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オンラインレッスンでのリスニング問題で、”Do you want to listen one more time?"と言われたとき。
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2016/05/18 22:42
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  • That's okay

  • I'm fine

  • I don't need to

①は、[「結構です」や「大丈夫です」](という意味です。 ②は、「私は大丈夫です」という意味です。 ③は、「いりません」という意味なので「必要ありません」に近い意味ですが、タイドが悪いと勘違いされる可能性があるのであまり使いません。 断る時はだいたい①と②を使うことが多いです。
  • That's not necessary.

こんにちは! 質問者さんのような場面ではケリーさんの回答でバッチリだと思います。 一応補足として necessary([必要](という言葉があります。That's not necessary. と言えば「それは必要ありません」になります。ですが、少しかたい表現です。 unnecessary も「[不必要](」という意味の表現です。 他の方の回答とあわせて参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • No, I don't need to.

  • I got it.

*No, I don't need to. This means that you do not want to listen to it again. You feel like you have heard enough when you listened to it the first time. *I got it. This means you are fine. You do not want to listen to it again.
*No, I don't need to. これはあなたがそれをもう一度聞きたくないということを意味しています。 あなたは初めてそれを聞いた時に十分聞いたと思っています。 *I got it. これはあなたが大丈夫だということを意味しています。 もう一度聞きたくはありません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Once will suffice.

  • That will suffice.

  • I'm good.

1 & 2 - To suffice is to satisfy, be enough, adequate or meet the need. When you tell someone that something will suffice, they will understand that there is no need to provide more information or to repeat. 3 - In casual conversational English, "I'm good", indicates that you are satisfied or content. For example: "Would you like another drink?" An appropriate response could be, "No, I'm good."
例文1:Once will suffice. 「一度で十分です。」 例文2:That will suffice. 「それで十分です。」 例文1、2についてですが、'suffice'という動詞は「十分」、「要求を満たす」という意味です。1と2の例文を言えば、相手はもう追加はいらないと理解してくれます。 例文3:I'm good. 「大丈夫です。」 これはカジュアルな表現で、「間に合っている」ことを暗喩します。 例:Would you like another drink? 訳「もう一杯いかが?」 答えは "No, I'm good."で適切な答えです。 訳「大丈夫ですよ」
Chrisbro DMM英会話講師
  • No, there is no need for further elucidation.

  • No, I don't need anymore clarification.

Sometimes the teacher may be hard to understand because of his/her accent, enunciation, or intonation. This results in the student having to ask questions frequently. The other reason could be that the lesson itself is difficult in terms of the language used by the author. English is very simple once you have collected enough vocabulary and practiced enough sentence construction. So, you may say: No, there is no need for further elucidation. or No, I don't need anymore clarification.
アクセントや発音、イントネーションによって先生の言っていることが理解しにくいことがあるかもしれません。こうなると、生徒はたくさん質問しないといけなくなりますね。 教材に使われている言葉が難しいというのもあるかもしれません。英語は、しっかりと語彙(ごい)を身につけ文章構造を勉強すれば、とても「simple(易しい)」になります。 以下のように言うことができます: No, there is no need for further elucidation. 〔訳〕いえ、もう説明していただかなくて大丈夫です または、 No, I don't need anymore clarification. 〔訳〕いえ、もう説明していただかなくて大丈夫です
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • No thank you.

  • That's not necessary.

  • I don't need to.

When you are being asked something that you don't find needed you can provide different answers such as: "No thank you" "that's not necessary", "I don't need to." All of which provide a respectable "No" to what you are being asked. You can also use these answers for when you are being asked other things as well such as "do you need more water?" these answers are interchangeable.
必要のないものについて聞かれた時には、いろいろな答え方があります。例えば: "No thank you"「いえ、結構です」 "that's not necessary"「必要ないです」 "I don't need to"「大丈夫です」 どれも「No」の丁寧な言い方です。 これらは "do you need more water?" など他の質問に対して使うこともできます、 また、どれを使っても意味は変わりません。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • No thank you, let's carry on.

  • No thank you, lets proceed to the next question.

