to be a hindrance to others(他の人の足手まといになる:邪魔になる)
to place a burden on others(他の人の負担となる・〜に負担をかける)
I was a hindrance to the people I work with because I got sick suddenly and had to miss several days of work.
「急病になる」は get sick suddenly と言えます。
miss several days of work で「仕事を数日休む」
I placed a burden on my co-workers when I was absent due to an unexpected illness.
absent で「欠勤の」
unexpected illness で「思いがけない病気」
burden で「負担」
周りの人に迷惑をかける - to cause problems for other people
急病で会社を休まなくてはいけなくなり、周りの人に迷惑をかけた - I suddenly became ill and had to take some time off work, which ended up causing problems for my colleagues.
colleague(s) - 同僚 、一緒に働いている人
I suddenly became ill and had to take the day off work and my colleagues ended up having to do (all) my work for me. もしくは I suddenly became ill and had to take a couple days off work and because of that everyone had to do overtime etc.