「夏はどこへ行っても暑い」 * it's hot: 暑い * summertime: 夏場、夏季 * regardless: 〜〜に関わらず * where: どこに * go: 行く 英語では気温や気象を表す際、"it's 〇〇" と言います。例えば "It's sunny" (天気がいい)や "It's cold" (寒い)という様に使います。「夏は暑い」の直訳で "summer is hot" と言っても通じますが、ネイティブスピーカーはあまり使わない表現だと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Wherever you go in summer it will always be hot.

  • Your guaranteed good weather if you go in summer.

2nd example, it is very common to say you'll be guaranteed weather because if your going away on holiday you want to know for certain that the weather will be good so we talk about the weather being guaranteed.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • All spots are hot in the summer.

  • You can't escape the heat in summer.

Sometimes instead of 'places' we say 'spots' to indicate locations. We might say 'I went to that shopping spot last week.' If we don't like hot weather (or are averse to it), we might say 'escape the heat' to mean that the hot weather is something we want to seek shelter from.
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • It is hot no matter where you go in the summer.

  • In summer it is hot everywhere.

  • It is hot everywhere in the summer, it doesn't matter where you go.

That does sound like a bit of a sticky situation to find yourself in. Anyway, when someone whats to know if it is hot everywhere in the summer, or that one person who wants to find that one place that is cool, well you can tell them one of these sentences, and let them know that everywhere is hot in the summer. Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that suits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It doesn't matter where you go, it's hot everywhere during summer time.

This is a good way to explain that it doesn't matter where you travel too, in the summer season, the temperature/weather is always hot. You can't escape the heat. Once the summer season is over, and the season changes to Autumn the weather gradually cools down.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Summer is hot all-over the world!

  • It is hot during summer, regardless of where you go.

Both of these statements will bring your point across, no matter in what situation. 1) Summer is hot all-over the world! This exclamation carries more exasperation than the second one. This one is best used when you are to get your point across to someone whom may disagree with you. They might make a statement that says that European summers are cooler than Chinese summers. If they make this point then you can use the first sentence. 2) It is hot during summer, regardless of where you go. This sentence is a statement and should be used when you just mean to say something as a fact. You should use this in conversations of discussing possible vacation destinations or when someone is complaining about having a particularly hot summer. Eg.- "It is dreadfully hot, we should go to Europe where it might be cooler." "It is hot during summer, regardless of where you go".
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Regardless of where you go, it's hot in the summer.

  • Everywhere is hot in the summer.

  • Summertime is hot no mattter where you go.

If you want to explain, it's hot in the summer, you can use any of the following expressions. 1. Regardless of where you go, it's hot in the summer. 2. Everywhere is hot in the summer. 3. Summertime is hot no matter where you go. In some countries especially in the tropical countries the summer months are hot everywhere, no matter where you go in the country. Here are some example sentences of how these expressions can be used. Linda : "It's so hot on this part of the island, is there another part that's cooler?" Marly: "Regardless of where you go, it's hot in the summer." Patrick : "I want to go somewhere cool, I don't like hot weather that much." Patrice: "Everywhere is hot in the summer. " Sharly: "Summertime is hot no mattter where you go. " Shannon : "Well we're just going to have to deal with it then."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's hot in summer regardless of where you go.

  • It's hot in summer no matter where you go.

  • Summer is always hot anywhere you go.

You can use the phrase "It's hot in summer" or "Summer is always hot" for this expression. You can use the phrases regardless of where, no matter where, or anywhere.
Karly DMM英会話講師
  • You can't escape the summer heat

  • It's impossible to avoid the summer heat

  • No matter where you are, the heat is intolerable

Impossible to avoid/you can't escape/no matter where you are - these are all phrases that may be used to explain that the summer heat is both overbearing and relentless. "I can't escape the evil clutches of my ex-wife!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's hot eveyrwhere.

  • No matter where you go, it's hot.

You can use any of the above two sentences to express that it is hot in summer, everywhere. A; It's so hot this summer season, why don't we go up country for the weekend. B; That won''t do, it will be hot anywhere you go.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • It is always hot in summer.

  • The temperatures are high everywhere in summer.

  • In summer, you cannot escape the hot temperatures.

When we refer to the climate being hot or cold we call this the temperature. So you can say that the temperature is high everywhere. If you do not like the heat then the 3rd sentence is suitable.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • During the summer, there's no respite from the heat anywhere in Japan.

  • Short of leaving the country, you cannot dodge the heat in Japan.

1. During the summer, there's no respite from the heat anywhere in Japan. To have "respite'' means having some short bit of relief or a break from something. Example sentence: We vacationed in Switzerland to get some respite from the heat in Japan. 2. Short of leaving the country, you cannot dodge the heat in Japan. The expression 'short of'' means ''aside from'' or ''other than''. In other words, your only option to get away from Japan's heat is to go to a different country during summer. The word ''dodge'' means to escape.
Shams DMM英会話講師
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