★ 訳
★ 解説
・there + 主語 + 現在・過去分詞
There were a few people left in the classroom.
There is a taxi waiting for you.
・out of 〜「〜から」
これを使い慣れている学習者をあまり見かけません。「〜から」というと from を使ってしまいますが、場合によっては out of のほうがナチュラルなこともあります。
out of は「内側から外側へ」という動きを意味し、from は「スタート地点」を意味するのですが、from については「到着地点がある」ことを暗に意味することがあります。
主語を water にして構いません。
「出る」は come out でもOKですが、work は「出る」の他に「物や事がうまくいっていない、機能していない」というときに広く使える表現なので便利です。
英訳③の will not は「~しないだろう」という意味に思いがちですがそうではありません。
will は not と一緒に使われるとき「…しようとしない」という意味を表すことがあるのです。
"Has the water been shut off?"
Asking the hotel clerk this question is very precise, they will know that you do not have any water in your room.
"I don't have running water in my room!"
"Has the water been shut off?"
"I don't have running water in my room!"
The direct translation would be that there is not water coming out of the faucet, but this is often expressed in a more general way such as the water "being off" or "not working".
直訳は、水が水道から出てこないという意味ですが、the water "being off"または"not working"と言って表現されるほうが一般的です。
"There is no hot/cold water."
This is a good way to explain that there is no water,especially if you specifically have no cold or hot water.
"The tap is faulty."
faulty = When something is not working or is malfunctioning.
The phone application was faulty and so I took the phone in for repairs.
"There is no running water."
running water = Water that is supplied by pipes into a building.
All the bedrooms have hot and cold running water.
e.g There was no running water at my hotel and so I could not take a shower.
You could also say " The tap is out of order".
“There is no hot/cold water.”
“The tap is faulty.”
faulty = なにかが作動していない、上手く機能しないことを表します。
例 The phone application was faulty and so I took the phone in for repairs.
“There is no running water.”
running water
= パイプから建物の中に水が流れない。すべてのベッドルームは熱い水と冷たい水があります。
例 There was no running water at my hotel and so I could not take a shower.
The sentence states that you did open the tap. After opening the tap there was no water coming out from it. The person you are talking with should have a good understanding of what the problem is in order to try and help you.
When you want to express your problem, it's better to use one of these sentences. They basically mean the same, although, I would prefer the second one because it's a better way of explaining the problem.
Water didn't come out.
The tap was broken.