  • I understood, we can move on.

let's carry on.' This means you would like to carry on with the lesson and you do not need to listen one more time. 'lets proceed to the next question.' Lets proceed means you would like to go on with the lesson and you do not need to listen one more time. 'I understood, we can move on.' This confirms that you did understand and do not need to listen one more time. You can then 'move on' or go to the next exercise or activity. I hope this helps :)
let's carry on.' これはもう一度聞く必要がなく、レッスンを進めたいという意味です。 'lets proceed to the next question.' Lets proceed はあなたがレッスンを先に進めたいと言う意味で、もう一度聞く必要がないと言う事を表します。 'I understood, we can move on.' これはあなたが理解をして、もう一度聞く必要がない事を意味します。そして次のレッスンやエクササイズに "move on' (進む)事ができます。 お役に立てる事を願っています :)
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • There is no need.

  • I don't need to.

  • I got it.

The literal translation is "There is no need." Other translations that you could say are, "I don't need to," or, "I got it." All of these translations are acceptable. If someone asks you if you need to listen again, you can say any of these phrases, and they will all be acceptable, and polite. You could also add "thanks you" before or after that if you want to make it sound more polite.
文字通り答えるなら"There is no need."です。 ほかには、"I don't need to." や" I got it."と答えることができます。 これらの訳はどれも使っていただけます。 もし誰かがあなたにもう一度聞きたいか尋ねた場合、これらのフレーズのどれでも言うことができ、丁寧に聞こえます。 thank you と文頭または文末に言うことで、さらに丁寧に聞こえるでしょう。
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • I understand, We can move on.

  • Once is enough thank you.

I understand, We can move on - This explains that you understood everything and can move on to the next question. Once is enough thank you - This means you only needed to hear it one time and thanking them to be polite.
I understand, We can move on(理解できました、先に進んで大丈夫です) = これは「話が全て理解できたので、次の問題に進んで大丈夫です」という意味です。 Once is enough thank you(1回で大丈夫です、ありがとうございます) = これは「1回で理解できた」という意味です。その後丁寧に「ありがとう」と伝えています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • It's okay thanks

  • That won't be necessary thanks

"It's okay thanks" simple and easy term, used very widely in many contexts', the outcome of this phrase is to express there are no worries, no questions and that if possible you can proceed with whatever you may do. "That won't be necessary thanks" A very formal and polite term of expressing the above phrase, for something to be necessary it often refers that something must be done, required to be done, so If it won't be necessary or unnecessary this refers it must not be required or done.
"It's okay thanks"(大丈夫です、ありがとうございます) いろいろな文脈で使われる簡単でシンプルな表現です。「心配要りません」「質問はありません」「先に進んでください」などの意味になります。 "That won't be necessary thanks"(それは必要ありません、ありがとうございます) 上のフレーズと同じことを非常にフォーマルで丁寧に伝えています。'necessary' は「しなければならないこと」「する必要があること」を指します。ですから、'not necessary' あるいは 'unnecessary' は「する必要がないこと」を指します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • That's not necessary

  • No thanks

  • No, my understanding was pretty good with thanks

You are asked if you would like to listen one more time to something during an online lesson. Of course this is a yes/no question - although just saying YES or NO may appear abrupt or even slightly rude. So, any of the above suggestions would be better.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That's okay, I think I got it all.

  • I'm fine, we can continue.

  • I'm good, I think I got it all

Within these three examples we can either say, "that's okay," or a form of, "I'm fine," to show the teacher that we understand and explain that we understood everything that was said.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • No thanks, we can move on.

  • No thanks, I got it.

Using the phrase: no thanks, we can move on. Is a good way to politely turn down the offer, then ask to proceed with the lesson. Using the phrase: no thanks, I got it. Is a good way to politely turn down the offer and let the teacher know that you understand what was said.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • It is okay.

  • There is no need.

So, we just listened to that, do you have any questions? No. Would you like to listen to it again? No, there is no need. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Not necessary

  • No need to

You could use any of the above two phrases to say that something is not needed. Examples; - It is not necessary to repeat. - There is no need to repeat it, i'm fine.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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