Maybe if I threw away your letters and photos, that would draw a line.
けじめを付けるとは英語で "to draw a line" と言います。"to make a distinction" とも言えますがそれは少し堅苦しい感じになります。"to draw a line" のほうは一般に良く言われています。
Maybe if I threw away your letters and photos, that would draw a line.
If I throw out all the letters and pictures from her, would that finally settle things between us?
I wonder if I were to get rid of all her pictures and letters, would that finally put an end to things between us?
ーIf I throw out all the letters and pictures from her, would that finally settle things between us?
throw out で「捨てる」
settle には「解決する・まとまる」などの意味がありますので、ここでは彼女との間にあるいろいろな感情などが解決する=けじめがつく、というニュアンスで使えます。
ーI wonder if I were to get rid of all her pictures and letters, would that finally put an end to things between us?
get rid of ... で「…を捨てる」
put an end to ... で「〜に決着をつける・終止符を打つ」という意味なので、彼女とのことに終止符を打つ、決着をつける=けじめをつける、のようにも言えます。