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二人兄弟であれば、女→男の場合、長女はolder child、女→女ならolder daughterと思っていたのですが、下記文でoldestだと言われました。二人しかいなくても、1番上の子という意味では、oldest child/daughterになるのでしょうか? Their older kid is about four and their younger kid is a baby.
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2019/10/08 20:46
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  • older/oldest child/daughter

  • first-born child/daughter

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 英語圏では、文化の違いもあり、「長女」という言葉は普通使いませんが(英語には「妹」と「姉」の違いも無いのはご存じかもしれません)、言うとしたらいくつか選択肢があります。 兄弟・姉妹が2人だけなら、olderでもいいです。この場合はolder daughterやolder childと言います。 兄弟・姉妹が3人以上なら、oldestを使わなくてななりません。oldest daughterやoldest childです。 また、first-born childやfirs-born daughterという言い方もあります。first-bornは「最初に生まれた」という意味なので、「長女」や「長男」という意味です。 またの質問をお待ちしています。
  • Oldest girl.

  • Oldest daughter.

You have two daughters, right? Yeah, one is eleven (11) and the other is nine (9). So your oldest daughter is eleven then. Wow, that is great. It is, they are a bit of a handful though. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Oldest daughter

  • Eldest daughter

We would use the term, "oldest," to refer to anything that is being compared in age to something else. Therefore when speaking about children/daughters we would say, "oldest daughter," but we can also say, "eldest daughter," and still have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Oldest girl

  • Oldest daughter

In North America children are often described as oldest, middle and youngest regardless of their sex. So if you have a baby girl of 1 year old and a daughter of 10 and a son of 14 years old. The daughter of 10 would usually be referred to as the middle child regardless of her being the oldest girl. Sometimes you will hear people say oldest girl.
Christeena DMM英会話講師
  • Eldest daughter

So we might say, "Have you met their eldest daughter?" Eldest is probably more common than oldest daughter. We also might not say the gender, for example, "My eldest has just gone..."
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • Eldest

  • Oldest

Oldest: Can be used for people and things. Example: She is my oldest child. (If you have more than one child, girls or boys) She is my oldest daughter. (You would only use this if you have more than one daughter.) He is my oldest son. (You would only use this if you have more than one son.) Example: It is the oldest town in Japan. Eldest: This is only used for people, not things. Example: She is my eldest daughter. He is my eldest son.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Eldest daughter

  • Oldest daughter

  • My first born child

There are 3 main ways of saying your daughter which is the first to be born. The more common out of the 3 would be the eldest daughter. - How many children do you have? - I have 2 , my eldest daughter is 10 and my youngest is 3 - Lovely You could also say my first born child, however this isn't the most commonly used.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • The elder/oldest daughter

  • The elder/oldest sibling, a girl

  • The elder/oldest child

Well in the case of a family that has two daughters, the oldest daughter would be 'the elder of the two daughters. In the case of a family that has a son and a daughter, then she would be referred to as the elder/oldest child or sibling - not the elder daughter (as there are no other daughters).
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Eldest

The word above is the word you should use to call your oldest child. Example; - My eldest daughter is 17 years old. - I have two children, my youngest is 6 and my eldest is 12.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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