Are you visiting Japan when Tokyo hosts the Olympic Games?
All of these questions ask whether someone is visiting Japan for the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games can also be shortened to just ‘the Olympics’. You could also ask something like ‘Are you coming to watch the Games when Tokyo hosts the Olympics?’
Are you going to come to Japan to watch the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?
Will you come to Japan for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?
Are you coming to Japan to watch the 2020 Tokyo Olympics? It's coming up really soon.
Are you planning to come to Japan next year to watch the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?
"Do you have plans to come to Japan for the 2020 Olympics?"
"Would you like to come to Japan for the 2020 Olympic games?"
If you wanted to ask someone if they are planning on coming to Japan for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games, you could ask either of the following: "Do you have plans to come to Japan for the 2020 Olympics?" or "Would you like to come to Japan for the 2020 Olympic games?".
Do you have plans to come to Japan to watch the Tokyo Olympics?
Do you plan to visit Japan for the Tokyo Olympics?
1) Do you have plans to come to Japan to watch the Tokyo Olympics?
do you have plans = 予定はありますか
come to Japan = 日本に来る
to watch = 観戦する、見る
Tokyo Olympics = 東京オリンピック
2) Do you plan to visit Japan for the Tokyo Olympics?
do you plan to 〜 というと、「〜する予定はありますか?」という意味です。do you plan to visit Japan? というと「あなたは日本を訪れる予定はありますか?」となります。for the Tokyo Olympics =「東京オリンピックのために」です。
You want to ask someone if they are planning on coming to Japan for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
In that case one of the above suggestions may be appropriate for your scenario.
Do you have any plans to come to Japan for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo?
Are you coming to Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics?
When enquiring about someone's plans to visit Japan during the Olympics in 2020, you can ask one of the questions above. The same question can be applied to the Rugby World Cup in Tokyo this year.
Do you plan to come to Japan for the 20202 olympics in Tokyo
Most people make plans, based on their intentions...We may refer to this directly in the following questions:
Do you plan to... ( or) Do you have plans for...(the weekend) Do you intend to?
In this case, it is almost certainly true that no one will come on a whim to see the Olympics!
It will take a lot of preparation and solid intentions to make this momentous trip!
Hence: Do you plan to come to Japan for the 20202 Olympics in Tokyo?
If you would like to ask someone if they are attending the Olympics the sentences above are good to use.
The Olympics is a huge event that will be observed by millions of people all over the globe.
"Hey, the Olympics are coming up soon, are you attending?"
"Hey, would you like to come along with me to the 2020 Olympics in Japan?"
"Do you plan on going to the 2020 Olympics in Japan?"
Do you have plans to come to Japan for the Olympics?
Do you have plans to go to Japan for the Olympics?
Do you have plans to visit Japan for the Olympics?
Here are three different questions that we can ask someone to see if they have an interest in visiting Japan for the Olympics. Notice that all three sentences have exactly the same structure with the only difference being the verb usage between, "to go to," "to come to," and, "to visit."
Are you making arrangements to visit Japan in order to watch the Olympic games?
"Making arrangements" is an expression used that means to plan the details of something. In this case, making arrangements may include requesting time away from work, buying airline tickets, and other steps that are required to travel away from home.
"In order to" means what action is done to receive the desired result. For example, Mary jogs in order to keep in good physical shape.
Do you have plans to come to Japan for the Olympics?
Will you come to Japan for the Olympics?
・Do you have plans to come to Japan for the Olympics?
・Will you come to Japan for the Olympics?
have plans は「予定がある」という意味の英語表現です。
Are you planning on visiting Japan for the Olympics?
Are you planning on visiting Japan for the Olympics?
plan on で「〜を予定する」のようなニュアンスになります。
I plan on visiting Japan soon.