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2016/07/13 20:09
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  • local summer festival

地元の夏祭りは local summer festival ということが出来ます。 地元の夏祭りにいってくる予定です でしたら I'm going to go to the local summer festival. などといいます。 お役に立てましたら幸いです。
  • summer community festival

このように言うこともできます。 "community" は「地域(社会)、コミュニティー」を表し、住んでいる場所としての町や村を指します。
  • Summer Festival

  • Summer carnival

!Summer Festival. !Summer carnival. !>Carnival=Festival Other words can be: *Fiesta *Feast day *Feasting *Street fair *Carousal
Summer Festival. Summer carnival. 夏祭り 「Carnival」とはお祭りです。 他の以下のようにいう事ができます。 *Fiesta *Feast day *Feasting *Street fair *Carousal
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A summer fayre (fair)

  • A fete

  • A Village fayre

In the UK many towns and even small villages put aside one day when they may celebtrate the joys of the summer. Often such days include many stalls where local people present their wares. there may also be aniumal shows and races and competition for those who wish to participate. It ios typically a family fun day. The old spelling of 'fair' is 'fayre.'
イギリスでは多くの町、または小さい村などでも夏を祝う祭の為に1日を割り当てたり。 これらの日は地元の人々が屋台などで色々なものを販売します。 また、そこでは動物ショーやレース、タレントショー、コンテストなどもあります。 これは典型的な楽しい家族日です。 この'fair’(フェア)の昔のスペルは'fayre'でした。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • local summer festival

  • local festival

You can use "local festival" to describe any festival in the summer season, but if you want to specify it, you can say "local summer festival".
「local festival(地方の祭り)」夏の季節の祭りを表現する時に使います。 しかし、より特定的に言いたければ「local summer festival」という事ができます。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • Local summer festival

  • Summer Fiesta

  • Summar Gala

A festival is a day or time of the year when people have a holiday from work and celebrate some special event, often a religious event. To describe a local summer festival, you can simply say :- 1. Local summer festival. 2. Summer Fiesta (a fiesta is another word for festival.) 3. Summer Gala (Gala is another word for festival.)
祭りは、祝日で、特別なイベントや宗教的なイベントを祝う年中行事です。 地方の夏祭りを祝うことは以下のように言います。 1. Local summer festival. 地方の夏祭り 2. Summer Fiesta (a fiesta is another word for festival.) 夏祭り(「festival」を「fiesta」と言い換えることができます) 3. Summer Gala (Gala is another word for festival.) 夏祭り(「festival」を「gala」と言い換えることができます)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • summer fair

  • village fete

some villages in the UK have something called a summer fete. This is an opportunity to bake local goods and cakes and make jams for sale or for competition. in some places, this is a very old tradition spanning back through the centuries. local farmers would bring along the biggest onion or carrot etc.. and compete for a prize. A summer fete or fair is a very English tradition
イギリスの村ではsummer feteと呼ばれるお祭りがあります。 これは地元の品物やケーキを焼いたり、販売用やコンテスト用にジャムを作ったりする機会です。ある地域では、何世紀まで遡るほどとても古い伝統行事です。 地元の農家の人々が1番大きな玉ねぎやニンジンなどを持ち寄り、賞をかけて競います。 summer fete(夏祭り)やfairはとてもイギリス的な伝統です。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Summer fair

  • Summer carnival

  • Summer festival

A fair, sometimes spelt 'fayre', is a gathering of people for a variety of entertainment or commercial activities. It is normally a temporary event with scheduled times lasting from an afternoon to several weeks. There are usually fun activities and games for the family, food stalls and tents to buy food from, and usually some kind of interesting entertainment act for people to watch. A carnival is similar, except that it usually involves a parade. A parade is a procession of people dressed up in special outfits and possibly riding on dressed up vehicles, which are the main attraction of the event.
fair(fayreともたまに綴られる)はさまざまな娯楽や商業的なアクティビティを目的とした人々の集まりのことです。通常、ある日の午後から数週間までスケジュールが決まった一時的なイベントです。 家族連れのための楽しいアクティビティやゲーム、食べ物を帰る屋台やテント、人々が鑑賞できる楽しい娯楽があります。 carnivalは似ていますが、通常parade(パレード)があります。パレードは特別な衣装で着飾った人々の行進です。飾り付けされた車両に乗っている場合もあり、イベントの見どころです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Local summer festival

  • Summer fete

  • Village fayre

"A local summer festival" This is referring to a festival / party / fayre / gathering of people with music, food, drinks and activities, that is 'local' / smewhere that is close to you. A 'fete' is another term that is used as well as Fayre. usually a lot smaller than a festival a fete or fayre is usually a small and local event held in villages and towns. example: "I'm going to the annual village fete tonight" "Did you hear! the fayre is in town at the football pitches".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Local Summer Festival

  • Local Holiday

  • Regional / State Summer Festival

The most common expression will be "Local Summer Festival" especially if the holiday is only celebrated in your city or its immediate surroundings. It can also be referred to as a holiday. An example of a local festival would be the festival of Nowruz celebrated in the Tehrangeles district of Los Angeles, as that is a holiday celebrated by Persians all around the world and Tehrangeles is a Persian neighborhood within the bigger city of Los Angeles. For something that is celebrated on a bigger scale (like a Prefecture level celebration) you would need to call it according to the administrative division such as Province, Region, or State. An example of this is Pioneer Day in the state of Utah; though it is NOT a federal holiday, it is a celebration of the arrival of the Mormon pioneers into the state of Utah on 24 July 1847, and is a statewide holiday.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
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