I make it my goal to pronounce words just as I hear them.
ーI try to repeat words exactly as I hear them.
exactly as I hear them で「聞こえた通りに、聞こえたままに」
exactly は「正確に・まさに」
ーI make it my goal to pronounce words just as I hear them.
make it one's goal で「目標とする・心がける」
pronounce 「発音する」
just as「〜の通りに」
I'm aiming to pronounce English words in the way that I heard them.
「~ まま」というところは in the way か in that way と表現できます。
「聞こえた」は heard になり、「聞こえたまま」は in the way that I heard になります。
「心掛ける」は aim to か work on にすればいいと思います。
例文 I'm aiming to pronounce words like a native speaker.