There was a disastrous fire in 〇〇 90 years ago and 30% of the town was destroyed.
There was a huge fire in 〇〇 about 90 years ago. 30% of the town was lost in the fire.
ーThere was a disastrous fire in 〇〇 90 years ago and 30% of the town was destroyed.
「大火災」はここでは disastrous fire と言ってみました。disastrous は「被害の大きい・破壊的な」という形容詞です。
火事で焼失したり焼け落ちてしまったことを言うのによく destroy を使います。
ーThere was a huge fire in 〇〇 about 90 years ago. 30% of the town was lost in the fire.
「大火災」は huge fire とも言えますね。
「町が燃えた」はここでは the town was lost in the fire 「町は火災で焼失した」のように言ってみました。