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「朝ごはんを食べたいけど、もう時間がない。」 と言いたいときの、時間がない です!
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2016/05/18 17:02
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  • There is no time to lose!

「失うための時間はない!」という言いかたです。 There is ~.「そこに~がある」 その後ろにto+動詞をつけるといろいろなことが表現できます。 There is no need to hurry!「急ぐ必要はない」 といったようにも使えます。
Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • I don't have time

  • There's no time

I want to eat breakfast but I don't have time I want to eat breakfast but there's no time どちらも「朝ご飯食べたいけど時間がない」という意味です。
  • I'm out of time

  • I don't have time to〜

I'm out of time =時間切れだ I'm out of〜は色んな場面で使えるフレーズです。例えば家にお砂糖がない場合は「I'm out of sugar」と言います。 I don't have time to〜 = 〜する時間はない 質問者さんの言いたいフレーズですと「I don't have time to eat breakfast」と言いましょう。
  • We are/I am running out of time.

run out of~で「~が無くなる・切れる」という意味を表します。 これを用いたrun out of time「時間が無くなる・時間が迫る」も非常によく聞かれます。 Hurry! We are running out of time! 「急いで!時間が迫ってるよ!」 主語をIにするかWeにするかは状況に応じて使い分けてください。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I'll have to cut short my breakfast

  • I'm too pushed for time to finish breakfast

To cut short something = to stop before completing an activity. "John was due to spend 4 weeks on vacation on the south coast of England but unfortunately he had to cut short his holiday as his mother was taken ill."\ If you are too pushed for time to do something, it means that you don't have time to do something. "Sorry to cut short our conversation but I'm too pushed for time and have to be somewhere else!"
To cut short something:あるアクティビティを終了する前に終わらせてしまうこと "John was due to spend 4 weeks on vacation on the south coast of England but unfortunately he had to cut short his holiday as his mother was taken ill."\ ジョンは休暇で4週間イングランドの南の海岸にいってたけど、彼のお母さんが病気になって切り上げてきた。 be pushed for somethingとは、時間がないということを表します。 "Sorry to cut short our conversation but I'm too pushed for time and have to be somewhere else!" 会話を途中でやめてすまない、時間がおしいんだ。今また別の場所にいかなくちゃいけない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No time for breakfast.

  • I skip breakfast.

No time for 〜=『〜の時間がない』 skip=「いつもはやること、あるいはやるべきことを、やらない」という動詞です。 もし、あなたが「スムージー」を朝食代わりにしているなら、 "I drink my breakfast."と言いましょう。 "I make a breakfast smoothie."=「私は、朝食にスムージーを作っているの。」 こんな表現も、覚えておくと便利です。 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • I don't have time

  • I don't have enough time

「朝ご飯を食べたい」は I want to eat breakfast. 「○○するのに時間がない」と伝えたいのであれば、I don't have time. 「○○するのに時間が足りない」と伝えたいのであれば、I don't have enough time. なので、以下の通りになります。 1. I want to eat breakfast, but I don't have time. 2. I want to eat breakfast, but I don't have enough time.
  • I have run out of time to have breakfast

  • I lost track of time and now I can't have breakfast.

  • I don't have any more time left to...

"I have run out of time to have breakfast" This means you no longer have enough time to have your breakfast. "I lost track of time and now I can't have breakfast." To lose track of time is to not notice time slipping by until it is too late. "I don't have any more time left to..." This also means to not have enough time to perform a task,
"I have run out of time to have breakfast" これは朝食を食べる時間がない、という時の表現です。 "I lost track of time and now I can't have breakfast." To lose track of time とは、遅れるまで時間に気づかなかった時の表現です。 "I don't have any more time left to..." これはタスクを完了する際に時間がない、という際に使われます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I have run out of time, so I will skip breakfast.

  • I do not have time left for breakfast.

  • There is no time for breakfast. I am late.

