世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/26 13:50
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  • This is very difficult to pronounce because we don't have it in Japanese.

「ある(ない)」という場合に have をうまく使えるといいですね。 We have ~ in Japanese. で「日本語にある」、 We don't have ~ in Japanese. で「日本語にない」です。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • This sound doesn't exist in Japanese, so it's hard[difficult] (for me) to pronounce[say].

「こういう音(発音)」はthis sound、「存在しない」はdoesn't existで表しています。 相手が同じく日本語話者なら、特にfor me(私にとっては)と強調しなくてもいいでしょう。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • This sound does not exist in Japanese, so it is difficult to make.

  • This word is difficult to pronounce because the __ sound does not exist in Japanese.

★This sound does not exist in Japanese, so it is difficult to make. (この音は日本語にはないので作るのが難しい) ★This word is difficult to pronounce because the __ sound does not exist in Japanese. 具体的に、ある言葉の発音に苦戦していて、その理由がある音が日本語にはない場合。 ex. This word, "real," is difficult to pronounce because the /R/ sound does not exist in Japanese.
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • We don't have this sound in Japanese.

  • The sound is difficult to say because we don't have it in Japanese.

The sound is difficult to say because we don't have it in Japanese.' is a straight forward way to tell your teacher about the difficulty in saying a particular sound due to it not being in Japanese.
The sound is difficult to say because we don't have it in Japanese.' 〔訳〕日本語にない発音なので難しいです。 日本語にない音なので発音が難しいとストレートに伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have this sound in Japanese.

  • It's difficult to pronounce for a native Japanese speaker.

  • This sound doesn't exist in Japanese.

We can say that we don't have this, "sound," in Japanese when talking about a certain letter or pronunciation. We can also say that it, "doesn't exist," in the language either. Lastly we can also say that something would be, "difficult to pronounce," for someone who is a native Japanese speaker.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have this sound in Japanese so it's hard to say

西澤さんが書いたように、"we have"はとてもよく使われている表現です。 「これは日本語にないので発音するのが難しいです」という意味です。
  • I am finding it hard to pronounce the word because we don't have that sound in Japanese?

Sometimes if the word does not sound familiar it may be hard to pronounce the word. A way to practice how the word is pronounced is by listening to an audio so that you get used to how the word is pronounced.
時に、その単語が馴染みがないとき、その単語を発音するのが難しい場合があります。 単語の発音を練習する方法は、単語の発音に慣れるように音声を聞くことです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have that sound in Japnese

  • That sound is totally alien to a Japanese person

'We don't have ....... in Japan.' This form may be extended for many and various situations. "We don't have cars like that in Japan." 'We don't have food like that in Japan." If you add the word 'Total' or 'Totally' in front of an adjective, it adds extra stress to that adjective: 'Peter is a total idiot! I really dislike him sometimes!" "That scarf in the shop totally suits me. I think I'll buy it!" Totally alien = Belonging to a foreign country. ‘an alien culture’
'We don't have ....... in Japan.' この言い方は、色んなシチュエーションで応用がききます。 "We don't have cars like that in Japan." 日本のような車はここにはないよ。 'We don't have food like that in Japan."日本のような食べ物はここにはないよ。 totalやtotallyという言葉を形容詞の前につけることで、その形容詞を強調することができます。 'Peter is a total idiot! I really dislike him sometimes!"ピーターってほんとにバカなの!時々ほんっとに嫌いになるときがある。 "That scarf in the shop totally suits me. I think I'll buy it!"このスカーフほんとに自分に合ってると思う。買おうかしら! Totally alien = Belonging to a foreign country. ‘an alien culture’
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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