Don't put water where the soap comes out. It will make the soap diluted then it won't lather up.
Don't put water in the nozzle. That's where the soap comes out. It will make the soap watery and you won't get bubbles when you wash your hands.
ーDon't put water where the soap comes out. It will make the soap diluted then it won't lather up.
「石鹸が出てくるところ」は where the soap comes out と言えます。
It will make the soap diluted は「それ(水)が石鹸を薄める」ということです。
lather up 「(石鹸が)泡立つ」
ーDon't put water in the nozzle. That's where the soap comes out. It will make the soap watery and you won't get bubbles when you wash your hands.
nozzle は日本語でもノズルと言いますね。ハンドソープボトルとかスプレーボトルとか内容物が出てくるところです。
「泡立つ」は get bubbles のようにも言えます。