In the first statement, time is getting close to the starting time at work or some other event and having breakfast will cause you to be late. In the second statement, you are fully prepared and breakfast is ready. However there is not enough time to have it if you are to be early for work or some other event. In the third statement, again breakfast is ready but you can't have it because you are already late and you must get going.
1つ目の文では、仕事やなにかイベントが始める時間に近づいていて、朝ごはんを食べていたら遅れてしまうことを意味します。 2つ目の文では、準備ができて朝ごはんも食べられる状況であることを意味します。しかし、仕事やイベントに早く行きたいと思っていたら、朝ごはんを食べる時間がありません。 3つ目は、やはり朝ごはんは準備ができているのですが、すでに時間に遅れていて行かなくてはいけないので、朝ごはんを食べる時間がないことを意味します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm sorry, but I do not have time to spare today.

  • I do not have any time today.

If you do not have any time to do something and want to tell someone this, you can say something like "I'm sorry, but I do not have time to spare today." or "I apologize, but I do not have any time today. ". These are both easy, straight forward yet polite ways to say this.
「時間がない」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I'm sorry, but I do not have time to spare today."(すみません、今日は時間がありません) "I apologize, but I do not have any time today."(申し訳ありません。今日は時間がありません) どちらも直接的ですが丁寧な表現です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I want to eat Breakfast, but I don't have enough time.

  • I want to ... but I don't have enough time.

Both of these sentences perform the function you require. The first "I want to eat breakfast..." specifically tells the person what you want to do but you can apply the same structure to many activities. For example; "I want to play Tennis, but I don't have enough time." "I want to go shopping, but I don't have enough time." "I want to go to the Cinema, but I don't have enough time." I hope this helps.
どちらの回答文でも言いたい事は伝わるでしょう。 まず始めに、"I want to eat breakdast...(朝ごはん食べたいんだけど....)"この文でまず自分は実際に何をしたいのかを伝えられます。 同じ構成が他の様々な動作にも当てはまります。 例 : "I want to play Tennis, but I don't have enough time." 訳 : "テニスをしたいのですが、時間がありません。" 例 : "I want to go shopping, but I don't have enough time." 訳 : " 買い物に行きたいのですが、時間がありません。" 例 : "I want to go to the Cinema, but I don't have enough time." 訳 : "映画を見に行きたいのですが、時間がありません。" 参考になるといいです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • I have no time to finish my breakfast!

  • Time has not permitted me to finish this, I have to run!

Many of us have a very busy life. We don't have time do to the things we would like to do, which sometimes includes eating! In the first sentence we are explaining to the person we are with that it is not possible for us to continue doing what we are doing and we must leave. In the second sentence, we are basically explaining the same thing. "Time has not permitted me" means that time has not allowed me or left me do something or in other words: Time has passed very quickly. "I have to run" doesn't always mean that we must actually run, but it just gives the feeling that we have to go very fast.
忙しい毎日を送っている人は多いですね。やりたいことをする時間がない、時には食べることさえもできない!という。 一つ目の文は、「もう行かないといけないから朝食を最後まで食べられない」という意味です。これは同席している人に対して言っています。 二つ目の文も基本的に同じ意味です。"Time has not permitted me" は「時間がなくてできなかった」という意味です。言い換えると、「時間があっという間に過ぎた」ということ。 "I have to run" は必ずしも実際に走ることを表すわけではありません。ここでは「急がないと」というニュアンスです。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have time right now.

  • I haven't got the time at the minute.

  • I am going to be late if I (verb).

I don't have time right now. I haven't got the time at the minute. I am going to be late if I (verb). I personally would use the first one, however, I have definitely been known to use them all. All will get your point across that you haven't got time and are in a bit of a rush. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
I don't have time right now.(今は時間がない) I haven't got the time at the minute.(今は時間がない) I am going to be late if I (verb).(~したら遅刻する) 個人的には一つ目の例を使うと思います。ただ、どの例も使ったことはあります。どれを使っても「今時間がなくて急いでいる」ことが伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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