世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/10/09 22:12
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  • 194 out of 200

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 「~点中~点」は、英語では~ out of ~という言い方をします。点数を言う順序は日本語とは逆なので注意してください。 例 10点中7点正解で合格です。 You pass if you get at least 7 out of 10. 例 100点中97点だった! I got 97 out of 100! 上の例から見てわかるように、テストなどの点数を言うとき、「点」pointsという必要はありません。(でも言っても大丈夫です。) またの質問をお待ちしています。
  • 194 out of 200

  • 194/200

英語は日本語と違って、少ない分が前に書きます。例えば、10 out of 100とかfour fifths (four out of five)とかone eighth (one out of eight)と言います。 「200点中194点」 "194 out of 200” “194/200” 「500GB中200GB利用可能」 “200GB available of 500GB” “200GB free of 500GB”
  • A near-perfect score....194 of a possible 200

  • Ona recent test I had a near-perfect score! 194 out of a possible 200.

A 100 % result is indeed so rare that the "perfect score" or a 100% outcome happens... once in a blue moon! The next best thing would be the" NEAR PERFECT "score...And in this case, 194 out of a potential 200 is just that! We could most certainly boast a little on having a near-perfect result;-)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I scored 194 out of 200 in my recent test./ My score was 194 out of 200.

  • I got 194 out of 200

  • Out of 200, I got/scored 194 in my recent test.

194/200 means that you correctly answered 194 questions from a total of 200 questions. Whilst it is possible to say exactly that ("I correctly answered 194 questions from a total of 200"), we tend to be a little less formal and use phrases such as: "I scored 194 out of 200 in my recent test." / "My score was 194 out of 200." or "I got 194 out of 200." What is important to remember is that we usually give the score we received as the first number and then the total of questions that were asked. It is however possible to reverse that and give the total number of questions asked first followed by our score if the speaker specifies the numbers are in that order, for example: "Out of 200 questions, I got/scored 194 in my recent test."
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I got 194 out of 200 in my test.

Using this statement: I got 194 out of 200 in my test. Is a simple way to describe that you got 194 marks out of a possible 200 possible marks in your test. This could also refer to getting 194 questions correct out of 200 questions, which is a very good score!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I got 194 out of 200 on my test.

How did you do? Come on open it up, let me know. I got...194 out of 200 on my test. That is amazing, well done, I am so proud of you. Tonight we celebrate. I hope this helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I scored only 6 marks short of the maximum 200 in my test

  • My score was 194 our of 200 in the test

Well, it may seem that you are bragging a little, but the first example highlights how close you were to a perfect score. The second example just delivers the facts without any emphasis or emotion.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I scored 194 out of 200 on my test.

  • I got 194 out of 200 questions correct on my test.

If you would like to explain to someone that you scored 194 out of 200 on a test, you can say something like "I got 194 out of 200 questions correct on my test.". By saying you "scored" a certain number on a test, this tells someone the number/percentage of the test correct.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I got 194 out of 200 on the test.

  • I received a 194 out of 200 on the test.

There aren't any special ways to describe this however we can use the verbs, "to get," and, "to receive," interchangeably to have the same meaning. In a written form we can sometimes format, "194 out of 200," as, "194/200."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • 194 out of 200

There is no other way to say this. You can use the above phrase. I will insert an example of how to use this in a sentence. Example; - I got 194 out of 200 for my Math test.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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