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2019/09/06 13:12
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  • What job do you want to do?

  • What do you want to work for?

1 What job do you want to do? 直訳をすると、『何の仕事をしたいですか?』という意味になります。 what ○○で、『何の○○』となります。 例えば、 What sports do you play? 『何のスポーツをしますか?』 What food do you like? 『何の食べ物が好きですか?』 2 What do you want to work for? 直訳すると、『何のために(どの会社等のために)働きたいですか?』という意味になります。 work for ○○で、『○○のために働く(○○には会社名等を入れるのが適切)』となります。 例えば、 I want to work for a flower shop. 『私はお花屋さんで働きたいです。』 I want to work for an electronic company. 『私は電気会社で働きたいです。』
  • What kind of job do you want to do?

  • What career do you want to go into?

When asking someone that is looking for a job what kind of job that they are looking for, you can ask: -What kind of job do you want to do? -What career do you want to go into?
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • What sort of job are you looking for?

  • What kind of job are you interested in?

  • What sort of job would you like?

You can ask someone who is looking for a job one of these three questions, they are basically the same, only the wording is a little different. So...what kind of job are you looking for? Either way, good luck with the search, either to you or your friend. To everyone looking for a job, good luck, you can do it. Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that suits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What type of work do you see yourself doing?

  • Which career field would you prefer?

A common expression that is used to mean something a person would be interested in is "where one sees his/herself." It is an expression that is referring to visualizing an outcome. A term that means a type of work or profession is a career field.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of job are you looking for?

When you ask someone: what kind of job are you looking for? It means you want to find what what sort of work they want to do. Other questions that relate to this question are: what is your dream job? What previous work experience do you have?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What types of jobs are you going for?

  • What's your dream job?

  • What kind of industry do you want to go into?

You can say "types of jobs," "kind of industry," to specify the kind of job they would like to get. The 2nd example, is talking about a dream job. Something that they've always wanted to do but maybe it's not realistic but you can understand what someone's interests are.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • What do you want to be?

  • What is your career?

  • What type of work are you looking for?

Just simply ask, "What kind of Job are you looking for?". Unless you are talking to a child then you can ask. "What would you like to be when you grow up?" or to someone who has worked before "What type of work do you do?" If you are helping someone find a new type of work you are ask "What kind of work would you like to do?"
Christeena DMM英会話講師
  • What field of work are you interested in working in?

  • In which area of (job field) is your work expertise?

  • Do you have a particular career path you are hoping to pursue?

The first phrase is a direct question, asking the person the general type of work they are hoping to be engaged in. The second phrase is more precise, and requests more detail on the persons actual area of focus, and would involve a more specific answer. The third phrase is much more general enquiry, and is asks more about the persons hopes for the future, rather than what they are actually doing at the time.
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • What field of work would you like to get into?

  • What is your preferred position?

  • What job would you like to do?

All of the above mentioned are polite ways of asking someone what job they would like to do. If you want to be direct, you can use "What job would you like to do?"or "What is your preferred position?"These questions should guarantee you a direct answer and you can then help the person appropriately. If you would like to be more kind and less direct, you can ask "What field of work would you like to get into?". This question would offer you an answer that is quite broad, because then the person can just name a broad spectrum of choices, for example: "I would like to work in the hospitality industry".
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of work experience do you have?

  • What type of industry are you interested in?

1. What kind of work experience do you have? This question will help to narrow down the options. The reality is that one is more likely to find a job if you have had previous work experience in a certain field. Example of an answer : I have been working as an IT Engineer for the past two years. 2. What type of industry are you interested in? This question is basically asking what field of work your friend is thinking of pursuing, e.g. IT, Banking, Agricultural, Fishing, Medical, Engineering, Tourism, etc.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of job are you looking for?

  • What kind of job do you want to do?

If you would like to ask someone what they want to do for a living, you can simply ask someone by saying something like "What would you like to do for a living?" or "are you looking for a specific kind of job?". These are some ways to ask someone what they would like to work as.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of job are you looking for?

  • What type of work do you want to do?

Your friend is looking for a job and you are interested to know the field of work they would like to be involved in. Any of the above suggestions is suitable. Hopefully your friend would respond something like: "Well, I really want to be a veterinary assistant right now."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of work do you want to do?

  • What type of work do you want to do?

  • What is your dream job/career?

Notice that in the first two examples we can use the words, "kind of work," and, "type of work," interchangeably when talking about the different fields of work that one could start working in. Lastly, we can also talk about our, "dream job/career," if we wanted to know what would be the most ideal job that someone could see themselves doing while also being the happiest as possible doing it.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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