彼女が日頃はのほほーんとしていますが、いざ就活などの人生の節目に立った時目の色が変わることです。She's such a laid back person but she does really a great job when she's at a crossroads like a job interview.
She knows how to rise to the occasion when necessary.
She can get things done when she has to.
=She knows how to rise to the occasion when necessary.
=She can get things done when she has to.
She is laid back と言うと、彼女はのんびりした性格の人、またはのんきな性格の人の事を指します。
She is reserved in her affairs と言うと、私事に関しては引っ込み思案でしたり、内向的な人のことを指します。
She's usually a pretty laid back person but she knows how to rise to the occasion when necessary.
She's normally quite reserved in her affairs but she can get things done when she has to.
She knows how to do things when she's got to do them.
① "She does it when she has to."=「彼女はしなければいけないときはするのだ。」
② "She knows how to do things when she's got to do them."=「彼女は物事をしなければいけないときは、そのやり方を知っている。」