世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/10/11 13:24
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  • The biggest typhoon the world has ever seen is on its way to Japan.

  • The world's biggest typhoon is about to make land in Japan.

ーThe biggest typhoon the world has ever seen is on its way to Japan. 「世界が見た事もない最大の台風が日本に向かってきている。」 the biggest typhoon the world has ever seen「世界が今までに見たこともない一番大きい台風」で地球上最大級の台風と言えると思います。 「襲来」は be on its way to ... で「…に向かって来る」 ーThe world's biggest typhoon is about to make land in Japan. 「世界で最大級の台風が日本にまもなく上陸しそうだ。」 the world's biggest typhoon で「地球上最大級の台風」とも言えます。 be about to で「まさに〜しようとしている」 ご参考まで!
  • The biggest typhoon in the history of nature will hit

  • The greatest typhoon ever known to mankind will land tomorrow

僕も友人とこの台風についてスモールトークしています。 彼は「Japanese people think the world is going to end tomorrow」(日本人達は、明日地球が滅びるように思っている)と大げさに言ってました。 確かに、ニュースばっかり見ていると恐怖症になるかもしれないですね。個人的には外で遊びたいですが。 さて、質問者様のお求めの英語は「The biggest typhoon in the history of nature will hit」になります。「History of nature」は「自然界史上最大」と言う意味です。 また、他にも「The greatest typhoon ever known to mankind will land tomorrow」を使えるかもしれません。これは「人類の知る限り最大の台風が明日上陸する」と言う意味です。 「何とかなるでしょ」精神はどうなったんでしょうか!? Whatever happened to that「We're all gonna be alright!」feeling !?
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • The biggest typhoon ever is approaching Japan

  • The world's most powerful-ever-typhoon will hit Japan

A typhoon is coming, and will be bigger than any other the world has experienced. In that scenario, either of the above two statements would express that fact. If something negative comes into contact with, or affects something else, you can use the verb 'to hit'. "The earthquake hit the city at 5am on Tuesday morning."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • An Historic Typhoon! A Record-breaking Storm!

  • An historic typhoon event is about to make land fall in Japan...Its a record breaker!

In speech terms, “an historic event” is the more idiomatic....than, A historic event! this case, the resulting meaning remains the same...Something so remarkable or amazing that it will leave its mark on the history of the world. A record-breaking storm event was so cataclysmic it will be remembered for many centuries to come...ending up in the annals of history!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Monster typhoon set to hit Japan.

  • Japan is expecting it's largest typhoon yet.

  • The biggest typhoon the world has ever seen is on course for Japan.

I have used 'hyperbole' in my sentences. This is when we use extreme describing words to create a particular impact. Hyperbole is used all the time in newspapers, particular tabloids.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • The world's biggest typhoon is headed towards Japan.

Using this statement: The world's biggest typhoon is headed towards Japan. Means that the biggest typhoon in history is making it's way to the country of Japan currently. Typhoons can be very destructive and devastating to the areas that get affected by them.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • The biggest typhoon that the world has ever seen is coming to Japan.

Did you hear on the news? Hear what? I can't believe you haven't heard. Well, tell me then. The biggest typhoon that the world has ever seen is coming to Japan. I hope this helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • The biggest typhoon in the world is coming to Japan.

  • The world's biggest typhoon is coming to Japan.

Notice that we can either have the phrase, "in the world," be attached after the noun, "typhoon," or we can have the world become an adjective to become, "the world's biggest typhoon," to have the same meaning while also making the sentence shorter and more concise.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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