世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/30 19:46
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  • My temperature is at 38.4°

  • I have a fever of 38.4°

My temperature is at 38.4° =[体温](が38.4°だ I have a fever of 38.4°=38.4°の[熱がある]( 体温が、と言うよりかは熱がある事をアピールしたいのであれば下の回答をお勧めします。 因みにアメリカ人は摂氏ではなく華氏を使いますので、38.4°でしたら101.2°と伝えましょう。
  • My temperature is 38.4 degrees, I have a slight fever.

  • I have a fever of 38.4 degrees.

When someone's temperature is 38.4 degrees, it means they have a slight temperature and are probably feeling a bit unwell. When people have a fever they often feel too hot, or too cold, they may have a virus such as a cold, or the flu. It is important that they look after themselves when they have this temperature.
「体温が38.4度」は、[微熱]( (slight temperature) ですから、体調もあまり優れないでしょう。 熱 (fever) がある時は、ものすごく暑く感じたり、逆に寒く感じたりします。[風邪](やインフルエンザの[ウイルス](にかかっているかもしれません。 熱がある時には、自己管理が大切になります。
Sylvia G DMM英会話講師
  • I have a temperature of 38.4 degrees.

  • I have a very high fever.

  • I am running a fever.

You can also simply mention that you are not feeling very well. When our body temperature is high, we call it a fever. You can say "I took my temperature and I have a slight fever. My temperature is at 38.4". Also, if someone is experiencing a fever, when you touch their forehead, you can say “You are burning up!” This indicates that there is a very high fever or a slight fever.
シンプルに: "I'm not feeling very well"(具合が悪い) と言うこともできます。 「発熱」は「fever」と言います。 例えば: "I took my temperature and I have a slight fever. My temperature is at 38.4". (体温をはかったら、微熱があります。38.4度です) また、熱がある人のおでこに手を当てて: "You are burning up!"(熱いよ!) 高熱、微熱のときに使います。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I have a 38.4 degrees fever.

  • My temperature is 38.4 celsius.

1) I have a 38.4 degrees fever. (私が38.4度の熱があります。) 一番シンプルで、伝わりやすい表現方法です。 2) My temperature is 38.4 celsius. (私の熱は摂氏38.4度です。) ”Temperature”は「温度」という意味の単語としても使われますが、〇〇(名詞)+"Temperature is"で「〇〇の熱は〜」という意味になります。 また、アメリカなどの国では、温度の単位は摂氏(℃)"celcius"ではなく華氏(°F)"farenheit"が使われています。”celcius”と温度の後につけることで、よりわかりやすい説明となるでしょう。
Serena M 英会話講師
  • I have a slight fever of 38.4 degrees.

" I have a slight fever of 38.4 degrees" is used when you are beginning to get a fever. The normal body temperature is of 36.8 degrees celcius. A a temperature slightly above normal to 38 degrees is considered a low grade fever. Therefore if your temperature is in that range you can say the sentence above. Anything more than that is considered dangerous and needs medical attention.
"I have a slight fever of 38.4 degrees" 熱が出始めた時に使う表現です。人の平熱は36.8度です。そこより少し高いところから38度までが「low grade fever (微熱)」とされています。その範囲に収まる場合上記の言い方ができます。その範囲を超える熱が出ると危険と考えられていて、治療が必要になります。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I have a fever of thirty eight point four degrees Celsius.

"I have a fever of thirty eight point four degrees Celsius." expresses that said person's fever is 38.4 degrees Celsius.
I have a fever of thirty eight point four degrees Celsius. (熱が38.4度あります) - 38.4度の熱があることを表しています。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I have a slight fever of 38.4 degrees.

  • My temperature is now 38.4 degrees.

Your normal body temperature is about 37 degrees. Since it now 38.4, its slightly higher than usual, which shows that your fever is in its initial stages. Depending on what is the cause of your fever, you may experience a "cold sweat" or extreme warmth. In any case, this is a good indicator that you are not feeling well.
人間の平熱はだいたい37度です。38.4度は、少し高いですね、微熱です。 発熱の原因によっては、冷や汗や熱さを感じるかもしれません。 いずれにしても、体調が悪いサインですね。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I have a low fever of 38.4 degrees.

  • I have a little bit of a fever of 38.4 degrees.

I have a little bit of a fever of 38.4 degrees.', can express that your temperature is not high but you do have a fever.
I have a little bit of a fever of 38.4 degrees.'(熱が38.4度ある) 微熱(高くはない熱)があることを表す言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I have a fever.

  • I have a 38.4 degree fever.

  • My fever has risen to 38.4.

It could just be me, but usually I’d just say that I have a fever and leave it at that. If you want to be more specific, you can say: I have a 38.4 fever. / I have about a 101 degree fever. (Fahrenheit) If you fever has steadily gotten worse, you can say: My fever has risen to 38.4 degrees. My fever has gotten higher. It’s 38.4 degrees.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I've got a temperature of 38.4 degrees

You would like to explain that your fever is 38.4 degrees. In this case, you can speak in terms of 'having a temperature' - so: ''I have a temperature' or 'I've got a temperature.' Negatives:'I don't have a temperature.' 'I haven't got a temperature.'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have a 38.4 degree fever.

  • I have a fever of 38.4 degrees.

Here are two different ways to structure this sentence with either the fever being the object of the sentence. Where it's positioned doesn't change the meaning of the sentence but to tag adjectives to the end of a noun rather than in the front, we must use the preposition, "of."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I had a temperature spike of 38.4 degrees celcius.

  • I had an elevated temperature of 38.4 degrees celcius.

1. I had a temperature spike of 38.4 degrees celcius. If your temperature spikes then it means that it increases abruptly or sharply. If an adult has a very high fever of 39 degrees or more, then you should consult a doctor. 2. I had an elevated temperature of 38.4 degrees celcius. The word elevated means raised or increased. A normal body temperature is about 37.5 degrees celcius. As soon as it goes beyond this, it is called an elevated body temperature.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I have a fever of 38.4 degrees.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: I have a fever of 38.4 degrees. 38.4度の熱があります。 fever は「熱」という意味の英語表現です。 have a fever = 熱がある。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • My fever is at 38.4 degrees celsius.

  • I have a fever of 38.4 degrees celsius.

If you would like to know how you can express to someone that you have a fever of a certain degree, you can say something like "My fever is at 38.4 degrees celsius." or "I have a fever of 38.4 degrees celsius.". This is a great way to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have a high fever, it is running at 38.4 degrees.

A fever is when you have a very high body temperature, other symptoms can include having a headache, sweating, shivering. If you a suffering from a high fever you should seek medical assistance immediately.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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