世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/25 23:33
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  • Can we pay together?

Can we pay together? 一緒にお会計お願いできますか? 「別会計」は separate checks と言います。 Separate checks please. 別会計でお願いします。 「割り勘」は split the bill/check という表現を使います。 Let's split the bill. 割り勘にしよう。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Can we pay together? / We will pay it altogether.

  • You don't need to split the check/bill in tables.

  • Can we get/grab one check/bill for (these) two tables?

サーバーさんに一言言いたいときに、質問以外でも、We will pay --- / You don't need to --- と用いて要望を伝えるのもアリです。 split で「分ける」という意味があります。(友達と「割り勘にしよう」→ Let's split the bill) レストランなどでの会計は、bill/check両方通じます。
  • All on the same bill please.

  • Just one bill please.

Usually in the UK, this is an unnecessary request. You will always get one bill at a table. You have to ask if you DON'T want one bill so would say something like:"We are paying separately."
普通イギリスでは、こういうお願いは必要ありません。ひとつのテーブルに対してひとつの請求書がくるからです。請求を分けてほしいときに"We are paying separately."というように伝える必要があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We will be paying together

  • I would like the bill please. We will be paying together

We will be paying together - this is what you say to the waiter to explain that you and you and your friend will be paying together. You can say also "we will be paying togther' without being asked a question by the waiter or asking the waiter "Excuse me, are we able to pay together?"
We will be paying together. これは、ウェイターに一緒に払うことを伝える表現です。 We will be paying togetherと伝えることで、尋ねられる前からいうこともできますし、尋ねるのなら、Excuse me, are we able to pay together?とすることができます。
Sharon R DMM英会話講師
  • Can we have only one bill please?

  • Can you combine the two bills.

  • I would like a single bill for this table please.

Can we have only one bill please? - Using the the word "one" is clearly indicating that the the two meals should come in one single bill. Can you combine the two bills. - Combine is to join or merge more than 1 item into a single unit. To combine the two bills into one is to join the two bills into one bill. I would like a single bill for this table please. - Single means only one. Mentioning "for this table" is indicating that everything that was ordered for that specific table must come on a single bill.
Can we have only one bill please? - "one"という言葉を使用すると、2つの食事が1つの請求として記載されるはずです。 Can you combine the two bills. - combineは、1つ以上のものを合わせることです。 To combine the two bills into oneは、2つの会計を1つにすることを指します。 I would like a single bill for this table please. - シングルは1つだけを意味します。 「この表のために」言及することは、その特定の表のために注文されたすべてが単一の請求書に来なければならないことを示している。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You don't need to split the bill.

  • We are paying together.

"You don't need to split the bill" says that it is one bill. "don't split" - don't share "We are paying together" - don't bring two bills, only one is necessary If you want two separate bills, you can say "please split the bill".
"You don't need to split the bill"これは会計を分けないことを表します。 "don't split" - 割り勘をしないこと "We are paying together" - 二人分の請求をしないでくでさい、一つしか必要ないことを表します。 割り勘をしたい場合は、「please split the bill」と言うことができます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • We'll share the bill.

  • We will pay the bill together.

1. We'll share the bill. 私たちはこの勘定を共有します。 2. We will pay the bill together. 私たちは一緒に請求書を払います Both these sentences mean that both people will pay the bill.
1. We'll share the bill. (お会計一緒でお願いします) 2. We will pay the bill together. (お会計一緒にします) どちらの表現も、一緒にまとめて支払う、と言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • We will be paying together.

  • There's no need to split the bill,we will be paying together.

A) We will be paying together. Definitions *Together- As one Example- We are going to go to the restaurant together *Paying-Giving money Example- Sarah will be paying the money into my account tomorrow. B)There's no need to split the bill,we will be paying together. Definitions * No need - not necessary Example- There is really no need to worry about me i will be fine. *Split - Apart Example - Would you like me to split the bill?
A)We will be paying together. 定義 *Together-一緒に 例 - 私たちは一緒にレストランに行くつもりです *Paying-お金を払うこと 例 - サラは明日、私の口座にお金を払うことになっています。 B)There's no need to split the bill,we will be paying together. 定義 *No need-必要がない 例 - 本当に私を心配する必要はありません、私は大丈夫です。 *Split - 分けること 例 - 会計を分けたいのですか?
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Please put both dishes on one bill.

  • Bill the two dishes together please.

  • Bill us together please.

The word 'bill' functions both as a noun and a verb. As a noun, it has several meanings, but, in the context used in the first line, it means 'a printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services'. In this case, money owed for the two dishes. You may politely ask the waiter to put both dishes, yours and your friend's, on one bill and say: Please put both dishes on one bill. You may also vary the request by using the verb function of the word 'bill', which in this context means to 'charge' and politely say: Bill the two dishes together please. or Bill us together please.
'bill'は、名詞と動詞として機能します。名詞として、意味はいくつかありますが、最初の行で使われている文脈では、商品やサービスに対して支払わないといけない金額が印刷または書かれた紙です。 この場合では2人分の食事の代金を表しています。ウェイターに、あなたと友人の2人分の食事代を1つの勘定書にまとめるように頼むことができます。 例文 Please put both dishes on one bill. 2人分の食事代を1つの勘定書にまとめてください。 動詞の'bill'を使って、別の言い方でお願いすることもできます。この文で'bill'は請求するという意味で、丁寧に言います。 例文 Bill the two dishes together please. 2人分の食事代をまとめてください。 Bill us together please. 私達の勘定を一緒にしてください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can we have just one check?

  • No need to split the bill; we're paying together.

Can we have just one check? - The check is another word for the bill, or sum of your order. to split the bill- this means to either separate the bills or pay together but using different payment methods (i.e. 2 cards, or one person paying with cash and the other with card) No need to split the bill - this means you don't need two separate bills
例文 Can we have just one check? - 会計を1つにして頂けますか? checkは、bill, 又は sum of your orderとも言えます。 to split the bill- 割り勘にする 勘定を別々にするか一緒に払うけれど、支払い方法が違うということです。(例 2人がカード払い、1人が現金、残りの人がカード払い) No need to split the bill - 割り勘にする必要はない 勘定を別々にする必要はないということです。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • We are going dutch.

  • We are dividing the bill between us both.

  • We are both responsible for the bill.

If you would like to share the bill you can let the waiter or waitress know when it is time to pay. Going dutch means that you are splitting the bill, the saying originates from how a dutch door works, it is split into two separate parts, top and bottom, you are able to open the top and have the bottom closed if you wish. Splitting the bill is something many people do when they eat out. "We would like to split the bill between the two of us." "We are going dutch on the bill."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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